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ALLSOPP, FRED W., Albert Pike A Biography, Pike is
the best loved of all Freemasons. Learn what made
him the remarkable man he was. Contents: Struggle
for an Education; First Adventure in the West;
Exciting Experiences; Returning North; He Reaches
Fort Smith; His Removal to Little Rock; His
Marriage; Enters Upon Practice of Law; Unofficial
Public Services; War With Mexico; Duel With Colonel
Roane; Pike's Scholarship; Published and
Unpublished Works; Confederate Service; Order for
His Arrest; Becoming a Recluse; His Masonic Career;
His Plea for Fraternalism; Reply to Pope Leo XIII;
Wake of the Fine Arkansas Gentleman; Some Personal
Characteristics; Close of an Eventful Life. 370
pages, ISBN 1-56459-134-4

ANONYMOUS, Jachin and Boaz, An authentic key to the
door of Freemasonry calculated not only for the
instruction of every new-made Mason but also for
the information of all who intend to become
brethren as practiced in 1762. Essential for the
Masonic student and scholar. This book gives the
verbatim degree work of that time. 60 pages, ISBN

ANONYMOUS, Rituals of the Fratres Lucis, The
'Brothers of Light'-also known as the Ritters des
Licht, or 'Knights of Light'-was supposed to be a
Masonic Rosicrucian splinter of the Order of the
Rosy Cross, but authentic information concerning it
is difficult to obtain. This book includes the
rituals of Knight Novice of the Third year, Knight
Novice of the Fifth Year, Knight Novice of the
Seventh Year, Knight Levite and Knight Priest, as
well as an introductory chapter on the order from
A.E. Waite's Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross which
comments on its many Hermetic characteristics. 46
pages, ISBN 1-56459-363-0

ANONYMOUS, Rituals of the Swedenborgian Rite of
Masonry, "The Swedenborgian Rite was revived in the
United States and Canada by Brother Samuel Beswick.
It consists of three elaborate and beautiful
ceremonies for which the Craft is required. A
Supreme Grand Lodge and Temple for G[reat]
B[ritain] & I[reland] was chartered by Brother
Colonel W.J.B. McLeod Moore, 33*, &c., of the
Canadian body, on 1st October, 1875, with Bro. John
Yarker as G.M. A Charter has recently been issued
by this country for a body in Paris, and previously
to Roumania and Egypt" John Yarker, -'The Arcane
Schools.' We learn from Liber LII, The Manifesto
of the O.T.O. (Equinox III:I:197-198), that the
Swedenborgian Rite was 16th in a list of 18 bodies
which contributed its wisdom to this august order.
Its rituals provide an esoteric reinterpretation of
the Craft degrees. This book includes all three
degrees. 91 pages, ISBN 1-56459-362-2

ANONYMOUS, Secret Ritual of the Thirty-third and
Last Degree Sovereign Grand Inspector General of
the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry, This book includes the COMPLETE TEXTS
of two versions of this most secret ritual: (1) a
never-before-published c.1827 early American
version and (2) the ritual used by most Supreme
Councils world-wide. The latter is especially
enlightening to those interested in the
"vengeance," Templar and Kadosh aspects of
Freemasonry. 20 pages, ISBN 1-56459-326-6

ANONYMOUS, The Text-Book of Advanced Freemasonry,
Containing for the Instruction of the Candidates,
the Complete Rituals of the Higher Degrees, viz.,
Royal Ark Mariners, Mark Master, Royal Arch, Red
Cross of Rome and Constantine, and Perfect Prince
Mason, Knights Templar and Rose Croix; and also
Monitorial Instructions in the 30th to 33rd and
Last Degree of Freemasonry. Commenting on the
accuracy of this book in his recent history of the
Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite, ROSE CROIX
(1987), Brigadier A.C.F. Jackson noted, "About
1870, or possibly earlier, the Supreme Council
issued each Chapter with a hand-written ritual....
have been plagiarized from the official manuscripts
referred to above." The Rose Croix ritual in this
book convinced A.E. Waite that high-grade
Freemasonry is related to Rosicrucianism. Read
this important book and find out why! This is a
reprint of the rare 1873 (first) edition.
Essential. 280 pages, ISBN 1-56459-334-7

ANONYMOUS, Three Distinct Knocks, On the Door of
the Most Ancient Freemasonry; Being A Universal
Description of all its Branches from its first Rite
to this Present Time. An Authentic key to the door
of Freemasonry calculated not only for the
instruction of every new-made Mason but also for
the information of all who intend to become
brethren as practiced in 1760. Essential for the
Masonic student and scholar. This book gives the
verbatim degree work of that time. 73 pages, ISBN

BAIRD, GEORGE W., Great American Masons, Contents:
Russell A. Alger, Lewis Cass, Henry Clay, Samuel L.
Clemens (Mark Twain), Henry Dearborn, Josiah Hayden
Drummond, Stephen Girard, Jeremy Gridley, Alexander
Hamilton, John Hancock, Winfield S. Hancock,
Nickolas Herkimer, Sam Houston, Andrew Jackson,
Andrew Johnson, Elisha Kent Kane, Morgan Lewis,
John A. Logan, George B. McClellan, Hugh Mercer,
John Muhlenberg, Thomas Nelson, Robert T. Paine,
Robert E. Peary, William Pinkney, James K. Polk,
Raul Revere, Arthur St. Clair, Winfield S. Schley,
Richard W. Thompson, Stephen Van Rensselaer, Joseph
Warren, William Whipple, David Wooster. 109 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-053-4

BARRY, JOHN W., Masonry and the Flag, Contents:
Freemasons Aid the Birth and Growth of America;
Military; Industry; Science; Education;
Entertainment; Our Legacy: A Source of Freedom and
Justice for All; Salute to the Scottish Rite;
Historical Facts; Educational Activities; Printed
Publications; Films; Scottish Rite Hospitals;
Supreme Council Foundation; Library, Archives and
Robert Burns Collection. A beautiful hardback
book, written by the recent Sovereign Grand
Commander of the Scottish Rite Freemasons. 109
pages, ISBN 1-56459-049-6

BERNARD, DAVID, Light on Masonry, A Collection of
all the Most Important Documents on the Subject of
Speculative Free Masonry. This is the single most
important expose of Freemasonry ever published on
American soil. Long out of print and difficult to
obtain, this book was a product of the "Morgan
episode" and has since become one of the most
sought after items by all students of Masonic
ritual. Once dubbed "the Bible of the anti-
Masons," it includes hundreds of pages of verbatim
degree work copied from rare manuscripts which are
unobtainable elsewhere. Henry W. Coil wrote in his
Masonic Encyclopedia that this book gives the
Scottish Rite rituals as they were worked before
Albert Pike revised them, and indeed, some of its
rituals are extremely similiar to those in the 1783
Francken Manuscript. Having studied both Pike's
rituals and those included in this book, we believe
that Pike used Light on Masonry to help in writing
his "Magnum Opus" because the secret work in both
books is too close to be mere coincidence.
RITUALISTIC CONTENTS: Entered Apprentice; Fellow
Craft; Master Mason; Mark Master; Past Master; Most
Excellent Master; Royal Arch; Knight of the Red
Cross; Knight Templar and Kt. of Malta; Knight of
the Christian Mark and Guard of the Conclave;
Knight of the Holy Sepulchre; The Holy and Thrice
Illustrious Order of the Cross; Secret Master;
Perfect Master; Intimate Secretary; Provost and
Judge; Intendant of the Buildings, or Master in
Israel; Elected Knight of Nine; Elected Grand
Master, or Illustrious Elected of Fifteen;
Illustrious Knight or Sublime Knight Elected; Grand
Master Architect; Knight of the Ninth Arch; Grand
Elect Perfect and Sublime Mason; Prince of
Jerusalem; Knight of the East and West; Knight of
the Eagle and Sovereign Prince of Rose Croix de
Heroden; Grand Pontiff; Venerable Grand Master of
all Symbolic Lodges, Sov. Prince of Masonry, Master
Advitiam, or Grand Pontiff; Knight of the Royal
Axe, or Hache (hatchet); Chief of the Tabernacle;
Prince of the Tabernacle; Knight of the Brazen
Serpent; Prince of Mercy, or Scotch Trinitarian;
Sovereign Commander of the Temple at Jerusalem; Kt.
Adept of the Eagle, or Sun; Knight of Kadosh;
Prince of the Royal Secret; Sovereign Grand
Inspector General; Circular of Grand Inspectors;
Elu de Perignan; Le Petit Architect; Grand
Architect, or Compagnon Ecossois; Le Maitre
Ecossois; Chevalier de l'Orient; Le Chevalier Rose
Croix; Chevalier Prussien. ALSO INCLUDES the anti-
Masonic committee reports, convention proceedings,
orations, essays, etc. relative to the abduction of
William Morgan, the trial of Eli Bruce (and others)
for conspiracy, a History of Freemasonry and much
more. This is a facsimile of the third (and best)
edition, printed in 1829. 560 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

BESWICK, SAMUEL, The Swedenborg Rite and the Great
Masonic Leaders of the Eighteenth Century,
Contents: Swedenborg's Initiation at Lund; Royal
University to Royal College of Mines; Travels-
Visits to Lodges; How the Rite began; Swedenborgian
Masons the Great Leaders of the Eighteenth Century;
Duke Charles, Grand Master of Germany, King
Gustavus III of Sweden, Prince Charles of Sweden,
Grand Commander of Scottish Rite; Cardinal Prince
de Rohn, Grand Commander of Scottish Rite in
France; Count A.J. Von Hopken, Prime Minister of
Sweden; C.F. and Aug. Nordenskjold; M. Matheus,
Grand Master of France; Counsellor S. Sandel;
Benedict Chastanier; Count Zinnendord; Chevalier
Savalette de la Lange; Abbe Pernetti; Count
Cagliostro; Swedenborgian Rite in America; Charles
XII of Sweden; Illuminism. 210 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

BROMWELL, H.P.H., Restorations of Masonic Geometry
and Symbolry Being a Dissertation on the Lost
Knowledges of the Lodge (1905), Here is the most
important work ever written on Masonic Geometry!
"This work is not designed to be a history of
Freemasonry but occupies an entirely new field,
Masonic Geometry and the conformity of the Lodge in
its degrees to the natural order of the Universe
and its forms and situation to the form of the
Earth as to the astronomical lines represented on
the terrestrial and celestial globes." Contents:
Design of this Work; What is Masonry; What is the
Lodge; Government of the Lodge; Geometry; The Three
Great Lights; Form and Situation of the Lodge; The
47th Problem of Euclid; The Floor of the Lodge; The
Entered Apprentices' Lodge; The Globe; The Fellow
Crafts' Lodge; Light; The Master Mason's Lodge; The
Royal Arch; The Temple; The Two Great Pillars; The
Four Cardinal Points and Circumambulation Lavishly
Illustrated! Scarce! Essential for true Masons.
617 pages, ISBN 1-56459-417-3

BROWN, ROBERT HEWITT, 32*, Stellar Theology and
Masonic Astronomy, Contents: Ancient Mysteries
Described; A Chapter of Astronomical Facts; What
the Ancients Knew about Astronomy; Masonic
Astronomy; Astronomical Allegory of the Death and
Resurrection of the Sun; An Astronomical
Explanation of the Emblems, Symbols, and Legends of
the Mysteries, both Ancient and Modern, and the
Lost Meaning of Many of them Restored;
Illustrations. 120 pages, ISBN 1-56459-357-6

BUCK, J.D., Constructive Psychology or the Building
of Character by Personal Effort, "Constructive
Psychology turns the thoughtful and intelligent
individual back upon himself and undertakes to make
exceeding plain those few simple principles by
which he may adjust himself by personal effort and
establish harmonious relations to God to Nature and
to his fellowmen. He will find no necessity for
consulting libraries, philosophies, authorities, or
theologies, helpful as these may be at certain
times or under certain circumstances. He will
appeal solely to his own intelligence, his own
conscience and his own experience. This is the
only source for him of actual knowledge. He knows
only that which he has learned by definite,
personal experience." Contents: The Meaning of
Life, The Road to Knowledge, Growth of the Soul;
The Secret of Power; Constructive Psychology;
Education; Egomania, and the Superman. 207 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-206-5

BUCK, J.D., Genius of Freemasonry and the Twentieth
Century Crusade, "Dedication: "for the Good of
Masonry" in the interest of freedom and fraternity,
Light, Liberty and Love, against-Ignorance,
Superstition and fear, Clericalism, Despotism, and
Jesuitism" "This little book has been written in
answer to the oft-repeated question-'Has any
brother anything to offer for the good of Masonry?'
The following pages are the author's answer to that
question. He can hardly hope that every brother
Mason will agree with his views of either
Freemasonry of clericalism. All he asks is that
they read and consider the facts herein set forth
and their logical bearing on the signs of the times
and the living issues of the day." Contents: To
Catholics; The Grand Architect of the Universe; The
Genius of Freemasonry; Freemasonry as an:
Institution; Fraternity; Science of Ethics;
Philosophy of Life; Great School; Origin of
Freemasonry as a School of Progressive Moral
Science; Freemasonry as a Great Work; Freemasonry
as a World Power versus Clericalism; Facts and
References; Pope's Politics; Real Issues, Balance
of Power; Roman Clericalism-A Menace to
Civilization-The Worst Enemy of Man; The Crusade.
339 pages, ISBN 1-56459-205-7

BUCK, J.D., Holy "Roman" Empire, This article was
published in the July, 1907 issue of "New Age"
published by the Supreme Council of the Southern
Jurisdiction Scottish Rite and is about the Holy
Roman Church's aim and object to gain political
power in America. Freemasonry is a bitter foe to
all forms of tyranny and oppression: religious,
political, and social. It's no surprise therefore,
that the "Holy Roman Church" has issued many "Papal
Bulls" against the Freemasons and has, through its
army of Jesuits, endeavored to suppress Freemasonry
around the world. Here's a 33* Mason who fights
back. 20 pages, ISBN 1-56459-207-3

BUCK, J.D., Lost Word Found, Freemasons have been
searching centuries for the "Lost Word." In this
small but essential work, J. D. Buck, a 33* Mason,
clearly reveals what the word is and what it means.
35 pages, ISBN 0-922802-14-9

BUCK, J.D., Mystic Masonry or the Symbols of
Freemasonry and the Greater Mysteries of Antiquity,
"This Great Secret, this Master's Word, was know to
and preserved in the Mysteries of Antiquity, and is
embodied and preserved in the traditions and
symbols of Masonry today. This fact has been
stated repeatedly in the body of this little book,
the real purpose of which was to set students, and
particularly masonic students, to searching for the
real secret. It is the reward of study and
devotion, and has never been obtained on any other
terms. It has never been conferred in the
ritualistic degrees of the lodge, and never will or
can be. It is the establishment of understanding
in the soul of man between that higher self in him,
and the More, and the Beyond self from which he
draws his life, and from which his intuitions
spring. This is real Initiation: Becoming: At-
one-ment." "There are thousands of Masons, who
realize that Masonry contains and implies far more
than appears in the ritual and ceremonies of the
Lodge. There is a very widespread and growing
interest in this direction, and it is this that
Mystic Masonry, above all else, is designed to
foster, encourage, and help." Contents:
Principles of Education and Ethics; Genius of
Freemasonry; The Secret Doctrine, Science and
Religion, The Septenary Nature of Man, The Sign of
the Master; The Great Lodge, An Outline of
Symbolism. 290 pages, ISBN 1-56459-271-5

BUCK, J.D., New Avatar and the Destiny of the Soul,
The Findings of Natural Science Reduced to
Practical Studies in Psychology. "To the Great
Friends the Helpers-Visible and Invisible- Whose
deepest motive and highest aim are to encourage,
uplift, and inspire those who Need; That all, at
last, may stand together in the midst of the
Radiant Splendor of Eternal Truth." "At the age of
seventy-two, my egotism is at least softened by the
discovery of the many things I do not know; and my
dogmatism, so far as it ever existed, is equally
relaxed by the realization that it is a bar to
light and knowledge, which rest so largely on
demonstration. From first to last, my 'Study of
Medicine' has been generically and specifically a
'Study of Man,' physical, mental, ethical, and
psychical." Contents: Studies in Psychology:
Classification of Faculties, Capacities, and
Powers; Empirical and Scientific Evidence;
Mediumship, Seership, and Hypnosis; Measure of
Values; Summary & Conclusions; The Cross in
Religion and the Crux in Science; The Modulus of
Nature and the Theorem of Psychology; The New
Avatar of Natural Science: Our Indebtedness to
Ancient India; Hero Worship and Folklore;
Corroborative Evidence; Conceptions and Portents of
an Avatar; Portents of the Present Time; The
Separable Soul in Folklore; From Confusion to
Construction; Science of Psychology as a Knowledge
of the Human Soul; The New Avatar. 236 pages, ISBN

BUCK, J.D., Thirty-third and Last Degree: Masonry
or Politics?, Albert Pike was responsible for the
tremendous expansion of the Scottish Rite because
of his comprehension of occult law. After his
death, Christian fundamentalist Masons, repudiated
his "esoterism" and sought to discredit his
teachings. This discourse also brings up the
interesting question of whether the Sovereign Grand
Commander of the Scottish Rite should hold the
office for life and what his qualifications should
be. Written 1907, it addresses the same crisis
that is facing Freemasonry today. "Are we
progressing? And in which direction? We are
facing a crisis. Increase of numbers in the Order;
ambition for active, life office; the building of a
great Temple that shall cost nearly a million of
dollars, and involve the Order hopelessly in debt
for generations to come, more likely means ruin.
In the meantime the real spirit, aims and ideals of
Masonry are being lost in the rubbish or dying for
lack of support and appreciation." 12 pages, ISBN

BURT, CALVIN C., Egyptian Masonic History of the
Original and Unabridged Ancient and Ninety-six
(96*) Rite of Memphis, "This book was written for
the purpose of showing what the Egyptian Masonic
Rite of Memphis really is; as some of the Craft
have not had the advantages of Masonic libraries,
and have been made to believe that it is an
innovation on the other Rites or Systems.... The
Masonic order of Memphis is...the sole depository
of high masonic science, the true primitive rite,
the supreme rite, that which has come down to us
without any alteration.... In fine, the Rite of
Memphis is the true masonic tree, and all other
systems, whatever they may be, are only detached
branches of this institution, rendered respectable
by its vast antiquity." This book is THE ONLY
its original members and leaders. It inlcudes the
complete texts of documents not obtainable
elsewhere and also fascinating extracts from
numerous rituals of the Rite of Memphis (including
the Rose Croix) before it was abbreviated by Harry
J. Seymour and/or John Yarker. Also included are
the complete texts of the 43* Adept Installator,
44* Grand Consecrator, and 45* Grand Eulogist
rituals. 350 pages, ISBN 1-56459-341-X

CAGLIOSTRO, COMTE DE, Cagliostro's Secret Ritual of
Egyptian Rite Freemasonry, So, you've read about
Count Cagliostro's "Egyptian Masonry" in books by
Manly P. Hall, W.R.H. Trowbridge, A.E. Waite, John
Yarker and others, but you've never seen the
rituals? Here they are! This book includes THE
COMPLETE RITUALS of all three degrees, including
the evocation of the planetary angels. Very
scarce. 60 pages, ISBN 1-56459-321-5

CARLILE, RICHARD, Manual of Freemasonry, "My object
is here to instruct Masons as well as others, and
not to give them offence. They ask for light.
Here is Light!" This book is the CLASSIC
published in 1825, just twelve years after the
organization of the United Grand Lodge of England,
this works boasts the most complete collection of
early versions of the English masonic rituals
available under a single cover. Contains early
versions of the three Craft degrees, the Royal
Arch, Knight Templar Druids, Mark Man, Mark Master,
Architect, Grand Architect, Scotch Master or
Superintendent, Secret Master, Perfect Master,
Intimate Secretary, Intendant of the Buildings,
Past Master, Excellent Masons, Super-Excellent
Masons, Nine Elected Knights, Elect of Nine,
Peregnon, Elect of Fifteen, Priestly Order of
Israel, Irish Master, Noahites or Prussian Knights,
Red Cross Sword of Babylon, Knights of the Sword of
the East, Red Cross of Rome and Constantine,
Knights of the White Eagle or Pelican, Knights of
the Eagle and Rosicrucian or Ne Plus Ultra.
Illuminating study for Masons and nonmembers. 311
pages, ISBN 1-56459-197-2

CARNAHAN, JAMES R., Secret Ritual of the Pythian
Knighthood (1890), This is an obscure and extremely
interesting book on the Knights of Pythias-a
militant spiritual order. Contents: Pythian
Knighthood its History and Literature; The Historic
Damon and Pythias; The Poetic Damon and Pythias;
and The Secret Ritual. This may be the only book
available on this courageous mystical order. 101
pages, ISBN 1-56459-383-5

CARR, HARRY, Early French Exposures, This book
includes the only English language translations of
many rare and extremely important Masonic ritual
exposures. For about twenty years (1740-1762)
there were no new exposures of Masonic ritual in
the English language. This book not only helps to
fill that gap but provides our first descriptions
of the high grades (haut grades) of the
Adoniramite system which worked its way into the
Scottish Rite rituals. There are also some
extremely beautiful woodcuts depicting contemporary
ritualistic procedures (including a raising),
tracing boards and charts of Masonic ciphers.
CONTENTS: Reception d'un Frey-Macon [Reception of a
Freemason] (1737), La Reception Mysterieuse [The
Mysterious Reception] (1738), Le Secret des Francs-
Macons [The Secret of the Freemasons] (1742), Le
Catechisme des Franc-Macons [The Catechism of the
Freemasons] (1744), Le Parfait Macon [The Perfect
mason] (1744), La Franc-Maconne [The Lady
Freemason] (1744), Le Sceau Rompu [The Broken Seal]
(1745), L'Ordre des Franc-Macons Trahi [The Order
of Freemasons Betrayed] (1745), Les Franc-Macons
Ecrases [The Freemasons Crushed] (1747), La
Desolation des Entrepreneurs Modernes du Temple de
Jerusalem [The Desolation of the Modern Builders of
the Temple of Jerusalem] (1747), L'Anti-Macon [The
anti-Mason] (1748), Le Macon Demasque [The Mason
Unmasked] (1751). Extremely valuable and highly
recommended. Not for sale outside the U.S.A. 510
pages, ISBN 1-56459-325-8

CHURCHWARD, ALBERT, Arcana of Freemasonry, "I
dedicate this work to all my brother Masons of
whatever clime and whatever creed who take an
interest in Masonic research." Freemasonry-The
Bridge of History-Uniting the Past with the
Present; The soul of Masonry, The Divine Name;
Second Century of Modern Masonry; Origins of
Freemasonry; Freemasonry, Past and Future; Origin
and Explanation of some Masonic Signs and Symbols;
Egyptology and Masonry; Four Cardinal Points;
Operative Masonry. 327 pages, ISBN 1-56459-106-9

CHURCHWARD, ALBERT, Origin and Antiquity of
Freemasonry, And its Analogy to the Eschatology of
the Ancient Egyptians, as Witnessed by the "Book of
the Dead," and the Great Pyramid of Ghizeh, the
First Masonic Temple in the World. "Many Masons
take great interest in the past history of the
craft; few, we believe, have any idea of its real
origin, and it is to these, therefore, more
especially that this discourse is addressed."
"After long investigation we are able to throw a
light on the Origin and Antiquity of Freemasonry,
and proofs of the same." 75 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

CHURCHWARD, ALBERT, Origin and Evolution of
Freemasonry, Connected With the Origin and
Evolution of the Human Race. "To all my brother
Freemasons throughout the world who are seeking for
the truth." "In order to gain a true conception of
the origin and evolution of Freemasonry, its Signs,
Symbols, and all its Rituals and Ceremonies, one
must have also a knowledge of the origin and
evolution of the Human Race." Contents: Periodic
Laws of the Corpuscles and Socialists; Life and
What It Is-Material, Spiritual and Evolutional;
Sign Language; Creation and Evolution to Pygmies-
Pre-Totemic Homo, With Origin of the First Symbol;
Evolution of Totemic People and Origin of Some of
Our Signs, Symbols, Ceremonies, and Explanations of
the Same; Stellar Cult People and Origin of other
Signs and Symbols-Symbols-The Seven Lesser
Mysteries-The Initiatory Ceremony-Written Language-
Ancient Hittite Inscription Translated-Origin of
the Operative and Speculative Masons and
Differences; Lunar Cult-Solar Cult-Origin of Other
Signs and Symbols-Origin of the Ten Greater
Mysteries, or Mysteries of Amenta-Their Perversion
by the Greeks and Other Nations; Horus of the
Double Horizon and Early Solar Cults; Mythical
Representations and Evolution of Religious Ideas-
Ten Greater Mysteries and Relations of the Same;
Universal Brotherhood of Freemasonry the only
Effective Means for Permanent peace Throughout the
World. 239 pages, ISBN 1-56459-104-2

COVEY-CRUMP, W.W., Hiramic Tradition, A Surbvey of
Hypotheses Concerning It. Contents: When was the
Tradition Introduced into Craft Ritual? Did it
Originate in Rosicrucianism; The "Hiram" of the
Biblical Story; Adoram, Adoniram, Abel, Zechariah
and Abdemon; Was the Tradition a Variant from the
Osirian Mystery? Myths of Persephone, Hecate,
Orpheus, Iacchos, Adonis, Tammuz and Mithra;
William of Colchester, Roger de Alomali and Reynaud
of Cologne; Thomas a Becket and Fulk Le Nerra;
Jacques De Molay and the Templars; King Charles I
and the Jacobites; Compagnonnage Legend; The Fall
of Man and Death of Jesus. 120 pages, 1-56459-294-4

CRAFTS, GEORGE, R. ED., The Mysteries of
Freemasonry (The Morgan Expose), This is the only
book that contains a revision of the Rite
Perfection (4th-14th degress). Containing all the
degrees of the Order conferred in a Master's Lodge,
as written by Captain William Morgan, All the
degrees conferred in the Royal Arch Chapter and
Grand Encampment of Knights Templar-Knights of the
Red Cross-of the Christian Mark-and of the Holy
Sepulchre. Also, the Eleven Ineffable Degrees
conferred in the Lodge of Perfection-and in the
still higher degrees of Prince of Jerusalem-Knights
of the East and West-Venerable Grand Master of
Symbolic Lodges-Knights and Adepts of the Eagle or
Sun-Princes of the Royal Secret-Sovereign Inspector
General, etc. Revised and corrected to correspond
with the most approved forms and ceremonies in the
various Lodges of Freemasons throughout the United
States. 209 pages, ISBN 1-56459-342-8

DEHOYOS, ART, A Cloud of Prejudice: A Study in
Anti-Masonry, Freemasonry has historically suffered
from unfounded fanatical religious attacks. Why?
Because Freemasonry transcends all religions by
being universal in its approach to God. This
ignites the pettiness of narrow-minded religious
zealots who stoop to making outlandish accusations
against Freemasonry based upon their own biased and
often deliberate misinterpretations of Masonic
rituals and publications. This study focuses on
the anti-Masonic message of Pastor Ron Carlson,
President of "Christian Ministries International:
(Eden Prairie, Minnesota), who markets his anti-
Masonic sermon on an audio cassette entitled
"Freemasonry and the Masonic Lodge." The global
distribution of Carlson's message has made him one
of the most popular speaking "authorities" on the
alleged dangers of Freemasonry, and his arguments
are being accepted and repeated by unwitting
ministers world-wide. Carlson boasts that his
sermons have led 5,000 Masons out of the Craft.
According to Pastor Carlson (who claims to have
spent eighteen months engaged in "full time"
investigation) Freemasonry is an amalgam of
Luciferianism, Nature Worship, Occultism, Paganism,
Pantheism, Phallic Worship, and Universalism. In
his sermon Carlson claims to expose the dark
secrets of the Fraternity by exclusive reference to
the writings of Masonic "authorities." Relying
chiefly on Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma, Carlson
repeatedly "quotes" passages which, in the Pastor's
view, prove that Masonry "is not compatible with
Christianity [but] rather, [that] it is anti-
Christian...." In this study, Brother deHoyos,32*
examines every allegation made in Carlson's sermon
and reveals the weaknesses and fallacies of the
Pastor's arguments. Carlson's misrepresentations
and misquotations are discovered by verbatim
comparisons of the authentic texts which he
allegedly employed, while the discovery of his
dependence on anti-Masonic literature and even
forgeries exposes a prejudice void of intellectual
integrity. Carlson's weak arguments are laid bare
to reveal an ignorance of the truth while claiming
to lead followers to salvation. There is no
greater persecution than that of religious tyranny.
Blind religious zeal attempts to discredit the
truth to support its dark sectarian lies. This
book is highly recommended for anyone interested in
discovering the fallacies of anti-Masonry. 180
pages, ISBN 1-56459-287-1

DEHOYOS, ART, TRANS., Rituals of the Masonic Grand
Lodge of the Sun (Bayreuth, Germany), Only English-
language translation available of the three Craft
degrees of the extinct Masonic Grand Lodge "zur
Sonne" (Bayreuth, Germany) which was closed down by
the Nazis. This beautiful Masonic Ritual, written
by Grand Master Bluntschli in 1874, gives the most
clear meaning and spiritual unfoldment of any "Blue
Lodge Degrees" that we have ever read. The
workings differ markedly from English and American
varieties. Sublime. (formerly, THE BLUNTSCHLI
RITUALS) 38 pages, ISBN 1-56459-269-3

EVANS, HENRY RIDGLEY, History of the York and
Scottish Rite in Freemasonry, The Scottish Rite has
often been called the Rite that defends the natural
rights of man. The York Rite is based upon
Christian chivalry. Both Rites, along with the
Blue Lodge Degrees, represent the highest
aspirations of mankind. Worthy reading for those
who appreciate humanitarian movements of the
highest degree. 81 pages, ISBN 1-56459-044-5

FRANCKEN, HENRY ANDREW, Francken Manuscript 1783,
This is a complete typescript of the rituals of all
twenty-five degrees of Etienne (Stephen) Morin's
Masonic Rite which became the foundation of the
Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite. Soon after
the development of 'Ecossais' Masonry in France,
Morin was appointed 'Grand Inspector in all parts
of the New World' by the Council of the Grand and
Sovereign Lodge of St. Jean de Jerusalem in either
Bordeaux or Paris. Morin, who had access to many
high grade rituals, then apparently created a set
of Masonic regulations called the 'Constitutions of
1762' to assist him in establishing High-Grade
Masonry in the New World; he also organized these
'haut grades' into a Masonic rite. Armed with his
patent, Morin traveled to Kingston, Jamaica, and
between 1762 and 1767 conferred his rite upon H.A.
Francken, whom he also appointed Deputy Inspector-
General in 1769. Francken wrote out the rituals in
at least three manuscripts-the most complete set
being the 1783 manuscript. In 1767 Francken
authorized a 'Lodge of Perfection' in Albany, New
York, and the seeds of Scottish Rite Masonry were
planted on the East Coast. By 1800 some fifty men
had been appointed Deputy Inspectors, and several
resolved to establish a governing body of the Rite.
A document, known as the 'Constitutions of 1786'
authorized an increase from Morin's 25-degree
system to one of 33 degrees. On May 31, 1801, the
first Supreme Council, 33*, of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite was organized in Charleston,
South Carolina, which survives today as the Supreme
Council, 33*, (Mother Council of the World)
A\A\S\R\, Southern Masonic Jurisdiction, USA. This
is a complete copy of Francken's best manuscript,
and is the single most important document relating
to the Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite,
because it the lineal predecessor of the Rite. The
rituals of this manuscript represent their
authentic form at the birth of Scottish Rite,
before they were modified by Carson, Gourgas,
Yates, Pike, etc. To whatever extent the rituals
may have changed in any jurisdiction, all owe their
existence to the rituals of this magnificent
document. CONTENTS: The 7 classes of antient and
Modern Masonry; Laws and regulations for a Lodge of
Perfection; Statutes and Regulations for a Lodge of
Perfection; Further Instructions for a Lodge of
Perfection; 4*, Secret Master; 5*, Perfect Master;
6*, Intimate Secretary by Curiosity; 7*, Provost
and Judge; 8*, Intendant of the Buildings; 9*,
Master Elected of Nine; 10*, Illustrious Elected of
Fifteen; 11*, Sublime Knights Elected; 12*, Grand
Master Architect; 13*, Knights of the Royal Secret;
14*, Perfection; 15*, Knights of the East; 16*,
Princes of Jerusalem; 17*, Knights of East and
West; 18*, Knights of White Eagle or Pelican; 19*,
Grand Pontif; 20*, Sovereign Prince of Masonry or
Master ad Vitam; 21*, Prussian Knight or Noachite;
22*, Knights of the Royal Ax; 23*, Knights of the
Sun; 24*, Knights of Kadoch & the Ne plus ultra of
Masonry; 25*, The Royal Secret.; Form of submission
to be signed by all those who are initiated. This
document is a reproduction of an invaluable Masonic
manuscript-not an expose-and is the single most
important source of information on the early
Scottish Rite rituals in existence. 230 pages, ISBN

GOODWIN, S.H., Mormonism and Masonry, Mormonism is
based upon Freemasonry! Read this book and
discover how and why. 106 pages, ISBN 1-56459-051-8

GRANT, MELVILLE ROSYN, True Principles of
Freemasonry, "A treatise on the History, principles
or tenets of Freemasonry, for the information of
those who are 'within the veil,' as well as those
who are without." Included herewith find: letter
"Humanum Genus"; Albert Pike's reply thereto; Edict
of Pope Pius VII. Historical Briefs; Old Records
and Manuscripts; What is Freemasonry? Symbolism;
Teachings of Freemasonry; Entered Apprentice;
Fellow Craft; Master Mason; Letter "Humanum Genus";
Praelocution; Reply to Pope Leo XIII; Edict of Pope
Pius VII; Extracts from Profession of Faith; the
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. 380 pages, ISBN 1-

GUILLEMAN, LOUIS, The Secret Rituals of the
Adonhiramite Rite of Freemasonry, This work is an
English translation of Louis Guilleman de Saint
Victor's book "Recueil Precieux de la Maconnerie
Adonhiramite" (1787 edition), and includes rituals
of the following degrees-1* Entered Apprentice, 2*
Fellowcraft, 3* Master Mason, 4* First Elu or Elu
of the Nine, 5* Second Elu, Called of Perignan, 6*
Third Elu, Called Elu of the Fifteen, 7* Minor
[Little] Architect, 8* Grand Architect or Scottish
Fellowcraft, 9* Scottish Master, 10* Knight of the
Sword or Knight of the East or of the Eagle, 11*
Knight Rose Croix, 12* Noachite or Prussian Knight.
Many of these degree were adopted, almost
wholesale, into the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite of Freemasonry and provides not only
interesting view of early Freemasonry, but helps us
understand the evolution of Scottish Rite
Freemasonry. 160 pages, ISBN 1-56459-332-0

HIGGINS, FRANK C., Ancient Freemasonry: An
Introduction to Masonic Archeology, Contents:
Freemasonry the Parent of all Religions; Legends of
Masonry; Mysteries of Freemasonry; Mysteries of the
Knights Templar; Hidden Source of Freemasonry and
its Rituals; Science of Ancient Masonry;
Freemasonry's Sacred Cities; Astronomy's part in
Freemasonry; Symbols of Freemasonry Charms and
amulets; Light on the Ancient Mysteries of
Initiation; Freemasonry Solves the Mysteries of the
Pyramids; Women in Freemasonry; Masonic Tradition
of Adam and Eve; King Solomon a Wizard; Sampson and
Initiation, plus much more! Esoteric and
stimulating. 470 pages, ISBN 1-56459-339-8

HIGGINS, FRANK C., Hermetic Masonry, An excellent
collection of several esoteric writings. Chapters
on: The First Books of Masonry; Theosophy and
Masonry; Pythagoras and Freemasonry; The Number-
Letter System; King Solomon's Temple; Symbolism;
and "AUM, the Lost Word." And much more! 170 pages,
ISBN 0-922802-12-1

HIGGINS, FRANK C., The Apron: Its Traditions,
History and Secret Significances (1914), With 27
illustrations by the author. This little book is
issued as a proclamation to the whole world of
philosophic and Religious thought that Masonry is
the original vehicle of Divine Revelation. 24
pages, ISBN 1-56459-418-1

HIGGINS, FRANK C., The Cross of the Magi: An
Unveiling of the Greatest of all the Ancient
Mysteries, Contents: The Great Solar Myth; The
Geometric Genesis; Magian Mathematics; The
Celestial Square; The Cross and the Magi; Crosses
and Swastikas; What the Swastika really is. 60
pages, ISBN 1-56459-335-5

JOHNSTON, E.R., Masonry Defined, A Liberal Masonic
Education that Every Mason Should Have. Compiled
from the Writings of Albert G. Mackey and Many
Other Eminent Authorities. Revised and Enlarged.
This is a rare book and highly sought after by the
serious Masonic student. "The average Mason, after
taking his degrees in Masonry, immediately asks
himself what it all means. Few Masons have, or
will take, the time to make an exhaustive study of
Masonry. It is to this class of busy Masons this
work will make an especial appeal. We have culled
from the writings of many eminent Masonic scholars
the 'meat' of the subject, and present it in such
form that the busy Mason can get what he wants
without the necessity of extensive reading or
study. No Mason can acquire in a few days or
months, or even years, all there is in Masonry.
Everything in Masonry has a beautiful meaning if
rightly understood, and everything done in the
ritual work is meant to teach a distinct moral
lesson. Masonry would die out in five years if it
had to depend upon about 85% of the membership. It
is the small minority-the really interested Masons-
who have kept and are keeping the order alive
today." 937 pages, ISBN 1-56459-379-7

Masonic Catechisms, This extremely interesting book
is the single most important reference work ever
published on the development of Masonic ritual.
It includes complete transcripts of every important
manuscript and exposure describing Masonic rituals
from 1696 through 1750, including the Edinburgh
Register House Ms (1696), the Chetwode Crawley Ms
(c. 1700), The Kevan Ms (c. 1714-20), the Sloane Ms
3329 (c. 1700), the Dumfries No. 4 Ms (c. 1710),
the Trinity College Dublin Ms (1711), A Mason's
Examination (1723), The Grand Mystery of Free-
Masons Discover'd (1724), The Whole Institution of
Masonry (1724), Institution of Free Masons (c.
1725), The Whole Institutions of Free-Masons Opened
(1725), the Graham Ms (1726), The Grand Mystery
Laid Open (1726), A Mason's Confession (c. 1725),
The Mystery of Free-Masonry (1730), Prichard's
Masonry Dissected (1730), the Chesham Manuscript
(c. 1740), Dialogue Between Simon and Philip (c.
1740), the Essex Ms (c. 1750). Also included are
several "rejoiners" and a very useful introduction
on the development of Masonic ritual. This is the
only book of its kind and is practically impossible
to find elsewhere. Its invaluable collection of
documents belongs on the shelf of every Masonic
student. Extremely valuable and highly recommended.
Not for sale outside the U.S.A. 260 pages, ISBN 1-

LEADBEATER, C.W., Hidden Life in Freemasonry,
Written for the handful of Masons who seek to
understand the true occult-theosophical workings of
Freemasonry. Contents: History of Masonry; The
Lodge; The Fittings of the Lodge; Preliminary
Ceremonies; The Opening of the Lodge; Initiation;
The Second Degree; The Third Degree; The Higher
Degrees; Two Wonderful Rituals; Closing the Lodge.
Leadbeater reveals how the Masonic ritual is a
scientific way of energizing the Masonic lodge and
its faithful members so as to bring about an
attunement with the Great White Lodge. 375 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-026-7

LLOYD, JOHN URI, Etidorhpa or The End of the Earth,
The Strange History of a Mysterious Being and the
Account of a Remarkable Journey. This edition
contains the expanded and enlarged version. This
is the most fascinating, fictional, alchemical
work, of Freemasonry. Join this student and his
Adept Guide on an alchemical journey to the "End of
the Earth." Contents: My Purpose is to Tell the
Truth; Never Less Alone than When Alone; A Friendly
Conference; A Second Interview with the Mysterious
Visitor; A Search for Knowledge-The Alchemist
Letter; The Writing of My Confession; Kidnapped; A
Wild Night-I am Prematurely Aged; A Lesson in Mind
Study; I Can Not Establish My Identity; My Journey
Towards the End of Earth Begins-The Adepts'
Brotherhood; My Journey Continues-Instinct; A
Cavern Discovered-Biswell's Hill; Punch-Bowls and
Caverns of Kentucky-"Into the Unknown Country."
Farewell to God's Sunshine-The Echo of the Cry; A
Zone of Light Deep Within the Earth; The Fungus
Forest-Enchantment; The Cry From A Distance-I Rebel
Against Continuing the Journey; My Unbidden Guest,
I-Am-The-Man, Proves His Statement; My Weight
Disappearing; My Unbidden Guest Departs; The Mother
of a Volcano-"You Can Not Disprove, and You Dare
Not Admit"; Motion From Inherent Energy-"Lead Me
Deeper Into This Expanding Study"; Sleep, Dreams,
Nightmare-"Strangle the Life From My Body"; A
Challenge-My Unbidden Guest Accepts it-Looking
Backward-The Living Brain; Primary Colors are
Capable of Father Subdivision; I cease to Breathe,
and Yet Live; "A Certain Point Within a Sphere"-Men
are as Parasites on the Roof of Earth; Drunkenness-
The Drinks of Man; The Drunkard's Voice; The
Drunkards' Den; Among the Drunkards; Further
Temptation-Etidorhpa; Misery; Eternity Without
Time; The Fathomless Abyss-The Edge of the Earth
Shell; My Heart Throb is Stilled, and Yet I Live;
The Inner Circle, or the End of Gravitation-In the
Bottomless Gulf; Hearing Without Ears-"What Will be
the End?"; Oscillating Through Space-Earth's Shell
Above Me; My Weight Annihilated-"Tell Me," I Cried
in Alarm, "Is this to be a Living Tomb?; Is That a
Mortal?-"The End of Earth."; The Last Farewell; A
Search for Knowledge; Vitalized Darkness-The
Narrows in Science; The Food of Man; The Unbidden
Guest Proves His Statement; Question Scientific
Men-Aristotle's Ether; The Soliloquy of Professor
Daniel Vaughan-Gravitation is the Beginning and
Gravitation is the End: All Earthly Bodies Yield
to Gravitation; A Challenge; Beware of Biology, the
Science of the Life of Man; What would Happen if a
Crevice Should Open in the Ocean's Bottom; Matter
is Retarded Motion; A Study of Science is a Study
of God-Communing with Angels; A Remarkable Contest;
Why and How; I seek a Confidant; Tis not the Eye,
but the Brain that Sees an Object; The Vision of
the Future of Science. Illustrated by J. Augustus
Knapp, who illustrated the Secret Teachings Of All
Ages by Manly P. Hall. 375 pages, ISBN 1-56459-243-

Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Partial Contents:
Four World Movements; Hebrew Kabala; Speculative
Masonry; Humanism; Reformation in France;
Freemasonry Transplanted and Transformed; Andrew M.
Ramsay; His Religious Experiences; Vernal Equinox
Address; The Earliest High Degrees and their
Masonic Status; Forerunners of the Scottish Rite;
Rites and Degrees in General; Emperors of the East
and West; First Grand Constitutions; High Degrees
in Germany; Geneva Consistory; Prince Masons of
Ireland; Stephen Morin and His Patent; Frederick
the Great and Freemasonry; The Second Grand
Constitutions-1786; The Degree System; Results of
Morin's Mission; Chronology. 170 pages, 1-56459-

MACKENZIE, KENNETH R.H., The Royal Masonic
Cyclopaedia (1877), Extremely scarce and fervently
sought after, this book rates as one of the most
prized sources of Masonic research available to the
sincere student of Freemasonry. H. P. Blavatsky
constantly refers to this work throughout her
Secret Doctrine. Unlike other Masonic
encyclopedias, this is noted for fully exploring
the esoteric roots of Freemasonry. Interestingly,
Mackenzie and this work were consulted by leading
esoterists of that time. Mackenzie may have even
produced the Golden Dawn Ciphers. Replete with
Masonic wisdom, this is one of those rare gems that
truly offers "More Light in Masonry." 790 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-420-3

MACKEY, ALBERT G., Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, And
its Kindred Sciences Comprising the Whole Range of
Arts, Sciences and Literature as Connected With the
Institution. Mackey knew that very "few men have
the means, time, and the inclination for the
purchase of numerous books, and for the close and
attentive reading of them...to acquire a knowledge
of all matters connected with the science, the
philosophy, and the history of his Order." It was
this thought that suggested to him that he should
collect materials for a work which under one cover
might help to enlighten his Brethren. This book is
so absorbing you could sit and read it from cover
to cover. It also serves as a handy reference
guide for any Masonic question that may arise.
Highly recommended. 1046 pages, ISBN 1-56459-099-2

MARCONIS, E. J., Sanctuary of Memphis or Hermes, Do
you want to know about the the masonic Rite of
Memphis? Read this book! Marconis was the son of
the man who founded the order and includes
information not obtainable elsewhere, such as the
"universal tyler" which gives all the secret grips,
words, and signs of all the degrees of the Masonic
Rites of Memphis, the French Rite, and the Scottish
Rite, from the 1st through the 33* degrees
inclusive! Marconis also includes the complete
ritual of the 1st degree and the instruction of the
2nd and 3nd degrees plus important information on
Adoptive (androgynous) Masonry and charts of
several secret Masonic alphabets. 230 pages, ISBN

MASONIC SERVICE ASSOC., Masonic Poems, Read and
enjoy these wonderful Masonic poems that lift your
heart and spirit. 91 pages, ISBN 1-56459-039-9

MASONIC SERVICE ASSOC., Masonry and Americanism,
Chapters: Masonic Brotherhood and The United
States; Religious Liberty; Equality Before the Law;
Equality of Opportunity; The Dignity of Labor. 150
pages, ISBN 1-56459-038-0

MASONIC SERVICE ASSOC., Three Degrees and Great
Symbols of Freemasonry, This book adroitly reveals
the majesty of the symbolism of the first three
degrees and how the symbolism aids the initiate to
"Build the Temple." 112 pages, ISBN 1-56459-045-3

MORSE, SIDNEY, Freemasonry in the American
Revolution, Freemasons founded the Great Republic
of the United States upon the Mystical Precepts of
Liberty (religious, political, economic, social,
individual, and educational), Fraternity, and
Equality. Read about their fascinating struggles
and ultimate success. 134 pages, ISBN 1-56459-047-X

NEWTON, JOSEPH FORT, Great Light in Masonry, "A
little book made up of words spoken and written at
various times in honor of the Holy Bible,
celebrating its spiritual faith, its moral majesty,
its literary wonder, and above all it revelation of
the will of God for the life of man. Our Craft is
wise in making the nobelest book on earth its
Guide, Prophet, and Friend, uniting the light of
Revelation and the Law of Nature in the service of
the Brotherly Life." 92 pages, ISBN 1-56459-046-1

NEWTON, JOSEPH FORT, Modern Masonry, "This little
book professes to be nothing more than the merest
sketch and outline of the extraordinary development
of Modern Masonry since the founding of the Grand
Lodge of England in 1717." Contents: The
Background; The "Revival"; The Great Schism; The
Reconciliation; The Advance; The Old World; The New
World. 92 pages, ISBN 1-56459-043-7

OLIVER, REV. GEORGE, History of Initiation, In
Twelve Lectures Comprising a Detailed Account of
the Rites and Ceremonies, Doctrines and Discipline
of all the Secret and Mysterious Institutions of
the Ancient World. Contents: General
Introduction; History of Initiation in Hindostan;
Philosophy of the Eastern Mysteries; Initiation in
Persia; History of Initiation in Greece; Ceremonies
of Initiation into the Mysteries of Bacchus; Places
of Initiation into the Celtic Mysteries; Ceremonies
of Initiation in Britain; Symbols and Doctrines of
the Druids; History of Initiation into the Gothic
Mysteries; Doctrines and Morality; History of
Initiation in America; Corollary. 236 pages, 1-

OLIVER, REV. GEORGE, Pythagorean Triangle: Or The
Science of Numbers, Contents: The Pythagorean
Triangle Explained, with a Dissertation on the
Peculiarities of Masonic Number; The Monad or Point
Discussed as the Origin of All Calculation; The
Duad or Line Exemplified; Illustration of the Triad
or Superfice; (The Superfice, or Equilateral
Triangle, Triad, Ternary, or the Number Three);
Progressive Generation of the Tetrad or Solid,
Representing Fire; Geometrical Application of the
Pentad or Pyramid, Representing Water; Infinite
Divisibility of the Hexad or Double Triangle,
Representing Earth; Remarkable Properties of the
Heptad; Mysterious References of the Ogdoad or
Cube, Representing Air; Ancient Superstitions
Attached to the Ennead or Triple Triangle; Perfect
Nature of the Decad or Circle, and the Application
of the Dodecaedron as a Representation of the
System of the Universe. 260 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

OLIVER, REV. GEORGE, Signs and Symbols, Illustrated
and Explained in a Course of Twelve Lectures on
Freemasonry. Contents: On the Hieroglyphical
System of the Ancients; On the All Seeing Eye; The
Serpent; The Cherubim; The Deluge; The Mysterious
Darkness of the Third Degree; The Three Pillars,
Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty; The Masonic Ladder;
The Point Within the Circle; The Masonic Apron; The
Government of the Lodge; Conclusion of the Course.
210 pages, 1-56459-302-9

OLIVER, REV. GEORGE, The Antiquities of
Freemasonry, Comprising Illustrations of the Five
Grand Periods of Masonry from the Creation of the
World to the Dedication of King Solomon's Temple.
"The objections which have been so unceasingly
urged against the institution of Freemasonry,
excited in me, some years ago, a serious desire to
obviate the general and vague charges of envy and
prejudice, by some formal examinations of the
grounds on which they are founded." Contents: On
Masonic Tradition; View of Masonry, as it existed
from the Creation of the World to the time o f
Enoch; Origin of the Arts & Sciences; View of
Masonry from Enoch to Universal Deluge; Idolatrous
Mysteries, as contrasted with Free-Masonry; View of
Masonry from universal Deluge to offering of Issac;
On Symbolical Instruction; View of Masonry from
offering of Issac to Deliverance from Egyptian
Captivity; Five Points of Fellowship; View of
Masonry from Deliverance to Dedication of King
Solomon's Temple. 250 pages, ISBN 1-56459-398-3

PALMER, JOHN C., Morgan Affair and Anti-Masonry,
Morgan violated his Masonic obligations by
revealing the secrets of Freemasonry-later, he was
missing from the face of the earth. Did the Masons
murder him as some Anti-Masons claim? Read this
book and find out. 117 pages, ISBN 1-56459-052-6

PHYLOTUS, Esoteric Masonry or the Storehouse
Unlocked, "The mention of the word Masonry, to the
ordinary mind, suggests a body of men possessing
certain secrets, which, to the uninitiated, are
full of wonder. Should I here announce to the
Masonic world that they, as an organization, have
not in their possession THE secret for which all
their rite and symbolism stands, they would be
justly startled. But such is the fact. It is not
the purpose of this work to review Masonry as to
its origin, etc., but to interpret its hidden
mystic meaning to those 'Who have made proficiency
and been duly passed.' By some I shall perhaps be
thought a madman, by some as too vague for clear
understanding, and by some as undertaking the
impossible. To all, I humbly ask a close and
sincere study of these pages; and, I have reason to
believe, that if you will pursue this course, you
will discover the 'LIGHT' which you have so fondly
dreamed in your possession." 80 pages, ISBN 1-

PIKE, ALBERT, Book of the Words, Here's Pike at his
best! Masonry is permeated with powerful
symbolism-both verbal and pictorial-that arouses
the mental, spiritual, and intellectual life of
those who use them. This extremely interesting
study, once limited to 150 copies, gives the
correct spelling of, and analyzes all the
"significant words" (pass words, etc.) in, the
Scottish Rite from the 1st through 30th degrees
inclusive. In addition to being an etymological
dictionary Pike explains WHY any given word was
chosen for a given degree thereby revealing THE
highly recommended! 180 pages, ISBN 1-56459-161-1

PIKE, ALBERT, Ex Corde Locutiones: Words from the
Heart Spoken of his Dead Brethren, This unique book
is extremely important for two reasons. First, for
its biographical history of all the luminaries who
have worked and died in the Scottish Rite and
secondly, Pike's eloquent prose on the philosophy
of life and death is presented here with the
clarity and understanding of a prophet. There has
never been a Mason like Pike. If you are or have
been faced with losing a loved one, read this
beautiful book-it will help you. 363 pages, ISBN 1-

PIKE, ALBERT, Indo-Aryan Deities and Worship as
Contained in the Rig-Veda, "Nothing has ever so
much interested me, as this endeavour to penetrate
into the adyta of the ancient Aryan thought, to
discover what things, principles or phenomena our
remote ancestors worshipped as Gods, what Indra,
Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, the Acvins, Vayu, Vishnu,
Savitri and the others really were, in the
conception of the composers of the Vedic hymns."
"I found the most profound philosophic or
metaphysical ideas, which those of every philosophy
and religion have merely developed; and that, so
far from being Barbarians or Savages, the old Aryan
herdsmen and husbandmen, in the Indus country under
the Himalayan Mountains, on the rivers of Bactria,
and long before, on the Scythic Steppes where they
originated, were men of singularly clear and acute
intellects, profound thought and an infinite
reverence of the beings whom they worshipped." 659
pages, ISBN 1-56459-183-2

PIKE, ALBERT, Lectures on Masonic Symbolism and A
Second Lecture on Symbolism or the Omkara and other
Ineffable Words, "This Lecture is intended to
be...I think, my last labor of the kind in Masonry.
I hope that I have succeeded in rescuing part of
the Symbols of Freemasonry, in some degree, from
the condition of insignificance into which they had
fallen and in proving that there is something in
the Royal Art to make it worthy of the attention,
and study of men of intellect and learning; which
they have not heretofore believed. The mass of
Masons are little inclined to read works on
Masonry. And I think it wiser, also, to place
these works in a few hands, and let what truths
they may contain be communicated orally to others
by the few who read them. I have endeavoured to do
that for our symbols, and am amply rewarded by what
I have learned." This book is extremely scarce as
there were only 100 copies ever printed. This is
the first reprint ever of this essential,
illuminating work, on Freemasonry. Highly
recommended. 500 pages, ISBN 1-56459-162-X

PIKE, ALBERT, Legenda and Readings of the Ancient
and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, "There
are other things that you should hear said now, and
without which you will not be fully in possession
of this degree... You will find them in the
Legenda..." (quote from the 26th degree, AASR,
SMJ). This book contains ALL of the "Legenda" and
"Readings" written for members of the Scottish Rite
to supplement the ritualistic instruction. This
anthology is similar, in some respects, to Pike's
Lectures on Masonic Symbolism, but was considered
REQUIRED READING by Pike himself. No Mason can
truly understand the Scottish Rite degrees without
reading this essential work. 440 pages, ISBN 1-

PIKE, ALBERT, Liturgies of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Parts 2-4 (4th* -
30*), This massive work includes ALL the Scottish
Rite "Liturgies" (monitors) prepared for the
current rituals of the Supreme Council 33*, SMJ.
Lavishly illustrated with diagrams of the aprons,
jewels and symbols of the degrees, the texts of
these works contain verbatim extracts from the
current rituals of the Scottish Rite. Some
portions of these books (such as the "Lecture and
History" of the thirteenth*) are not even included
in the official rituals. Extremely interesting and
informative, students of the rituals may compare
this work with the Magnum Opus to trace the
evolution of the degrees. Highly recommended. 700
pages, ISBN 1-56459-310-X

PIKE, ALBERT, Liturgy of the Blue Degrees, For the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
for the Southern Jurisdiction. This rare work
includes all the monitorial instructions for the
three Craft Degrees according to the Scottish Rite,
and is intended to supplement Pike's Book of the
Lodge. Much more complete than the common Webb-
form (York Rite) monitors, this work contains large
ritualistic extracts and symbolic diagrams which,
with the aforementioned work, assist the student to
reconstruct the rituals. 227 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

PIKE, ALBERT, Magnum Opus or the Great Work, Now
available after 135 years! One of the rarest and
most important books ever published on the Ancient
and Accepted (Scottish) Rite of Freemasonry-Albert
Pike's Magnum Opus or "Great Work," being his first
revision of the complete rituals of the Scottish
Rite. Only 100 copies were printed-less than
thirty are said to survive. Pike's ritualistic
revisions were so impressive he was made an active
member of the Supreme Council and became the most
revered Sovereign Grand Commander in the history of
the Rite. Thanks to the generous loan of a copy
from a European antiquarian, this special reprint
makes available to the serious student the complete
authentic rituals which served as the foundation of
the Scottish Rite's philosophy. This invaluable
work is not to be confused with either the various
ritualistic "exposures" of anti-Masons, or the
rituals currently used by either American Scottish
Rite. The Magnum Opus contains Albert Pike's
complete, original text of the Scottish Rite
degrees. Some of Pike's rituals were used by other
Supreme Councils as a foundation for their own
practices; while more recently the Supreme Council
33*, Southern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A. has
appointed a committee to revise the current Pike
rituals. The Magnum Opus allows researchers to
trace the divergence to discover shifts in Masonic
symbolism. An invaluable reference aid and
research tool, the scarcity and cost of an original
copy placed it beyond the reach of almost all
Masonic bibliophiles. This affordable facsimile
reprint places Masonic knowledge where it belongs-
in the hands of those seeking Light. Although
similar to the current rituals used by the Scottish
Rite, it is slightly different and more esoteric.
We have also included for the first time ever, the
grips and signs, and the key to the "Secret Work."
Very essential and rare! Contents: Fourth Degree,
Secret Master; Fifth Degree, Perfect Master; Sixth
Degree, Confidential Secretary; Seventh Degree,
Provost and Judge; Eighth Degree, Intendant of the
Buildings; Ninth Degree; Knight Elu of Nine; Tenth
Degree, Illustrious Elu of Fifteenth; Eleventh
Degree, Prince Ameth, or Sublime Elu of Twelve;
Twelfth Degree, Grand Master Architect; Thirteenth
Degree, Royal Arch; Fourteenth Degree, Grand,
Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason; Fifteenth Degree,
Knights of the Sword, of the East, or of the Eagle;
Sixteenth Degree, Princes of Jerusalem; Seventeenth
Degree, Knight of the East and West; Eighteenth
Degree, Knight, or Sovereign Prince of Rose Croix,
of Heredon; Nineteenth Degree, Grand Pontiff, or
Sublime Scotch Mason; Twentieth Degree, Venerable
Master of All Symbolic Lodges; or Master ad Vitam;
Twenty-First Degree, Noachite; or Prussian Knight;
Twenty-Second Degree, Knight of the Royal Axe, or
Prince of Liabanus; Twenty-Third Degree, Chief of
the Tabernacle; Twenty-Fourth Degree, Prince of the
Tabernacle; Twenty-fifth Degree, Knight of the
Brazen Serpent; Twenty-Sixth Degree, Prince of
Mercy or Scottish Trinitarian; Twenty-Seventh
Degree, Knight Commander of the Temple, or Teutonic
Knight of the House of St. Mary of Jerusalem;
Twenty-Eighth Degree, Knight of the Sun; or Knight
Adept; Twenty-Ninth Degree, Grand Ecossais of St.
Andrew, or Patriarch of the Crusades; Thirtieth
Degree, Knight Kadosh; Twenty-First Degree, Grand
Enquiring Commander; Thirty-Second Degree, Sublime
Prince of the Royal Secret. 650 pages, ISBN 1-

PIKE, ALBERT, Masonic Baptism: Reception of a
Louveteau and Adoption, The ceremony of Masonic
Baptism has always been used in the Scottish Order.
The ceremony secures to a child of either sex the
protection and assistance of the Lodge or other
body performing the ceremony. Includes an overview
of initiatic baptism, duties and qualifications,
and the actual ritual. Although the ritual is
intended for children, adults will be inspired by
the sublime ritual and unique Scottish Rite
philosophy. 221 pages, ISBN 1-56459-348-7

PIKE, ALBERT, Masonry of Adoption: (Masonic Rituals
for Women), This wonderful book includes both the
complete, verbatim, rituals and secret work of a
little-known Masonic work written by Albert Pike
and anonymously published by him especially for
women. Degrees: Adoptive Apprentice; Companion, and
Mistress. This books fills an essential void of
real Masonic Initiation and Rituals for women. 220
pages, ISBN 1-56459-286-3

PIKE, ALBERT, Meaning of Masonry, Albert Pike found
Freemasonry in a log cabin and left in a Temple.
He was the master genius of Masonry in America,
both as scholar and artist. No other mind of equal
power ever toiled so long in the service of the
Craft in the New World. To understand Freemasonry,
read Pike. 66 pages, ISBN 1-56459-050-X

PIKE, ALBERT, Morals and Dogma, "The teachings of
these Readings are not sacramental, so far as they
go beyond the realm of Morality into those of other
domains of Thought and Truth. The Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite uses the word 'Dogma' in its
true sense, of doctrine, or teaching; and is not
dogmatic in the odious sense of that term.
Everyone is entirely free to reject and dissent
from whatsoever herein may seem to him to be untrue
or unsound. It is only required of him that he
shall weigh what is taught, and give it fair
hearing and unprejudiced judgment. Of course, the
ancient theosophic and philosophic speculations are
not embodied as part of the doctrines of the Rite;
but because it is of interest and profit to know
what the Ancient Intellect thought upon these
subjects, and because nothing so conclusively
proves the radical difference between our human and
the animal nature, as the capacity of the human
mind to entertain such speculations in regard to
itself and the Deity." Contents: Apprentice;
Fellow-craft; Master; Secret Master; Perfect
Master; Intimate Secretary; Provost and Judge;
Intendant of the Building; Elu of the Nine; Elu of
the Fifteen; Elu of the Twelve; Master Architect;
Royal Arch  of Solomon; Perfect Elu; Knight of the
East; Prince of Jerusalem; Knight of the East and
West; Knight Rose Croix; pontiff; Master of the
Symbolic Lodge; Noachite or Prussian Knight; Knight
of the Royal Axe or Prince of Liabanus; Chief of
the Tabernacle; Prince of the Tabernacle; Knight of
the Brazen Serpent; Prince of Mercy; Knight
Commander of the Temple; Knight of the Sun or
Prince Adept; Scottish Knight of St. Andrew; Knight
Kadosh; Inspector Inquisitor; Master of the Royal
Secret. If you read only one book on Freemasonry,
this is it! 861 pages, ISBN 1-56459-275-8

PIKE, ALBERT, The Porch and the Middle Chamber:
BOOK OF THE LODGE, If you're a 32* Degree Mason you
may THINK that you've received all the Scottish
Rite degrees, but chances are you haven't. Why?
Unknown to most people, Albert Pike also wrote
Scottish Rite rituals for the three Blue Lodge
Degrees. In Pike's words, these Scottish Rite
Blue Lodge rituals were "to be studied and
understood before investiture with the fourth
degree. For, without it, the system of that Rite
is incomplete, and even like a fabric without
foundation." This rare reprint includes the,
openings, closings and rituals of the Entered
Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason degrees
according to the Pike workings of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite. More importantly it
contains the complete SECRET WORK. These rituals
are MUCH MORE ESOTERIC and differ significantly
from the Webb-form (York Rite) Blue Lodge rituals
commonly used in the United States, and the book
has several interesting illustrations (including
Hiram's jewel-a talisman!). Also included is the
"Table Lodge" ceremony. Highly recommended. Very
scarce! 350 pages, ISBN 1-56459-308-8

PIRTLE, HENRY, Lost Word of Freemasonry, "Masonry
presents many facets. A brother can be a good Mason
without being a studious man, but he will not have
also the intellectual enjoyment and spiritual
benefit accruing from acquaintance with some of the
meditations of numerous Masons and other persons
through hundreds of years upon the theology of our
Order." Contents: The Mason's Quest; Men's House:
"The Knowledge of the Word"; Lost Word; Secret
Tradition; Jewish Cabala; Great Logos (Light) in
the Beginning; Magic in Names; Whom Does the
Candidate Represent?; Hiram Rises as Christ;
Bibliography. 240 pages, ISBN 1-56459-320-7

POUND, ROSCOE, Masonic Jurisprudence, A fascinating
study of Masonic Law. 120 pages, ISBN 1-56459-048-8

RAVENSCROFT, W., Comacines, Comacines means
Cathedral Builders. Chapters include: The Origin
of Freemasonry and the Temple Builders; The Roman
College and the Quatuor Coronati; Isola Comacina;
The Comacine Lodges; Comacine influence in the
British Isles; Comacine Architecture. 120 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-054-2

REDDING, M.W., Scarlet Book of Freemasonry, A
Thrilling and authentic account of the
imprisonment, torture, and martyrdom of freemasons
and knights templars, for the past six hundred
years; also an authentic account of the education,
remarkable career, and tragic death of the renowned
philosopher Pythagoras. 517 pages, 1-56459-283-9

SHEPHERD, SILAS H., Landmarks of Freemasonry,
Landmarks are laws: judicial and moral. Discover
how they bind Masons together for the benefit of
the human race. 180 pages, ISBN 1-56459-040-2

STEWART, THOMAS M., Symbolic Teachings or Masonry &
Its Message, The Message of Ancient Masonry;
Masonry and the Higher Evolution of Man; Albert
Pike as Master of Wisdom; The Cincinnati Masonic
Study School; The Master's Salutatory; Why Papal
Rome is Opposed to Masonry; Masonry; A Portion of
the Field of Masonic Study; Is the "Great Work" a
Masonic Book: Personal Effort; The Dew of Hermon;
Jacob's Ladder; Modern Progress Opposed by the
Pope; How to be a "High Up" Mason; Our Public
Schools and the Church of Rome; "It is Not Because
of Religion;" Why Guardians of Liberty: Encyclical
Letter, Pope Leo XIII, August 4, 1879; Why I
Believe in Another Life; The Pursuit of Knowledge;
A Study: Which Came First, the Civilized or the
Savage Man? Buried Continents and Lost Cities;
Spiritual Progress-An Egyptian Symbol; The Son of
Man and The Son of God; A Lutheran Minister's
Misinterpretation of Freemasonry. 249 pages, ISBN

TUDHOPE, GEORGE V., Bacon Masonry, Revealing the
real meaning of that mystic Word and the true Name
of that Lost Word with evidence showing Francis
Bacon to be the original designer of Speculative
Freemasonry. "The prime purpose of this book is to
reveal the name and meaning of that Word. The
reader will discover that finding the name of the
Word does not indicate that the Word itself has
been found." The Lost Word; Hiram Abif; Name of
the Lost Word; Bacon's Fraternities in Learning;
Original Meeting Place of Freemasons, Acception
Masons; Symbols of Freemasonry; Emblems Regarding
Bacon's Life; Anderson's Constitution of the
Accepted Freemasons; Bacon, Boyle, and Desaguliers.
This book must be read by every Freemason! 132
pages, ISBN 1-56459-108-5

VAIL, REV. CH.H., Ancient Mysteries & Modern
Masonry, "The Series of Sunday evening lectures
which comprise this book were first given in
Pullman Memorial Church, Albion, NY. The many
calls for the lectures in printed form led to their
publication. We trust that the book may contribute
to a better understanding of the Order by the
general public; inspiring our Brother Masons to
greater appreciation of and loyalty to the
Fraternity, and encouraging all to labor for the
realization of the great principles and ideals
embodied in the Ancient Mysteries and our Modern
Masonry." Contents: Origin and Object of the
Ancient Mysteries; Egyptian, Hindu, and Persian
Mysteries; Druidical, Gothic, Grecian, and Jewish
Mysteries; Christian Mysteries; Meaning of True
Initiation; Origin and History of Freemasonry;
Origin and History of the Knights Templars and the
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite; Symbols and Legends
of Masonry; List of Masonic and Kindred Books. 215
pages, ISBN 1-56459-061-5

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Emblematic Freemasonry, "It
is the design of the following studies to present
in an ordered sequence the chief aspects which have
been assumed by Emblematic Freemasonry and its
connection and developments in the course of their
progress though the past two centuries." Chapters
include: Intimations from the old records; The
acception and Robert Fludd; Ancient York Masonry;
The Mystical Quest in Freemasonry; Masonic
Tradition and the Royal Arch; The second birth of
Masonry in the continental rites; Grades of the
secrete tradition; Christology of the secret
tradition; The chivalry of the holy temple; The
development of vengeance grades; The alleged
masonic peril; The place of Masonry in the rites of
initiation; Appendix. 301 pages, ISBN 0-922802-23-8

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Secret Tradition in
Freemasonry (1911), In his autobiographical book,
SHADOWS IN LIFE AND THOUGHT, Waite commented, "The
volumes appeared in 1911, and so far as my
knowledge goes, they formed-in respect of
production-the most beautiful work which has ever
been issued in any land or language on the Masonic
Subject." This is NOT an early edition of Waite's
other work by the same name. Contents: Volume 1,
Fundamental Relations of the Craft and the High
Grades; Development of the High Grades in Respect
of the Antient Alliance; Of the New Alliance of
Freemasonry; The Masonic Orders of Chivalry.
Volume 2, Of Alchemy in Masonry; Of Magical and
Kabalistical Degrees; Of the Mysteries on their
Mystical Side, and of this Subject in its Relation
to Masonry; Appendices; Index. 870 pages, ISBN 0-

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Secret Tradition in
Freemasonry (1937), This was Waite's last book and
offering in this book a revised edition of two
volumes which appeared under the same title so far
back as 1911. It is so altered, extended and
transformed that it may claim to be a new
undertaking and to supersede in fact that which it
preserves in name." Waite not only reedited and
radically restructured the two volume edition, but
he incorporated much of his Emblematic Freemasonry
(1925) that it might, as he said, supersede the
previous work. This was Waite's last and (in his
opinion) most important work on Freemasonry.
Contents: Creative and Emblematic Freemasonry;
Craft Degrees and Their Connections; Second Holy
House; New Alliance in Freemasonry; Quest in
Christian Ritual; Masonic Orders of Chivalry Apart
from Templar Grades; Templar Grades of Freemasonry;
Of Alchemy in Masonry; Of Magical and Kabbalistical
Degrees; The Growth of Masonic Tradition;
Freemasonry and the French Revolution; Mysteries on
their Mystical Side. Extremely important. A
masonic classic. 675 pages, 1-56459-305-3

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Some Deeper Aspects of
Masonic Symbolism, Introduction by Joseph Fort
Newton. Contents: A System of Morality; The First
Degree; The Meaning of Initiation; Entered, Passed,
Raised; Imperfect Symbolism; The Third Degree; The
Book of the Dead; The Christian Mysteries; The
Mystical Fact; The Place of Darkness; Operative
Masonry; The Old Charges; Living Stone; The
Kabalah; The Divine Name; The Temple; The Builder;
Craft Masonry. 32 pages, ISBN 1-56459-414-9

WARD, J. S. M., An Interpretation of our Masonic
Symbols, "This book is an attempt to interpret the
meaning of those dumb, silent emblems that lie
around us in the Lodge. I shall concentrate my
attention of such objects as the Ashlars, the
officers' jewels, and so forth. The purpose of
this works is to give a scientific explanation of
the meaning of these symbols, based on the
recognized laws of symbology and on the age-old
interpretation of them." Contents: The Square
Master's Squares or Levels; Level and Plum-rule;
The Collar; Other Officers' Emblems; Square &
Compasses; Point Within a Circle; Pentacle and the
Letter "G"; Apron; Altar; Tau & Latin Cross; Three
Ashlars: Rough, Perfect, and Perpend; Columns of
Master, S.W., and J.W.; Carpet and its Tassels;
Emblems of Mortality; Lodge; Consecration of a
Lodge. 160 pages, ISBN 1-56459-385-1

WARD, J.S.M., Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods, A
Similar System Exists Among the Mohammedans;
Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods of India; Symbolic
Conception of FM and India; The R.A. Proves the
Truth of this Contention; Brief Summary of Hindoo
and Other Eastern Doctrines Traceable in
Freemasonry; Lost Sign in Masonry and the
"Operative" Masons; The Letter "G"; The Mark
Degree; Masonic Signs and Grips the World Over; Our
Signs and Grips in Africa; America and Australasia;
Ancient Europe; Origin of Freemasonry; What this
Part of the Book Proves; Mythos; When Did the
Purely Jewish Influence Enter? Brief Summary of the
True Line of Descent of Modern Freemasonry; The
Comacines; Ancient Charges and What They Tell Us;
Decline of the Guilds; Darkness Before the Dawn;
Formation of Grand Lodge; Early History of Grand
Lodge; So-Called Higher Degrees; Ancient and
Accepted Rite; Remaining Degrees of the Ancient and
Accepted Rite; Cross and the Vesica Piscis; Two
Kinds of Cross; Crosses in the Craft; Vesica
Piscis; Vesica Piscis in the Craft; Rose Croix and
Kindred Degrees; The So-Called "York Rite" and the
Allied Degrees; Knights Templars; What Were the
Beliefs of the Templars? Templar Transmission
Theory; Are There Any Traces of the Old Templar
Ceremonies in the Masonic Templar Ritual? Other
Chivalric Degrees in Freemasonry; Iconoclasm in
Freemasonry; Brief Summary of Evidence as to the
Antiquity of our Signs; Grand Ideal; The First
Steps; Ancient Wisdom and Modern Masonry; The Bora
Ceremony. 400 pages, ISBN 1-56459-133-6

WARD, J. S. M., Freemasonry: Its Aims and Ideals,
Contents: The Ideals which draw men into
Freemasonry; Former Ideals; Political Ideal; Social
Ideal; Ritualistic Ideal; Archaeological Ideal;
Mystical and Religious Ideal; What Mysticism is;
Great Ideal; Problems Which Must be Faced;
Exclusion of Women, etc.; Are we Justified in
Excluding women or a man because of his color?;
Doctrinal Beliefs and Freemasonry; Is Freemasonry a
Religion; The Great Ideal. 233 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

WARD, J.S.M., The Higher Degrees in Freemasonry,
Contents: Historical Survey; The Mark Degree; The
Holy Royal Arch; The Cryptic Degrees; The Allied
Degrees; The Ancient and Accepted Rite; The Royal
Order of Scotland; The Knights Templar and the
Knights of Malta; The Remaining Degrees;
Conclusion. 100 pages, ISBN 1-56459-422-X

WARD, J. S. M., The Sign Language of the Mysteries,
Partial contents: Introduction to a study of the
ancient sign language; Certain Sign languages
survive today; Existence of Mantric signs; World-
wide distribution of Mantric signs; Signs connected
with certain occult centers, the throat; Signs
connected with other occult centers such as the
heart; Signs connected with solar plexus; Signs
connected with the head, sign of distress;
Widespread use of the sign of distress; Sign
connected with head, sign of exultation; Sign of
reverence; Signs connected with the nose and mouth;
Sign of horror and shows how it is closely
connected with death; Signs connected with the
hands and shoulders; Vol. 2: Sign of Resignation;
Sign of heaven and earth; Saint and sinner alike
use the sign of regret; Sign of completion and
examples of its use; Numerous miscellaneous signs;
Shows how the sign language links the ancient
mysteries with the modern world; Schedule of
Mantric signs. 425 pages, ISBN 1-56459-391-6

WARD, J. S. M., Told through the Ages: A Series of
Masonic Stories, "Several of my readers may be
surprised at finding my name on a book which
avowedly contains fiction, but I would suggest that
valuable as is the mystical teaching of
Freemasonry, its moral teachings are equally
essential for the work it has to do in the world.
Freemasonry is acknowledged to be a 'System of
Morality, veiled in allegory,' and in this volume I
have endeavored to convey the old moral teachings
under a new guise." Contents: At High Noon; O
Wonderful Masons; A Curiously Wrought Stone; The
Criminal King; A Discovery They Deemed of
Importance; The Passing of Socrates; College of
Architects at Pompeii; Departure of the Eagles; The
True Word; Tools of a Master Mason; The Light;
Master's Mark of Approval; Geoffrey of Conway; To
Do Justly; Father Matthew's Dream; Only an
Accident; How they Saved Tewkesbury Abbey; From
Darkness to Light; John Custos and the Spanish
Inquisition; The Cat and Her Kittens. 240 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-386-X

WEATHERBY, C.J., Secret Ritual of the Knights of
the Ancient Essenic Order, (reprint of the rare
1897 edition), Don't confuse this ritual with the
so-called code-books of the "Modern Order of
Essenes" (Freemasonry) because this is something
different! These rituals of this non-masonic order
inculcate patriotism, opposition (by lawful means)
to tyranny and the discovery of the laws of God.
Includes the opening and closing ceremonies and the
ritual of the three degrees. 52 pages, ISBN 1-

WEISSE, JOHN A., The Obelisk and Freemasonry:
Egyptian Symbols Compared with those Discovered in
America (1880), Anyone who will read this book and
consider its illustrations will realize that secret
societies like Freemasonry existed in remote
antiquity and were the prerogative of kings,
hierophants and magnates. Absolutely everything to
know on obelisks, their origin, construction,
mystical significance, use, and esoteric purposes.
Valuable reading. 178 pages, ISBN 1-56459-384-3

WILMSHURST, W.L., Ceremony of Passing, "We are to
examine now a Ceremony which, because it is less
dramatic and spectacular than that of the First
Degree, is often regarded as a somewhat colourless
interlude between the impressive surprises of the
one which precedes and the awesome grandeur of the
one which follows it. Being a 'veil of allegory'
the Ceremony must not only be looked at but looked
through, if its significance is to be realized.
The Ceremony is called one of 'passing', since it
relates to a midway, transitional phase of personal
experience through which every aspirant to
perfection must inevitably pass before he can think
of attaining the ultimate degree of soul-
development and mastership to which our system
leads." 54 pages, ISBN 1-56459-317-7

WILMSHURST, W.L., Masonic Initiation, Masonry and
Religion; From Darkness to Light; Initiation, Real
and Ceremonial, The Purpose of the Mysteries, The
Ideal Lodge; Light on the Way, The Knowledge of
Yourself, The "G", The Ladder, The Superstructure,
The Cable-Tow, The Apron, The Wind, Seeking a
Master, Wages, The Law of the Mount; Fulness of
Light, Observations and Examples, Apocalypsis; The
Past and Future of the Masonic Order. Freemasons:
this book should be in your Masonic library! 223
pages, ISBN 1-56459-147-6

WILMSHURST, W. L., The Meaning of Masonry, "The
papers here collected have been written with a view
to promoting the deeper understanding of the
meaning of Masonry; to providing the explanation of
it that one constantly hears called for. The
meaning of Masonry, however, is a subject usually
left entirely unexpounded and that accordingly
remains largely unrealized by its members save such
few as make it their private study. It seems taken
for granted that reception into the Order will
automatically be accompanied by an ability to
appreciate forthwith and at its full value all that
one there finds. The contrary is the case, for
Masonry is a veiled and cryptic expression of the
difficult science of spiritual life, and the
understanding of it calls for special and informed
guidance on the one hand, and on the other a
genuine and earnest desire for knowledge on the
part of those seeking to be instructed." Contents:
The Position and Possibilities of the Masonic
Order; Deeper Symbolism of Freemasonry; Masonry as
a Philosophy; Further Notes on Craft Symbolism; The
Form of the Lodge; Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem;
Freemasonry in Relation to the Ancient Mysteries.
216 pages, ISBN 1-56459-373-8

WRIGHT, DUDLEY, Ethics of Freemasonry, This is a
complete and much needed course on Masonic ethics.
88 pages, ISBN 1-56459-042-9

WRIGHT, ROBERT C., Indian Masonry, Throughout the
world we find amazing similarities between other
peoples who use Masonic rituals and symbols. This
book reveals the American Indian's use of
Freemasonry. Contents: Brotherhood; Signs;
Medicines; Beliefs and Ceremonies; The Number 4;
Ojibwa Grand Medicine Lodge; Esoteric Societies of
the Zuni; Comparisons; Pin Indians; Lessons;
Epilogue. Illustrated. 126 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

YARKER, JOHN, Arcane Schools, A rare reprint of a
masterpiece which demonstrates the antiquity of the
Masonic mysteries and their relation to other
schools of antiquity by attempting to trace the
development of Masonic Ritual back to the medieval
stonemasons, and from there to other schools. In
his review of this book in the EQUINOX, Aleister
Crowley commented that Brother Yarker seems to have
read every old Masonic manuscript ever written.
This book is the sole source for some obscure bits
of Masonic history. Yarker was the head of the
Ancient and Primitive Rite of Freemasonry in
England, and may have possessed more first-hand
knowledge of Masonic rituals than anyone else of
his time, including A.E. Waite. A Review of their
Origin and Antiquity with a General History of
Freemasonry and its relation to the Theosophic,
Scientific, and Philosophic Mysteries. Contents:
Archaic Legends; Proto-Aryan Civilization and
Mysteries; Aryan Civilization and Mysteries;
Mysteries in Relation to Philosophy; Philosophy in
Relation to Masonic Rites; Mystic and Hermetic
Schools in Christian Times; Recapitulated Proofs of
Ancient Masonry; Masonry in Britain and Saxon
England; Masonry in Norman Times; Freemasonry in
Modern Times; Origin of the system Termed High-
Grade; Freemasonry in the Grand Lodge Era;
Freemasonry Under the United Grand Lodge; Series of
Constitutional Charges. 582 pages, 1-56459-306-1

YARKER, JOHN, Lectures of a Chapter, Senate &
Council: According to the Forms of the Antient and
Primitive Rite, But Embracing All Systems of High
Grade Masonry, "Embodying the preliminary
examinations required for advancement; the
symbolical explanations of the various degrees from
the 1* to the 30*; together with the Grand Book of
Maxims." This extremely scarce work includes ALL
the "lectures" (catechisms, or questions and
answers) of Yarker's Antient and Primitive Rite of
Memphis and is an ESSENTIAL work for understanding
this curious Masonic rite. Portions of these
lectures were borrowed from the old Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite Rituals used in the Northern
Masonic Jurisdiction, USA, before they were
influenced by Albert Pike's works. Contents: (1)
Chapter. Lectures of a College-4* to 8-11*; of a
Chapter-9* to 11-18*; (2) Senate. Lectures of a
Senate-12* to 17-29*; of an Areopagus-18* to 20-
33*; (3) Council. Lectures of a Consistory-21* to
26-68*; of a Council-27* to 30-90*; Grand Book of
Maxims. 109 pages, ISBN 1-56459-343-6

YARKER, JOHN, Masonic Charges and Lectures, The
present work is a rare anthology of charges and
lectures collated from unspecified Masonic rituals
by John Yarker (1833-1913), one of the most
enigmatic yet best-informed Freemasons that
"graced" the rolls of the United Grand Lodge of
England. Contents: Masonry and the Crusades;
Masonry and the Eastern Philosophy; Extension of
Masonic Principles; Egyptian Mysteries; Osirian
Legend; History of the Rite of Memphis; Esoteric
and Exoteric Masonry; Masonic Science as Related to
the Temple of Jerusalem; The Mason, a Son of God;
History of the Sacred Vault of Enoch; Ineffable
Name; Mission of Knights of the Sword; Captivity of
the Israelites; Temple of Jerusalem as a Masonic
Type; Instruction of the Degree of Rose Croix;
History of the Degree of Rose Croix; On Symbols; On
Atheism; Spiritual Faith of Ancient Egypt; Sapenath
Pencah; Pyramid of Cheops; Astronomical Symbolism;
Symbolical Numbers; Cabirian Mysteries; Moral
Geometry; Tabernacle and the Temple; Serpent
Worship; Magian Mysteries; Hermetic Cross;
Allegorical Discourse; Discourse on Justice;
Discourse on the Nature of Mysteries, and Their
Masonic Perpetuation; Discourse on the Duties and
Instruction of the Various Grades of Ancient and
Primitive Masonry. 200 pages, 1-56459-307-X

YARKER, JOHN, The Secret High Degree Rituals of the
Masonic Rite of Memphis, The Rite of Memphis
aggravated members of "conventional" Freemasonry
because it claimed not only to be the true source
of Masonic wisdom but to be the ONLY legitimate
Masonic system! Its rituals were much more
esoteric than those commonly encountered in
"regular" Freemasonry. Many colorful personalities
allied themselves with this system, including Karl
Kellner, Theodore Reuss and Aleister Crowley. In
England, the Rite was under the direction of John
Yarker, while in the United States, Harvey Spencer
Lewis, of AMORC fame, also made use of these
degrees. This fascinating book is a reprint of
John Yarker's manuscript-"The Ancient and Primitive
Rite of Memphis in 95*-Book Third-Series III
Consistory and Grand Council." It includes
Yarker's last revision of the 34*-96* rituals
inclusive, plus the "secret work." 80 pages, ISBN

YARKER, JOHN, TRANS., The Secret Rituals of the
Adoptive Rite of Freemasonry, You may have
purchased a copy of Albert Pike's book THE MASONRY
OF ADOPTION from us, and if so, you'll certainly
want to read this book too. These are the original
French rituals which inspired Albert Pike to write
his book, but he only included the first three
degrees. This English translation, done by John
Yarker, includes the complete degrees of the Rite-
1* Adoptive Apprentice, 2* Companion, 3* Mistress,
4* Perfect Mistress, 5* Sublime Elect, 6* Dame
Ecossais, 7* Grand Elect, or French Dame, 8* Lady
of the Dove, 9* Lady of the Rosy Cross, 10*
Adonaite Mistress, 11* Perfect Venerable Adonaite
Mistress, 12* Crowned Princess, or Sovereign
Mistress. The Adoptive Rite of Freemasonry is an
ANDROGYNOUS system, admitting males and females on
equal terms. 100 pages, ISBN 1-56459-333-9

ZELDIS, LEON, Masonic Chronology in Context,
Zeldis, a 33* Mason and editor of the Israel
Freemason, provides the best Masonic time-table
ever to appear in print. Includes the most
important historical figures and events connected
with the development of Freemasonry, together with
other political, scientific, and cultural events of
general significance that serve to place Masonic
history within the context of world history.
Brilliantly researched and extensively indexed,
this masterpiece, will provide the reader a better
appreciation of the proud and noble history for
which Freemasonry has so long laboured. 89 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-382-7


ACHAD, FRATER, Anatomy of the Body of God, Being
the Supreme Revelation of Cosmic Consciousness
explained and depicted in graphic form with designs
showing the formation, multiplication, and
projection of the Stone of the Wise. 120 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-140-9

ACHAD, FRATER, Egyptian Revival or the Ever-coming
Son in the Light of the Tarot, "This little book
has been written in the spirit of Suggestive
Inquiry, and the writing of it has led to many
illuminating ideas in regard to the Universal
Tradition as disclosed by the Tarot Trumps." This
book is a follow-up to Achad's book Q.B.L. or the
Bride's Reception. Contents: Light on the
Egyptian Revival; Essence of the Practical Qabalah;
More Light on the Tarot Trumps; The Sun, the Devil,
and the Redeemer; The Mystery of Babylon and the
Beast; Further Light on the Tree of Life; The Law
of Thelema (will); The Tradition of the Golden Age;
All of Achad's books are a must for the student of
Tarot and Qabalah. 126 pages, ISBN 1-56459-202-2

ACHAD, FRATER, Q.B.L. or the Bride's Reception,
Being a Short Cabalistic Treatise on the Nature and
Use of the Tree of Life, With a Brief Introduction
and a Lengthy Appendix by Frater Achad. Contents:
The Formation of the Tree of Life being a
Qabalistic Conception of the Creative Process;
Concerning the Natural Basis of Correspondences in
the Hebrew Alphabet; Of the Twenty-two Paths with
Their Yetziratic and Colour Correspondences;
Concerning the Tarot Trumps and Their Attributions
to the Hebrew Alphabet; Some Account of the
Ineffable Name and of the Four Worlds with Their
Correspondences to the Minor Arcana of the Tarot;
Concerning the Macrocosm and the Microcosm and how
by Means of the Tree of Life We May Learn to Unite
Them; Concerning the Literal Qabalah and the
Methods of gematria, Notaricon and Temurah;
Concerning Numbers, Symbols and Matters Cognate; Of
that which Was and Is and Shall Be; Of the Kingdom
and of the Bride. 150 pages, ISBN 1-56459-139-5

ADIRAMLED, Art of Alchemy or the Generation of
Gold, A course of Practical Lessons in Metallic
Transmutation for the use of Occult Students being
a new Illumination regarding the Secret Science of
the Sages. 73 pages, ISBN 1-56459-319-3

Philosophy, Of Geomancy, Magical Elements,
Astrological Geomancy, the Nature of Spirits, Magic
of the Ancients. Contents: Commendatory Poems; Of
Geomancy; Of Occult Philosophy, or Of Magical
Ceremonies: The Fourth Book, Henry Cornelius
Agrippa; Heptameron: or, Magical Elements, Peter de
Abano; Isagoge: An Introductory Discourse on the
Nature of such Spirits as are exercised in the
Sublunary Bounds; their Original, Names, Offices,
Illusions, Posers, Prophecies, Miracles; and how
they may be Expelled and Driven away, Georg
Pictorius Villinganus; Of Astronimical Geomancy,
Gerard Ceremonensis; Of the Magick of the Ancients,
Arbatel. 217 pages, ISBN 1-56459-170-0

AGRIPPA, HENRY CORNELIUS, Philosophy of Natural
Magic, A complete work on Natural Magic, White
Magic, Black Magic, Divination, Occult Binding,
Sorceries, and their power; Unctions, Love
Medicines and their Virtues; The Occult virtue of
things which are in them only in their life time,
and such as remain in them even after their death;
The Occult or Magical Virtue of all things, etc.
307 pages, ISBN 1-56459-160-3

Philosophy or Magic, "In the last half of 1509 and
the first months of 1510, Cornelius Agrippa, known
in his day as a Magician, gathered together all the
Mystic lore he had obtained by the energy and ardor
of youth and compiled it into the elaborate system
of Magic, in three books, known as Occult
Philosophy, the first book of which-Natural Magic-
constitutes the present volume." Partial List of
Contents: Natural Magic; What Magic Is; Four
Elements; Three-fold Consideration of Elements;
Kinds of Compounds; Occult Virtues of Things; Of
the Spirit of the World; How Inferior Things are
Subjected to Superior Bodies; What Things are
Lunary; What Things are under the power of: Saturn,
Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury; What Things are
Under the Signs; Of the Union of Mixed Things; Of
Bindings; Of Sorceries; Of Perfumes or
Suffumigations; Magical Rings; Of Light Colors; Of
Divination; Of divers certain Animals; Of Geomancy;
Of the Reviving of the Dead; Of Divination by
Dreams; Of Madness; Passions of the Mind; Of
Speech; Of many Words joined together; Virtue of
Writing. 288 pages, ISBN 1-56459-199-9

ALBERTUS, FRATER, Golden Manuscripts, They Made the
Philosophers Stone by Richard Ingalese; The
Hermetic Art-Teaching Concerning Atomic
Transmutation by Volpierre (1892-1952); The True
Book of the Learned Synesius a Greek Abbot Taken
Out of the Emperor's Library Concerning the
Philosopher's Stone; Circulatum Minus Urbigeranum,
or The Philosophical Elixir of Vegetables with the
Three Certain Ways of Preparing it Fully and
Clearly Set Forth in one and Thirty Aphorisms by
Baru Urbigerus. 160 pages, ISBN 1-56459-303-7

of the Sacred Books of the Bible long Lost or
Undiscovered. With testimonies and notes, critical
and historical, explanatory of the text to which is
prefixed various readings and a preliminary
dissertation proving the authenticity of the work.
"Is it not written in the book of Jasher: Joshua x.
13. The Book of Jasher is one of the sacred books
which should have been included among the other
books of the Bible but which was omitted as were
many other books. Why was the Book of Jasher lost,
hidden or suppressed? Read and find out. 90 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-340-1

ANONYMOUS, Compendium of Alchemical Processes,
Extracted from the writings of Glauber, Basil
Valentine, and Other Adepts. Partial Contents:
Method for the Potable Gold; Preparation of Martial
Regulus of Antimony; Great Medicine of Gold; Golden
Carbuncle of the Ancients; True Tincture of Gold;
Testing of Potable of Gold; How to Prepare a Famous
Universal Medicine of Gold; Philosophers' Water of
Life; Golden Purple of Cassius; Extraction of Gold
or Silver from Lead; Philosophic Stone: how
prepared; Treatment of the Sphera Saturni;
Practical Process in Alchemy; Preparation of the
dissolving Water for Metals; the Alkahest; Fixation
and Purification of Sulfur; Process for the
Purification of Mercury; Mercury of Philosophers;
How to imitate Natural Precious Stones; Vegetable
Elixir; White Swan of Basilius; Volatile Salt of
Animals; Tinctures of Mars and of Antimony; The
True Balm of Life, or Royal Red Oil of Antimony;
Modern Alchemical Experiments: Preparation of
Magnesium by Electrolysis; Preparation of the
Earth-metals; Reduction of Earth-metals; Separation
of Earth-metals; Preparation of the Trioxide (Calx)
of Gold. 173 pages, ISBN 1-56459-344-4

ANONYMOUS, Hermetic Triumph and the Ancient War of
the Knights (1740), Or, the Victorious
Philosophical Stone. A Treatise more complete and
more intelligible than any yet extant, concerning
the Hermetical Magistery to which is added, The
Ancient War of the Knights: Being an Alchemistical
Dialogue between our Stone, Gold and Mercury: of
the True Matter of which those who have traced
Nature do prepare the Philosopher's Stone. This may
be the first reprint of this essential alchemical
work since 1740! 220 pages, 1-56459-280-4

ANONYMOUS, Lives of the Alchemystical Philosophers,
With a Catalogue of Books in Occult Chemistry and a
Selection of the Most Celebrated Treatises on the
Theory and Practice of the Hermetic Art. Name any
great alchemist and they're in this book. This is
the only complete and unabridged version available.
The book has been underlined in some place. A
must-own book for any aspiring alchemist. 400
pages, ISBN 1-56459-352-5

ARENSBERG, WALTER CONRAD, Burial of Francis Bacon
and His Mother in the Lichfield Chapter House, An
Open Communication to the Dean and Chapter of
Lichfield Concerning the Rosicrucians. The
Rosicrucians; Rosicrucian Connection With the Dean
and Chapter of Lichfield; Baconian Mystery; Date of
Bacon's Death; Bacon's Wills; Baconian Key Cipher;
Key-Texts. 60 pages, ISBN 1-56459-113-1

ASHMAND, J. M., Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos or
Quadripartite Being Four Books of the Influence of
the Stars, Newly Translated from the Greek
Paraphrase of Proclus with a Preface, Explanatory
Notes and an Appendix Containing Extracts from the
Almagest of Ptolemy and the whole of his Centiloquy
together with A Short Notice of Mr. Ranger's
Zodiacal Planisphere and an Explanatory Plate.
Everything you could possibly hope to discover
about the occult proficiency of astrology is
contained in this rare and scarce book. "The whole
doctrine of astrology is commonly understood to
have been completely overturned." 190 pages, ISBN

ASHMOLE, ELIAS, The Way to Bliss: In Three Books
(1658), From the author of Theatrum Chemicum
Brittanicum comes this highly prized and very
scarce work. To our knowledge, this is the first
ever reprint of this work on philosophy, hermetics,
alchemy, Rosicrucianism, etc. Elias Ashmole played
such a vast and prominent role in esoteric sciences
(including founding the Freemasons of his time)
that we are only now rediscovering this man's
greatness of mind, intellect, and spiritual
mastery. We searched the planet for this special
book and only a blessing of luck allowed us to
procure a copy for reproduction. This enlightening
book may never be offered to you again. Buy it now
while you can! 221 pages, ISBN 1-56459-347-9

ASHMOLE, ELIAS, Theatrum Chemicum Brittanicum,
Contains several poetical pieces of famous English
philosophers who have written the Hermetique
Mysteries. Faithfully collected into one volume,
with annotations thereon, by Elias Ashmole.
Contains Thomas Norton's Ordinal of Alchemy;
Ripley's Compound of Alchemy, George Ripley to King
Edward the Fourth, Verses Belonging to An
Emblematical Scrowle; Charnock's Breviary of
Natural Philosophy; Fragments Copied From Thomas
Charnock's Own Handwriting; Liber Patris Sapienti;
Hermes Bird; Geoffry Chaucer's The Tale of the
Chanons Yeoman; The Work of John Dastin; Pearce's
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The Greene Lyon; Sir Edward Kelle's Work; Thomas
Robinson's De Lapide Philosophorum; and The
Hermet's Tale. Many unusual and interesting
plates. This book is very rare and highly
recommended as a foundation of alchemical writing.
633 pages, ISBN 0-922802-890

BACON, FRANCIS, Essays or Counsels, Civil and
Moral, Contents: Of Truth; Death; Unity in
Religion; Revenge; Adversity; Simulation and
Dissimulation; Parents and Children; Marriage and
Single Life; Envy; Love; Great Place; Boldness;
Goodness, and Goodness of Nature; Nobility;
Seditions and Troubles; Atheism; Superstition;
Travel; Empire; Counsel; Delays; Cunning; Wisdom
for a Man's Self; Innovations; Dispatch; Seeming
Wise; Friendship; Expense; The True Greatness of
Kingdoms and Estates; Regimen of Health; Suspicion;
Discourse; Plantations; Riches; Prophecies;
Ambition; Masques and Triumphs; Nature in Men;
Custom and Education; Fortune; Usury; Youth and
Age; Beauty; Deformity; Building; Gardens;
Negotiating; Followers and Friends; Suitors;
Studies; Faction; Ceremonies and Respects; Praise;
Vain Glory; Honor and Reputation; Judicature;
Anger; Vicissitude of Things; A Fragment of an
Essay of Fame; On Death. 182 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

BACON, FRANCIS, New Atlantis, This is one of
Bacon's most mysterious and prophetical works.
References to the philosophy of the Rosicrucians
and Freemasons are abundant. It is maintained that
the New Atlantis was the blueprint for the founding
of America. "This fable my lord devised, to the
end that he might exhibit therein a model or
description of a college, instituted for the
interpreting of nature, and the producing of great
and marvellous works for the benefit of man, under
the name of Solomon's House, or the College of the
Six Days' Works." This book must be read by anyone
interested in mystical history. 51 pages, ISBN 1-

BACON, FRANCIS, Wisdom of the Ancients, Cassandra,
or Divination; Typhon, or a Rebel; The Cyclops, or
the Ministers of Terror, Narcissus, or Self-love;
Styx, or Leagues; Pan, or Nature; Perseus, or War;
Endymion, or a Favorite; The Sister of the Giants,
or Fame; Actaeon and Pentheus, or a Curious Man;
Orpheus, or Philosophy; Coelum, or Beginnings;
Proteus, or Matter; Memnon, or a Youth too Forward;
Tithonus, or Satiety; Juno's Suitor, or Baseness;
Cupid, or an Atom; Diomedes, or Zeal; Ddalus, or
Mechanic; Ericthonius, or Imposture; Deucalion, or
Restitution; Nemesis, or the Vicissitude of Things;
Achelous, or Battle; Dionysus, or Passions;
Atalanta, or Gain; Prometheus, or the State of Man;
Scylia and Icarus, or the Middle Way; Sphynx, or
Science; Proserpina, or Spirit; Metis, or Counsel;
The Sirens, or Pleasures. 96 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

BACON, ROGER, Roger Bacon's Letter, Concerning the
Marvelous Power of Art and Nature and the Nullity
of Magic together with notes and an account of
Bacon's Life and Work. 77 pages, ISBN 1-56459-278-2

BEGLEY, WALTER, Biblia Anagramatica, A literary
curiosity gathered from unexplored sources and from
books of the greatest rarity. "To all scholars
bouquineurs, bouquinistes bibliophiles and
bibliographers whose frequent delight it is to
leave the beaten track of learning and to wander at
their own sweet will into the by-paths and hidden
nooks of literature, I dedicate this work begun
with joyful expectation continued with increasing
pleasure and ended with regret." Contents: Vetus
Testamentum Anagrammaticum: Genesis to Book of Job,
The Psalms: Separate Texts, Psalm LI, Psalm XCI,
Psalm CXII, Appendix to Psalms, Proverbs to
Malachi; Apocrypha Anagrammatica; Novum Testamentum
Anagrammaticum: Gospels of Matthew and Mark, The
Lord's Prayer in Seven Anagrams, Gospels of Luke
and John, The Magnificat in Three Anagrams, The
Angelical Salutation, Acts of the Apostles to
Apocalypse. With a special bibliography. A large
portion of this book is in Latin. Extremely
scarce-only fifty copies were purported to have
been published. 212 pages, ISBN 1-56459-016-X

BEGLEY, WALTER, Biblia Cabalistica, Shows how the
various numerical cabalas have been curiously
applied to the holy scriptures, with numerous
textual examples ranging from genesis to the
apocalypse, and collected from books of the
greatest rarity, for the most part not in the
British Museum or any public library in Great
Britain. With introduction, appendix of curios,
and bibliography. A large portion of this book is
in Latin. Extremely scarce-only fifty copies were
purported to have been published! 158 pages, ISBN

BLAVATSKY, H.P., Essays by Blavatsky, Contents:
Fundamentals of Theosophy; Ancient Egyptian Magic;
Spirits of Various Kinds; The Fall of Ideals;
Spiritual Progress; My Books; The Origin of Evil;
Star-Angel Worship in the Roman Catholic Church;
The Kabalah and the Kabalists; Roots of Ritualism
in the Church and Masonry; Kosmic Mind; Magnetism;
The Tidal Wave. 160 pages, ISBN 1-56459-248-0

BLAVATSKY, H.P., Nightmare Tales, "The world knows
H.P. Blavatsky chiefly by her encyclopedic
knowledge, her occult powers, her unique courage.
This little book, composed of stories thrown off by
her in her lighter moments, shows her as a vivid,
graphic writer, gifted with brilliant imagination.
The Nightmare Tales were rewritten during the last
few months of the author's pain-stricken life:
when tired with the drudgery of the Theosophical
Glossary she, who could not be idle, turned to this
lighter work and found therein amusement and
relaxation. Her friends, all the world over, will
welcome this example of gifts used but too rarely
amid the strain of weightier work." Contents: The
Bewitched Life; The Cave of the Echoes; The
Luminous Shield; From the Polar Lands; The Ensouled
Violin. 135 pages, ISBN 1-56459-251-0

BLAVATSKY, H. P., The Secret Doctrine: The
Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy
VOLUME 3 OCCULTISM (1897), This rare third volume
of the Secret Doctrine (virtually impossible to
find) completes the papers left by H. P. B. It is
a complete course on Occultism! Nothing is left
out. Almost 100 chapters. Partial contents: One
Key to all Sacred Books; The ABC of Magic; Chaldean
Oracles; The Book of Hermes; Three Ways Open to the
Adept; Names are Symbols; Characters of the Bible;
The Book of Enoch; Hermetic and Kabalistic
Doctrines; Numbers and Magic; Occult Weapons; The
Duty of the True Occultist; Two Eternal Principles;
St. Paul the real founder of Christianity;
Apollonius no Fiction; Biographies of Initiates;
Kabalistic Readings of Gospels; Magic in Antioch;
The Septenary Sephira; Seven Keys to all
Allegories; The Mystery of the Sun; Magical
Statutes; Masonry and Jesuits; Mysteries and
Masonry; Egyptian Initiation; Root of Races;
Celestial Wheels; Christian Star Worship; Defense
of Astrology; The Seven Rays; Secret Books; Tibetan
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more! Blavatsky was an occult master. If you are a
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illuminating book. 610 pages, ISBN 1-56459-415-7

Problems; The Blavatsky Lecture for 1919, Contents:
The Problem of the Self from Descartes to Kant, and
the Rise of Modern Scientific Materialism; The
Problem of the Self in Current Philosophy; The
Problem of the Self in Theosophic Mysticism; An
Examination of the Foregoing Standpoints. 190
pages, ISBN 1-56459-264-2

BOEHME, JACOB, Aurora, That is, the Day-Spring or
Dawning of the Day in the Orient or Morning Redness
in the Rising of the Sun. That is the Root or
Mother of Philosophie, Astrologie and Theologie
from the true Ground. Or a Description of Nature,
I. How All was, and came to be in the Beginning.
II. How Nature and the Elements are become
Creaturely. III. Also of the Two Qualities Evil
and Good. IV. From whence all things had their
Original. V. And how all stand and work at
present. VI. Also how all will be at the End of
the Time. VII. Also what is the Condition of the
Kingdom of God, and of the Kingdom of Hell. VIII.
And how men work and act creaturely in Each of
them. All this set down diligently from a true
Ground in the Knowledge of the Spirit, and in the
impulse of God. 723 pages, ISBN 1-56459-115-8

BOEHME, JACOB, Clavis, or Key, Sparrow, John. An
Exposition of Some Principal Matters and Words in
the Writings of Jacob Boehme. "But since the
lovers desire a Clavis, or key of my writings, I am
ready and willing to pleasure them in it, and will
set down a short description of the ground of those
strange words; some of which are taken from nature
and sense, and some are the words of strange
masters, which I have tried according to sense, and
found them good and fit. I will write but a short
description of the divine manifestation, yet as
much as I can comprehend in brief; and expound the
strange words for the better understanding of our
books for the consideration and help of beginners."
63 pages, ISBN 1-56459-267-7

BOEHME, JACOB, Concerning the Three Principles of
the Divine Essence, Edited by John Sparrow. Of the
Eternal, Dark, Light, and Temporary World. Showing
What the Soul, the Image and the Spirit of the Soul
are; and also what Angels, Heaven, and Paradise
are. How Adam was before the Fall, in the Fall,
and after the Fall. And what the Wrath of God,
Sin, Death, the Devils and Hell are. How all
things have been, now are, and how they shall be at
the Last. "Some have complained of the hardness to
understand his writings, and therefore I have
endeavored the Englishing of this book of the Three
Principles, which, the author saith, is the A, B, C
to all his writings; and if they read it carefully,
they will find it, though hard at first, easy at
last, and then all his other books easy, and full
of deep understanding. A man cannot conceive the
wonderful knowledge before he hath read this book
thoroughly and diligently, which he will find to be
contained in it." 809 pages, ISBN 1-56459-213-8

BOEHME, JACOB, Confessions of Jacob Boehme,
Introduction by Evelyn Underhill. "Jacob Boehme,
who reveals to us in this book some of the secrets
of his inner life, was among the most original of
the great Christian mystics. With a natural genius
for the things of the spirit, he also exhibited
many of the characteristics of the psychic, the
seer, and the metaphysician; and his influence on
philosophy has been at least as great as his
influence on religious mysticism." 188 pages, ISBN

BOEHME, JACOB, Dialogues on the Supersensual Life,
Edited by William Law. "The Soul, in the doctrine
of Boehme, is a Being which has a will or desire,
and is aided by a mirror of understanding or
imagination. Will or Desire is of the very essence
of the Soul, inseparable from its existence. He
says: 'Where Desire is, there is also Essence or
Being.' The Soul is subject to the diverse
attractions of the Centre of Divine Life and Light,
and of the Spirit of the World. Enlightened by its
understanding it has the free power to turn its
will towards, and unite itself to, this or that.
'Choose well, thy choice is brief and yet
endless.'" 144 pages, ISBN 1-56459-216-2

BOEHME, JACOB, Epistles of Jacob Boehme, Very
useful and necessary for those that read his
writings, and are very full of excellent and plain
Instructions how to attain to The Life of Christ.
216 pages, ISBN 1-56459-031-3

BOEHME, JACOB, Forty Questions of the Soul,
Sparrow, John. "The author wrote this answer to
these questions, chiefly for his friend's sake that
sent them to him, as also for the benefit of all
such as love the knowledge of Mysteries: this
friend who traveled for learning and hidden wisdom,
and in his return home, happened to hear of this
author in the city of Gorlitz; and when he had
obtained acquaintance with him, he rejoiced, that
at last he had found at home, in a poor cottage,
that which he had traveled for so far, and not
received satisfaction: then he went to the several
universities in Germany, and did there collect such
questions concerning the soul, as were thought and
accounted impossible to be resolved fundamentally
and convincingly; which he made this catalog of,
and sent to this author, from whom he received
these answers according to his desire, wherein he
and many others that saw them received full
satisfaction. 363 pages, ISBN 1-56459-266-9

BOEHME, JACOB, Mysterium Magnum, Or An Exposition
of the First Book of Moses Called Genesis. Edited
by John Sparrow. Concerning the Manifestation or
Revelation of the Divine Word through the Three
Principles of the Divine Essence; also of the
Original of the World and the Creation. Wherein
the Kingdom of Nature, and the Kingdom of Grace,
are Expounded. For the better understanding of the
Old and New Testament, and what Adam and Christ
are, also How Man should consider and may know
himself in the Light of Nature, what he is, and
wherein his Temporal, and Eternal Life, Consist;
also, wherein his Eternal Blessedness, and
Damnation Consist. And is an Exposition of the
Essence of all Essences for the further
Consideration of the Lovers, in the Divine Gift.
Comprised in Three  Parts. "Since then the great
Mysteries, the beginningof and original of all
things, do befall us by divine grace; that we are
able to understand the same in real knowledge, with
the inspired word of the divine science, we will
write down its ground in this book: I. We will
signify and declare what the centre and ground of
all essences is. II. What the divine
manifestation is. III. How evil and good have
their original from one only ground. IV. How all
things have their ground from the Grand Mystery.
V. How the eternal One introduceth itself into
sensation, perception, and severation, to the
science of itself, and the play of the divine
power. VI. How man may attain to the true
knowledge of God, and to the knowledge of the
eternal and temporal nature. VII. Also how man may
come unto the real contemplation of the Being of
all beings. VIII. Also of the creation of the
world and of all creatures. IX. And then of the
original, fall, and restoration of man; what he is
according to the first Adamical man in the kingdom
of nature: and what he is in the new regeneration
in the kingdom of grace, and how the new birth
comes to pass. X. Also what the Old and New
Testaments are, each in its understanding. And we
will enlarge this exposition through all the
chapters of the first Book of Moses; and signify
how the Old Testament is a figure of the New." 1030
pages, ISBN 1-56459-212-X

BOEHME, JACOB, On the Election of Grace and
Theosophic Questions, Of the one will of God; Of
the origin of God's ever-speaking Word; Of the
introduction of the fiery enkindling into form; Of
the original condition of the created world; Of the
original state of man; Of man's fall, and of his
wife; Of the animal manifestation in man; Of
passages of the Holy Scripture; Of opposition
between passages in the Scriptures; A brief
compilation of objections; A further comparison and
explanation of the passages concerning Election; A
brief account of some questions that confound
Reason; Theosophic Questions: What is God, apart
from nature and creature, in himself? What is the
abyss of all things where no creature is, or the
unfathomable nothing? What is God's love and
anger? What was there before the angels and the
world of creation were? What was the ground and
the essential principle from which the angels were
created? What is the office and the mode of
activity of the angels? What moved Lucifer that he
had a desire contrary to God, and turned himself
away from the good? How can a devil have arisen
from an angel? or, what is a devil? In what essence
and being does he stand after the fall? Seeing
that God is almighty, why did He not resist
Lucifer, and prevent this? What was it the devil
desired, with a view to which he turned aside from
God's love? What was the combat between Michael
and the dragon? How may the eternal counsel of God
be contemplated in the Divine intuition? How was
the expulsion of the dragon and the legions of
Lucifer brought about? What is the office of the
devil in hell? Had the foundation of hell a
temporal beginning, or has it been from eternity?
327 pages, ISBN 1-56459-146-8

BOEHME, JACOB, Signature of all Things; of the
Supersensual Life; of Heaven and Hell; Discourse
Between Two Souls, Showing the Sign and
Signification of the Several Forms and Shapes in
the Creation; and what the Beginning, Ruin, and
Cure of Everything is. It proceeds out of Eternity
into Time, and again out of Time into Eternity, and
Comprises all Mysteries. And other Writings Of the
Supersensual Life or the Life which is Above Sense;
The Way from Darkness to True Illumination;
Discourse Between Two Souls. Contents: How that
all whatever is spoken of God without the Knowledge
of the Signature is dumb and without Understanding,
and that in the Mind of Man the Signature lies very
exactly composed, according to the Being of all
Beings, Of the Opposition and Combat in the Essence
of all Essences, whereby the Ground of the Sympathy
and Antipathy in Nature may be seen, and also the
Corruption and Cure of each Thing, Of the great
Mystery of all Beings, Of the Birth of the four
Elements and Stars, Of the Sulphurean Death, and
how the dead Body is revived and replaced into its
first Glory or Holiness, How a Water and Oil is
generated, How Adam (while he was in Paradise) and
also Lucifer were glorious Angels, Of the
Sulphurean Sude, or Seething of the Earth, Of the
Signature, showing how the inward signs the
outward, Of the inward and outward Cure of Man, Of
the Process of Christ in his Suffering, Dying, and
Rising again, Of the Seventh Form in the Kingdom of
the Mother, Of the Enmity of the Spirit and Body,
and of their Cure and Restoration, Of the Wheel of
Sulphur, Mercury, and Salt; of the Generation of
Good and Evil: how the one is changed into the
other, Of the Will of the great Mystery in Good and
Evil; how a good and evil Will originally arises,
and how the one introduces itself into the other,
Of the Eternal Signature and Heavenly Joy; why all
Things were brought into Evil and Good.; Of the
Supersensual Life: Two Dialogues between a Scholar
or Disciple and his Master; The Way from Darkness
to True Illumination: A Discourse between a Soul
Hungry and Thirsty and a Soul Enlightened. 300
pages, ISBN 1-56459-215-4

BOEHME, JACOB, Six Theosophic Points, Earle, John
Rolleston. An Open Gate of all the Secrets of Life
Wherein the Causes of all Beings Become Known; Six
Mystical Points; On the Earthly and Heavenly
Mystery; On the Divine Intuition. First Point: Of
the springing of the three Principles, Of the first
growth and life from the first Principle, Of the
proprium of the principle; Second Point, Of the
mixed tree of evil and good; Third Point, Of the
origin of contrariety in growth; Fourth Point, How
the holy and good tree of eternal life grows
through and out of all the growths of the three
principles; Fifth Point, How a life may perish in
the tree of life, Of the right human essence from
God's essence; Sixth Point, Of the life of
darkness, wherein the devils dwell, Of the four
elements of the devil and of the dark world; Six
Mystical Points, On the blood and water of the
soul, On the election of grace, On sin, How Christ
will deliver up the kingdom to his Father, On
Magic, On Mystery; On the Earthly and Heavenly
Mystery; On the Divine Intuition: What God is, Of
the mind, will, and thoughts of human life, Of the
the natural ground, Of the In and Out. 220 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-240-5

BOEHME, JACOB, The Incarnation of Jesus Christ,
Translated from the German by John Rolleston Earle,
M.A. "Written according to divine illumination."
Contents: I. How the eternal Word has become man;
and of Mary the Virgin, who she was from her first
beginning, and what sort of mother she became by
conception of her son Jesus Christ. II. How we
must enter into the suffering, dying and death of
Christ; and out of his death rise again with him
and through him, and become like his image, and
live eternally in him. III. The tree of Christian
faith. A true instruction, showing how many may be
one spirit with God, and what he has to do to work
the works of God. 290 pages, ISBN 1-56459-378-9

BOEHME, JACOB, The Way to Christ, Of True
Repentance; of True Resignation; of Regeneration;
of the Supersensual Life, Contents: The First Book:
Of True Repentance; The Second Book: Of True
Resignation; The Third Book: Of Regeneration, or
the New Birth; The Fourth Book: A Dialog between a
Scholar and his Master, concerning the Super-
Sensual Life. 159 pages, ISBN 1-56459-218-9

BOEHME, JACOB, Threefold Life of Man, The High and
Deep Searching Out of the Three Principles.
Contents: Of the Original Matrix, or Genetrix;
Further of the Genetrix; Concerning the Birth of
Love; Of the Wellspring of Light; Of the Wisdom of
God, and of the Angelical World; Of the World, and
also of Paradise; Of the True Corner Stone; Of the
Transitory, and of the Eternal Life; Of the
Threefold Life; How Man may find himself; Of the
True Knowledge, what man is; Of the True Christian
Life and Conversation; Of Christ's most precious
Testaments; Of the Broad Way, and of the Narrow
Way; Of the Mixed World and its Wickedness; Of
Praying and Fasting; Of God's blessing in this
World; Of Death, and of Dying. 670 pages, ISBN 1-

BOEHME, JACOB, True Resignation, How man must die
daily, in his own will, in Self: and how he must
bring his desire into God what he should ask and
desire of God, also how he must spring up out of
the dying of the sinful man, with a new mind and
will, through the Spirit of Christ. Also What the
old and new Man is, and what either of them is in
life, Will, and doing. 57 pages, ISBN 1-56459-217-0

BOYLE, ROBERT, Sceptical Chymist, "Doubts &
Paradoxes, Touching the Spagyrist's Principles
Commonly called Hypostatical; As they are wont to
be Proposed and Defended by the Generality of
Alchymists. Whereunto is promised Part of another
Discourse relating to the same Subject." This
interesting book purposely played the role of
devil's advocate in the alchemical debate.
Seemingly antagonistic to alchemy, it provoked the
intended opposite effect: it helped to defend
alchemy's worth as a sacred science. Extremely
scarce. 452 pages, ISBN 0-922802-90-4

BOYLE, ROBERT, Seraphic Love, This rare, soul-
searching book, reveals the spiritual power of the
famous Rosicrucian, Robert Boyle. He takes you by
his gentle hand and guides you to the love of God.
This may be the first time it has ever been offered
to the spiritually hungry world since 1708. 75
pages, ISBN 1-56459-008-9

BRYDLOVA, BOZENA, Io Unveiled: The Brydlovan Theory
of the Origin of Numbers, Contents: Numbers;
Originators of the Primordial Number Forms;
Original Number Forms-Number One; Two: The Sun,
Light and Heat; Three: Moon, Water; Four: Mineral
Crystal, the Star; Five: Vegetating Earth; Six: The
Animal; Seven: Man (Androgenous), the Soul; Eight:
Woman (The Ovum); Nine: Man (The Spermatozoan);
Ten: Negative Circle and Negative Diameter; Angular
Theory of Numbers; Bible Proofs of the Angular
Theory; 45* Primordial Angle; 45* Tip of the Earth;
Solar Naros, the Real Origin of Number Forms;
Life's First Cleavage. The Embryo; Creation of
Earth and Man according to the 45* angle; Sound and
Color; The Lost Word; Bibliography. 90 pages, ISBN

BUCK, J.D., A Study of Man and the Way to Health
(1889), Contents: Forward; Preface; The Criterion
of Truth; Matter and Force; The Phenomenal World;
Philosophy and Science; Life; Polarity; Living
Forms; Planes of Life; Human Life; The Nervous
System; Consciousness; Health and Disease; Sanity
and Insanity; Involution and Evolution of Man; The
Higher Self; The Outposts of Science; The New
Psychology. 260 pages, ISBN 1-56459-421-1

BURTON, ROBERT, Anatomy of Melancholy, Partial
Contents: Definition of Melancholy; Causes of
Melancholy; Bad Diet; Passions and Perturbations of
the Mind; Symptoms or Signs of Melancholy in the
body; Prognosticks of Melancholy; Unlawful Cures
Rejected; Lawful Cures; Diet Rectified; Deformity
of Body, Sickness, Baseness of Birth; Against
Poverty and Want and other Adversities; Against:
Servitude, Loss of Liberty, Imprisonment, Sorrow
for death of Friends, Vain Fear, Envy, Emulation,
Hatred, Ambition, Self-love, and all other
Affections; Against: Repulse, Abuses, Injuries,
Disgraces, Slanders; Cure of Melancholy all over
the Body; Love-Melancholy; Symptoms or Signs of
Love-Melancholy; Symptoms of Jealously, fear,
sorrow, suspicion; Cure of Jealously; Religious
Melancholy. An outstanding analysis of what
melancholy is, its kinds, causes, symptoms,
prognosticks, and several cures for it;
Philosophically, Medicinally, and Historically.
1040 pages, ISBN 1-56459-003-8

BURTON, ROBERT, Philosophaster, An entertaining
comedy replete with philosophy, alchemy, politics,
and human nature from the author of the popular
work: The Anatomy of Melancholy. Contents:
Chronological Table; Philosophaster (original Latin
with an English translation) Notes to
Philosophaster; Facsimile of Burton's Autograph;
Burton's Preface to Rider's Dictionarie; Burton's
Poemata; Robert Burton's Will; Wood's Account of
Burton. 310 pages, ISBN 1-56459-227-8

CARPENTER, EDWARD, Pagan and Christian Creeds:
Their Origin and Meaning, Contents: Solar Myths and
Christian Festivals; The Symbolism of the Zodiac;
Totem-Sacraments and Eucharists; Food and
Vegetation Magic; Magicians, Kings and Gods; Rites
of Expiation and Redemption; Pagan Initiations and
the Second Birth; Myth of the Golden Age; The
Saviour-God and the Virgin-Mother; Ritual Dancing;
The Sex-Taboo; The Genesis of Christianity; The
Meaning of it All; The Ancient Mysteries; The
Exodus of Christianity; Conclusion; Appendix on the
Teachings of the Upanishads: Rest; The Nature of
the Self. 318 pages, ISBN 1-56459-211-1

CARRINGTON, HEREWARD, Story of Psychic Science,
(Psychical Research) Contents: The Meaning of
Psychical Research; The Reality of the Invisible;
The Personality of the Investigator; Fraud and
Deception; The Oracles; The Saints and Psychic
Phenomena; Miracles; Witchcraft; Astrology;
Occultism: Occult Science; Mysticism; Swedenborg;
Mesmerism; Hypnotism; Psychic Phenomena Among
Savages; Psychic Phenomena Among the American
Indians; Andrew Jackson Davis; The Antecedents of
Spiritualism; Modern Spiritualism: Historical New
Mediums; Spiritualism and Insanity; Reincarnation;
The Ethics of Spiritualism; The Moral Teachings of
Spiritualism; Theosophy; Society for Psychical
Research; Psychology and Psychical Research; The
Physical Phenomena; Human Aura, Telekinesis; Raps,
Poltergeists; Independent Writing; Levitation;
Hindu Magic; Mental Phenomena, Automatic Writing,
Speaking with Tongues; Crystal Gazing; Psychometry;
Telepathy; Clairvoyance; Premonitions; Apparitions;
Haunted Houses; The Relation of Psychic Phenomena
to Other Sciences; Physics, Chemistry, Math,
Botany, Astronomy, Art, Music. 400 pages, ISBN 1-

CHAMBERS, Alchemy and the Alchemists, This is one
of the famous "Chambers's Papers" which was widely
responsible for educating the masses. Gives an
illuminating overview of alchemy, alchemists, and
the alchemical process. 64 pages, ISBN 1-56459-005-

CHEASLEY, CLIFFORD W., What's In Your Name,
Contents: Vibration and Life; The Numbers; What
the Name Means; Construction or Destruction;
Numbers in Action; Negative Action; What the Birth
Date Indicates; Changing the Name; Harmonious
Association; Choosing a Life's Work; What and How;
Complete Adjustment; Where and to Whom; Conclusion.
105 pages, ISBN 1-56459-402-5

CHENEY, SHELDON, Men Who Have Walked With God,
Being the Story of Mysticism through the ages told
in the biographies of representative seers and
saints with excerpts from their writings and
sayings. Contents: The Golden Age and the Mystic
Poet Lao-Tse; The Buddha, the Great Light, and the
Bliss of Nirvana; The Age of Reason in Greece:
Pythagoras and Plato; The Tardy Flowering of Greek
Mysticism: Plotinus; Christian Mysticism, from the
Founders to St. Bernard; The Medieval Flowering:
Eckhart and the Friends of God; Fra Angelico, the
Saintly Painter and Tool of God; Jacob Boehme, the
Shoemaker-Illuminate of the Reformation; Brother
Lawrence, the Lay Monk Who Attained Unclouded
Vision; A Mystic in the Age of Enlightened
Skepticism: William Blake. 415 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

CHURCHWARD, ALBERT, Origin and Evolution of
Religion, Contents: Definitions of Religion;
Religious Cult of the Totemic People; Magic and
Fetishism; Hero Cult and Mythology; Sacred Symbols;
The Stellar Cult; Great Pyramid of Ghizeh;
Different Phases of the Stellar Cult; Lunar Cult;
Solar Cult; The Jews and Israelites; Babylonian
Cult; Buddhism; The Druids; Mohammedism; Cult of
Christianity. 422 pages, ISBN 1-56459-203-0

CHURCHWARD, ALBERT, Signs and Symbols of Primordial
Man, The Evolution of Religious Doctrines From the
Eschatology of the Ancient Egyptians. "In writing
the explanation of the Signs and Symbols of
Primordial Man, I have gone back to the foundation
of the human as  a beginning, and traced these  signs
from the first Pygmies, and their then meaning, up
to the latter-day Christians, and shown the
evolution and meaning of the same, back to the
Primordial Signs and Symbols and Sign Language,
which have never been studied or taken into account
either in Freemasonry, the Christian doctrines or
the Eschatology of the Egyptians." Partial
Contents: Freemasonry Generally, Totemism;
Hieroglyphics; Remains of Ritual found amongst the
Zapotecs, Mexicans, People of Yucatan and Central
America; Myths and Legends same as Egyptian; Tribes
of West Africa; Birthplace of Man and various
Exodes; The Pygmies; Druids and Israelites;
Chaldeans; Origin of the Zodiac; Oriental Origins;
The Incas; The Buddhists; Steller to Solar Mythos;
Origins and Explanations of Other Principal Signs
and Symbols used amongst Freemasons; Origin of the
Triangle, Circle, Cross; Great Pyramid, and
Pyramids of Mexico and the Sphinx. 500 pages, ISBN

COCKREN, A., Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored,
"The object of this book is to place before the
reader in language as simple as possible the story
of alchemy. Because the literature on this science
has ever been an enigma to both the scientific and
the lay mind, it is the earnest desire of the
author to present it stripped of its symbolism, and
to give some indication of its processes, its
achievements, and its possibilities. He wishes to
show that this science is the Law operating behind
all Manifestation in Man; Man that is in his
entirety, physical, mental, and spiritual, and to
demonstrate how it is bound up in the further
evolution and unfoldment of the race, for without
this understanding the vision of Man made perfect
is impossible." This is an excellent primer for
anyone interested in alchemy. 158 pages, ISBN 1-

COLVILLE, W. J., Ancient Mysteries & Modern
Revelations (1911), Contents: Bibles Under Modern
Searchlight; Rivers of Life or Faiths of Man in All
Lands; Ancient and Modern Ideas of Revelation;
Various Spiritual Elements in the Bible and Classic
Literature; Creation Legends; Egypt and Its Wonders
Literally and Mystically considered; The Philosophy
of Ancient Greece; The School of Pythagoras; The
Delphic Mysteries; Apollonius of Tyana; Five
Varieties of Yoga; Union of Eastern and Western
Philosophy; Ezekiel's Wheel-What it Signifies-
Astrology in Prophecy; Emanuel Swedenborg and His
Doctrine of Correspondences; The Book of Exodus-Its
Practical and Esoteric Teachings; The Story of the
Passover and the Pillar of Fire in the Wilderness;
The Message of Buddhism-Purity and Philanthropy;
Magic in Europe in the Middle Ages; Ancient Magic
and Modern Therapeutics-Paracelsus and Von Helmont;
Jeanne D'Arc, the Maid of Orleans; Andrew Jackson
Davis; Bible Symbolism; Life and Matter; The Law of
Seven and the Law of Unity; Spiritualism and the
Deepening of Spiritual Life; The Esoteric Teachings
of the Gnostics; Halley's Comet; Psychopathic
Treatment. 366 pages, ISBN 1-56459-400-9

COMENIUS, JOHN AMOS, Labyrinth of the World and the
Paradise of the Heart, "What you will read, dear
reader, is no fable, even though it may have the
appearance of one. It describes real life, as you
will perceive when you have gained insight into
it." "Fare you well, my dear Christian, and may
the leader of light, the Holy Spirit, reveal to
you, better than I am able to do, the vanity of the
world, as well as the true glory, consolation, and
the joy of the elect and God-united hearts." John
Amos Comenius. "Comenius's delightful allegory
Labyrinth of the World may fitly take its place
among the great dramatizations of the ever vital
message of mysticism, or with such allegories as
the English religious classic, Bunyan's Pilgrim's
Progress." "Comenius shows himself, in this work,
a genuine mystic in the succession of Plotinus,
Augustine, Meister Eckhart, Garard Groote, and
Thomas a Kempis. The message of his work is a
dramatized presentation of the eternal theme of all
mysticism. The Kingdom of God is within you." 170
pages, 1-56459-293-6

CRAVEN, J.B., Count Michael Maier, Doctor of
Philosophy and of Medicine, Alchemist, Rosicrucian,
and Mystic, Life and Writings. Contents: Life of
Maier; References to Maier and His Works; A
compendium of his works. 165 pages, ISBN 0-922802-

CRAVEN, J.B., Dr. Robert Fludd, The life and
writings of the famous English Rosicrucian.
Contents: His youth; Duns Scotus and the
Schoolmen; Occult Studies in England; Fludd goes
abroad; Secret Societies for Esoteric study;
Michael Maier-A Friend; "Tractatus Theologo-
Philosophicus"; The "Utriusque Cosmi Historia";
Second part of the "Historia"; The second Tome of
the "Historia"; Theosophical and Cabalistic studies
of Fludd; Fludd, Mersenne, and Gassendi; The
Charges Against Fludd by Gassendi, and Fludd's
Reply in his "Clavis." The "Philosophia Sacra,"
and "Philosophia Moysaica"; The Mosaicall
Philosophy; Fludd and Foster; Fludd's Medical
Works: Mystical and Practical; Fludd's last
Portrait; Orders for his Funeral. 260 pages, ISBN

D'OLIVET, FABRE, Golden Verses of Pythagoras,
Translated by Nayan Louis Redfield. Contents:
Discourse Upon the Essence and Form of Poetry; The
Golden Verses of Pythagoras; Examinations of the
Golden Verses, 290 pages, ISBN 1-56459-276-6

D'OLIVET, FABRE, Hebraic Tongue Restored, And the
True Meaning of the Hebrew Words Re-established and
Proved by their Radical Analysis. In this work is
found: Introductory dissertation upon the origin
of speech, the study of the tongues which can lead
to this origin and the purpose that the author has
in view; Hebraic Grammar founded upon new
principles, and made useful for the study of
tongues in general; Series of Hebraic roots
considered under new relations, and destined to
facilitate the understanding of language, and that
of etymological science; Translation into English
of the first ten chapters of the Sepher, containing
the Cosmogony of Moses. 824 pages, 1-56459-281-2

D'OLIVET, FABRE, Hermeneutic Interpretation of the
Origin of the Social State of Man and of the Adamic
Race, Partial Contents: Knowledge of Man is
Indispensable to the Legislator; Intellectual,
Metaphysical Constitution of Man; Man is One of
Three Great Powers of the Universe; Division of
Mankind; Love, Principle of Sociability; Marriage,
Basis of the Social Edifice; Man is First Mute-
First Language Consists of Signs; Digression on the
Four Ages of the World; Deplorable Lot of Woman;
Concerning Property; First Forms of Worship; First
Geographical Division of Europe; Origin of Music
and Poetry; Deviation of the Cult, Superstition;
Establishment of Theocracy; Divine Messenger; Who
Rama Was; Digression upon the Celts; Divine Unity
Admitted into the Universal Empire; Origin of the
Phoenician Shepherds; Foundation of the Assyrian
Empire; New Developments of the Intellectual
Sphere; Appearance of the Political Conqueror
Involving the Despotism and the Downfall of
Theocracy; Orpheus, Moses, and Fo-Hi; Struggle
between Asia and Europe; Greece Loses her Political
Existence; Beginning of Rome; Mission of Jesus;
Conquest of Odin; Mission of Mohammed; Reign of
Charlemagne; Utility of Feudalism and of
Christianity; Historical and Political view of the
Principal Nations of Europe; Institution of the
Jesuits: For what End?; Movement of the European
Will towards America; Settlement of the Jesuits in
Paraguay; Principle of the Republican Government;
Principle of Monarchical Government; Causes which
Are Opposed to the Establishment of Pure Despotism
and Democracy. 607 pages, ISBN 1-56459-277-4

DAVIDSON, D. & ALDERSMITH, H., Great Pyramid Its
Divine Message, This is the premier source work on
pyramid study. An Original Co-ordination of
Historical Documents and Archaeological Evidences.
Contents: Ancient Astronomical Observatories and
Almanac Devices and Traditions; The Evidences of
Scientific Origins in Ancient Egypt; Geometrical
Metrology and Dynastology; Origins of Greek
Geometry and Astronomy; The Elements of Ancient
Gravitational Astronomy; The Pyramid's External
Definition of the Earth and Its Orbit; Pyramid
Measures and Details, and Subsidence Distortion;
Ancient Science of Chronology: Its Origin and
Purpose; Astronomical Ephemeris Intact, and the
Literary Fragments of its Application; Precession,
The Zodiac and Orbital Movement; The Chronograph of
History; The Synchronous History of Egypt, Babylon,
Assyria, and Israel; Messianic Age of the Ancient
Prophecies; "The Consummation:; Chronology of Our
Lord's Life and the Harmony of the Gospels; Date of
the Nativity; Duration of Our Lord's Ministry;
Month-Day and the Weed-Day of the Crucifixion;
Egyptian King Lists. 568 pages, ISBN 1-56459-116-6

DAVIES, T. WITTON, Magic, Divination, and
Demonology among the Hebrews and their Neighbors
(1898), Including an Examination of Biblical
References and of the Biblical Terms. "Magic,
Divination, Necromancy, and Demonology are so
closely connected in their character and history,
that it is impossible to lay down lines between."
150 pages, ISBN 1-56459-412-2

Discourses on the Secret Sciences and Mysteries in
Accordance with the Principles of the Ancient Magi
and the Wisdom of the Kabalistic Philosophers.
"Warning. This book is for the student who seeks
to illuminate his intelligence by the Torch of his
own divinity. Let him whose quest is the
gratification of a selfish intellectualism beware
its pages, for this is a book of hidden mystery and
power. Therefore let the mind be pure that it may
invite the approach of the Pilgrim Soul and come
into a new realization of God's Omnipotence and
Justice." Partial Contents: The Abbe de Villars
Meets the Comte, Comte de Gabalis, Raymond Lully
and His Testament, The Cabala, Philosopher's Stone,
Visions of St. John, Initiation Defined; The People
of the Elements, Philosophic Balance, Cause of the
Evolution of consciousness, Wisdom of the Serpent,
Universal Fire or Solar Force, Sects and Religions,
their Cause, Philosophy of Nutrition, Hermes,
Messenger of the Gods; The Oracles; Children of the
Philosophers, Satan Cabalistically Defined,
Allegory of Eve and the Serpent, Marriages of the
Gods, The Greek Myth, Plato a Son of the Sun,
Melchizedek and Shem, Birth of Apollonius of Tyana,
Merlin; Charity of the Philosophers, Sanhedrin of
the New Law, Geomancy, Prince of the World, Non-
Existence; St. Paul an Initiate; Plato; Book of
Enoch; Egg and Serpent Symbol; Holy Language
described by Emmanuel Swedenborg, Samson, Moses an
Initiate, Sacred Fire, Zoroaster, Roman Worship of
a Supreme Deity without Image or Statue, Birth of
Jesus as related in the Koran; Seven Ancient
Prophecies of World Peace, Truth; Justice; The
Messenger. 352 pages, ISBN 1-56459-201-4

DUDLEY, DEAN, History of the First Council of Nice,
A World's Christian Convention A.D. 325 with a Life
of Constantine. "The words Council, Synod, and
Convention are synonymous. There were many
Councils held in Christendom before that of Nice;
but they were not Ecumenical, that is, general or
universal." "The Council of Nice set the example
of trying to compel Christians to adopt its modes
of faith. That plan was not so fair as those
pursued by the great philosophers." This book
contains information on the life of Constantine
"being decidedly the most conspicuous figure in the
picture." 125 pages, ISBN 1-56459-165-4

EISLER, ROBERT, Orpheus-The Fisher, Christianity is
permeated with powerful symbolism! This book
reveals hundreds of symbols, their origins, and
meanings. Essential reading for mystics and
Christians who seek a path to the roots of
Christianity. 315 pages, ISBN 1-56459-029-1

ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANIA (1771), Eighteenth Century
Chemistry as it Relates to Alchemy, Clarifies some
of the methods and practices used in the art of
alchemy, the mother of chemistry, from the 1771
Encyclopedia Brittania. Contains a complete course
on alchemy. Scarce! 173 pages, ISBN 1-56459-304-5

FARR, FLORENCE, Egyptian Magic, "The study of
Magic, which has now fallen into disrepute was,
among the Egyptians, regarded with a veneration
hardly accorded to the highest Philosophy in modern
times. To the Ancient Egyptians the most eminent
man was he who had by hard training gained
supremacy over the Elements, from which his own
body and the Manifested World were alike formed;
one whose Will had risen Phoenix-like from the
ashes of his desires; one whose Intuition, cleansed
from the stains of material illusion, was a clear
mirror in which he could perceive the Past, the
Present and the Future." Contents: The Book of
Songs Powerful Against the Inhabitants of the
Waters; Legend of Ra and Isis; Gnostic Magic of
Egypt; Extracts from the Gnostic Papyrus; The Book
of the Grand Words of Each Mystery; 85 pages, ISBN

FERGUSON, JOHN, Bibliotheca Chemica, (Volumes 1 &
2) A catalogue of the Alchemical, Chemical and
Pharmaceutical books in the collection of the late
James Young of Kelly and Duris, Esq., LL.D.,
F.R.S., F.R.S.E. Not just a list of titles, but a
great deal of biographical information on hundreds
of authors. "The student of the literature of
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FIGULUS, BENEDICTUS, A Golden and Blessed Casket of
Nature's Marvels, Concerning the Blessed Mystery of
the Philosopher's Stone; Introduction by Arthur
Edward Waite. Contents: An Epigram concerning the
Philosopher's Stone, by Alexander de S., to
Gulielmus Blaucus; Book of the Revelation of
Hermes, Interpreted by Theophrastus Paracelsus,
concerning the Supreme Secret of the World;
Concerning the True Medicine of the Most
Distinguished Man, Alexander von Suchten; Man, the
best and most perfect of God's creatures. A more
complete Exposition of this Medical Foundation for
the less Experienced Student; A Dialogue, by
Alexander von Suchten, Introducing two
Interlocutory personages, viz., Alexander and
Bernhardus; Extracts from the Book of the Three
Faculties, by Alexander von Suchten; An Explanation
of the Natural Philosopher's Tincture of
Theophrastus Paracelsus, by Alexander von Suchten;
Corollary concerning Hyle; Certain Notable Facts
concerning the Philosopher's Stone; Four Degrees in
the Regimen of Fire; Concerning Salts;
Philosophical Rules or Canons concerning the
Philosopher's Stone; Anonymous Treatise concerning
the Philosopher's Stone; Certain Verses of an
Unknown Writer concerning the Great Work of the
Tincture; Enigmas concerning the Tincture;
Concerning the Potable Gold of Theophrastus
Paracelsus; Of the Power, Operation, and
exceedingly beneficial Use of the Glorious Antidote
termed Potable Gold. 391 pages, ISBN 1-56459-180-8

FIRTH, FLORENCE, Golden Verses of Pythagoras, And
Other Pythagorean Fragments. "In this small volume
an attempt has been made to gather together the
best and most reliable of the sets of Ethical
Verses attributed to the Pythagoreans." "Sorely is
needed in life the strong pure teaching of the
elder days, when learning was held to be richer
than wealth, and simplicity finer than lavishness.
None will truly profit by the book who merely reads
it through; a sentence should be taken as a thought
to 'sleep on,' or as a note to which the day's work
should be attuned, and, deeply meditated upon,
should lead to the riches hidden beneath its words.
Such use of the book will make it what it should
be-a sign-post pointing the hidden way to wisdom,
which is a treasure concealed." Contents: Golden
Verses of Pythagoras, with Notes from the
Commentaries of Hierocles; Golden Sentences of
Democrates; Pythagorean Sentences of Demophilus;
Similitudes of Demophilus, or the Remedy of Life;
Pythagorean Ethical Sentences from Stobus; Select
Sentences of Sextus, the Pythagorean; Pythagorean
Sentences from the Protreptics of Iamblichus;
Symbols of Pythagoras, with the Explanations of
Iamblichus. 93 pages, ISBN 1-56459-255-3

FORLONG, J.G.R., Rivers of Life, or Sources and
Streams of the Faiths of Manin all Lands Showing
the Evolution of Faiths from the Rudest Symbolisms
to the Latest Spiritual Developments. This is the
first reprint ever of this foundational work on
spiritual evolution. This book is so scarce that
copies sell fast at over one thousand dollars-if
you can find one. Contained herein is the catalyst
of all human mystical, religious, and spiritual
thought that eventually evolved into the mystery
schools, such as Freemasonry, Theosophy and
Rosicrucianism. Contents: Tree Worship; Serpent
and Phallic Worship; Fire Worship; Sun Worship;
Ancestor Worship; Early Faiths of Western Asia;
Faiths of Western Aborigines in Europe and Adjacent
Countries; Faiths of Eastern Aborigines, Non-Aryan,
Aryan and Shemitik. No other source work describes
in this magnificent detail our great spiritual
heritage. Out-of-print for over 100 years, now you
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GARDNER, F. LEIGH, Bibliotheca Astrologica, Edited
by William W. Westcott. A Catalog of Astrological
Publications of the Fifthteenth through the
Nineteenth Centuries., 184 pages, 1-56459-300-2

GARDNER, F. LEIGH, Bibliotheca Rosicruciana, A
scarce bibliography of Rosicrucian literature.
Only for the serious Rosicrucian student. 101
pages, ISBN 1-56459-014-3

GARSTEN, E.J., Secret Fire, "The Secret Fire of the
Alchemists has been described by them as 'The All
in All,' and, next to the solution of the Sophic
Salt, it is said to be the greatest difficulty in
the whole art. Without knowledge of the Fire
nothing can be attained, even if the Matter be
known." Scarce! 120 pages, ISBN 0-922802-20-3

GLASER, CHRISTOPHER, The Complete Chemist or a New
Treatise of Chemistry (1677), Teaching by a short
and easy method all its most necessary
Preparations. This first ever reprint (?) brings
to the alchemical student a wealth of unique
alchemical knowledge. Alchemical terms and
processes are spelled out in great detail. The
book has been underlined in some place. Very
scarce. 300 pages, ISBN 1-56459-354-1

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Divine Revelations Containing a Description of
Twenty-seven Bibles, and an Exposition of Two
thousand Biblical Errors in Science, History,
Morals, Religion, and General Events. Partial
Contents: Leading Positions of this Work;
Relationship of the Old and New Testaments; Why
this Work was Written; All Bibles Useful in Their
Place; Beauties and Benefits of Bibles; Twenty-
Seven Bibles Described: Hindu, Egyptian, Persian,
Chinese, Mohammedan, Jew, Christian; General
Analogies of bibles; The Infidels' Bible; Numerous
Absurdities in the Story of the Deluge; Ten
Commandments, Moral Defects of; Ten Foolish Bible
Stories; Bible Prophecies not Fulfilled; Bible
Miracles; Bible Contradictions; Obscene Language of
the Bible; Bible Errors-New Testament; Divine
Revelation Impossible and Unnecessary; Original Sin
and Fall of Man not True; Repentance; An Angry God;
Special Providences an Erroneous Doctrine; Faith
and Belief; A Personal God Impossible; Evil,
Natural and Moral, Explained; Rational View of Sin
and its Consequences; Bible at War with Eighteen
Sciences; Bible as a Moral Necessity; What Shall We
Do to be Saved? True Religion Defined; Sects,
Schisms, and Skeptics in Christian Countries; The
Christians' God; Idolatrous Veneration for bibles;
What Shall We Substitute for the Bible? Religious
Reconstruction; or, the Moral Necessity for a
Religious Reform. 440 pages, 1-56459-295-2

GRAVES, KERSEY, Biography of Satan, Or, a
historical exposition of the devil and his fiery
dominions disclosing the oriental origin of the
belief in a devil and future endless punishment.
Christianity has historically perverted the
mystical truth to enslave mankind through fear.
Are you ready to be set free? Contents: Evils and
Demoralizing Effects of the Doctrine of Endless
Punishment; Ancient Traditions Respecting the
Origin of Evil and the Devil; Wicked Devil and
Endless Hell not taught in Jewish Scriptures;
Explanation of Words Devil and Hell in Old
Testament; God (and not the Devil) the Author of
Evil According to the bible; God and the Devil
Originally Twin-Brothers, and known by the same
Titles; Origin of the Terms, "Kingdom of Heaven,"
"Gates of Hell," etc.; Hell first Instituted in the
Skies; "The Bottomless Pit"; Lake of Fire and
Brimstone; Where is Hell; Man's Evil Thoughts being
Prompted by Devil; Christian's Devil; Punitive
Terms of the Bible of Oriental Origin; Doctrine of
After-Death Punishment Proved to be of Heathen and
Priestly Origin; Explanation of Hell, Hades,
Tartarus, Infernus, Gehenna, and Tophet. 160 pages,
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GRAVES, KERSEY, World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors
or Christianity before Christ., New, startling, and
extraordinary revelations in religious history,
which disclose the oriental origin of all the
doctrines, principles, precepts, and miracles of
the Christian New Testament and furnishing a key
for unlocking many of its sacred mysteries, besides
comprising the history of 16 heathen crucified
gods. Partial Contents: Rival claims of the
Saviors, Messianic Prophecies; Prophecies by the
Figure of a Serpent; Miraculous and immaculate
Conception of the Gods; Virgin Mothers and Virgin-
born Gods; Stars Point out the Time and the
Saviors' Birthplace; Angels, Shepherds, and Magi
Visit the Infant Saviors; Twenty-fifth of December
the Birthday of the Gods; Saviors of Royal Descent,
but Humble Birth; Christ's Genealogy; Saviors
Exhibit Early Proofs of Divinity; Saviors' Kingdoms
not of the World; Saviors are Real Personages;
Sixteen Saviors Crucified; Aphanasia, or Darkness,
at the Crucifixion; Descent Into Hell;
Resurrection; Reappearance and Ascension;
Atonement: Its Oriental or Heathen Origin; Holy
Ghost of Oriental Origin; Divine "Word" of Oriental
Origin; The Trinity; Absolution; Origin of Baptism
by Water, Fire, Blood, and the Holy Ghost;
Sacrament or Eucharist of Heathen Origin; Anointing
with Oil; How Men, Including Jesus Christ, Came to
be Worshiped as Gods; Sacred Cycles Explaining the
advent of the Gods; Christianity Derived from
Heathen and Oriental Systems; Three Hundred and
forty-six Striking Analogies between Christ and
Chrishna; Appolonius, Osiris, and Magus as Gods;
Three Pillars of the Christian Faith; Philosophical
Absurdities of the Doctrine of the Divine
Incarnation; A Historical View of the divinity of
Jesus Christ; Scriptural View of Christ's Divinity;
Precepts and practical Life of Jesus Christ; Christ
as a Spiritual Medium; Conversion, Repentance, and
"Getting Religion" of Heathen Origin; Moral Lessons
of Religious History. 440 pages, 1-56459-288-X

GUTHRIE, KENNETH, Message of Philo Judaeus of
Alexandria, Philo was born in Alexandria in 20 B.C.
Chapters: His Life and Works; Allegoric
Interpretation and Mysteries; God; The World;
Psychology and Ethics; Church and Sacraments; The
Eucharist; Spirit and Inspiration; Eschatology;
Salvation; The Therapeuts. Scarce. 96 pages, ISBN

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and Modernized: A Drama of Interior Initiation,
Employing all the available Data and Survival of
the Historic Persio-Roman Mithraics embodying
versions of Zoroastrian Scriptures combining the
Religions of all Races and Times,with the best of
Modern Spiritual Thought with Experiments for every
Day of the Year. Contents: Search for Truth;
Control of Sleep; Achievement of Health;
Comparative Religion; Valuation of Error; Judgment
of Self-knowledge; Vindication of Diving Justice;
Calling of the Saviors; Building of Sanctuaries;
Soul-Marriage to Wisdom; Choice of Successors;
Unveiling of Final; Truth. Use this scarce and
illuminating book to achieve an intitaition into
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HALLIWELL, JAMES ORCHARD, Private Diary of Dr. John
Dee and the Catalogue of His Library of Alchemical
Manuscripts, From the Original Manuscripts in the
Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, and Trinity College
Library, Cambridge. "The eminent philosopher of
Mortlake." "The publication of this Diary will
tend perhaps to set Dee's character in its true
light, more than anything that has yet been
printed." 130 pages, ISBN 1-56459-109-3

HAMILTON-JONES, J. W., Bacstrom's Alchemical
Anthology, "The following extracts selected from
numerous authors, contain a full elucidation of the
hidden art on which so many thousand volumes have
been written." "Certain it is their knowledge in
some particulars went far beyond what the moderns,
with all their advantages, can pretend to lay claim
to. Their prime and grand arcanum was the
Philosophers' stone-a secret which they concealed
with much care, and which yet they were anxious
should be discovered by a few, from their
writings." A few of the alchemists mentioned are:
Eyrneus Philaletha, Raymund Lully, Ripley, Bacon,
Geber, Flamel, Kelly, Basil Valentine,
Theophrastus. Contents: Of Sulphur-Sol; Of our
Mercury-Regulus of Antimony and Mars; Of the Secret
Fire-Sublimate of Mercury; Of Rebis; Of the Three
Principles; Of the Furnace and Glass; Of the Work.
152 pages, ISBN 1-56459-154-9

HARTMANN, FRANZ, Among the Gnomes: An Occult Tale
of Adventure in the Untersberg, Hartmann was a
famous occultist who understood the "inner secret
workings" of nature. Although we believe this book
to be allegorical, it well represents the forces a
spiritual initiate is likely to meet and must
master. Contents: Introduction; In the Dragon's
Den; Within the Untersberg; Among the Gnomes;
Lucifer; Digging for Light; War. Fun and
enlightening reading. Also good for children. 275
pages, ISBN 1-56459-330-4

HARTMANN, FRANZ, An Adventure Among the
Rosicrucians, "Alas! Has all I have seen been
nothing else than a dream? Has that which seemed
so beautiful and real been merely an illusion of my
brain, and have I now returned to real life?" Join
Franz Hartmann on this incredible adventure.
Contents: Among the Rosicrucians; The Excursion;
The Theosophical Monastery; The Refectory; The
Alchemical Laboratory; The End. 180 pages, ISBN 1-

HARTMANN, FRANZ, In the Pronaos of the Temple of
Wisdom, Containing the history of the true and the
false Rosicrucians with an introduction into the
mysteries of the hermetic philosophy and an
appendix containing the principles of the yoga-
philosophy of the Rosicrucians and alchemists.
"For those who earnestly wish to enter the path and
to follow the Light, I have added some of the most
precious gems, taken from the books of the sages;
whose meaning will be incomprehensible to the
would-be wise; while those who are unsophisticated
will find therein a great deal of wisdom."
Contents: Hermetic Philosophy; Medieval
Philosophers, Magic; Among the Adepts; The
Rosicrucian Orders, History; Pseudo Rosicrucians,
Imposters and Fools; Principles of the Yoga-
Philosophy; In the Pronaos of the Temple of the
True Cross; Alchemy. 96 pages, ISBN 1-56459-219-7

HARTMANN, FRANZ, Life and Doctrines of Jacob
Boehme, The God-Taught Philosopher; "The Light
which was kindled in the soul of Jacob Boehme is
still illuminating the world, growing larger and
brigher from day to day in proporiton as mankind
becomes more capable of beholding it and of
receiving and grasping his ideas." Franz Hartmann
gives an excellent overview of the life of Boehme.
Contents: Unity; Seven Qualities; Creation;
Angels; Restoration of Nature; Man; Nature, or the
Third Principle; Generation; The Christ;
Incarnation; Redemption; Regeneration; Death and
Eternal Life; Christ and Antichrist. 340 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-270-7

HARTMANN, FRANZ, Life and the Doctrines of
Philippus Theophrastus Bombast of Hohenheim Known
as Paracelsus, Extracted from His Rare and
Extensive Works and from some Unpublished
Manuscripts; "Of those who have taught the secret
doctrine's scientific aspect, there have been none
more profound than Hermes Trismegistus, Pythagoras,
and Paracelsus." "Paracelsus threw pearls before
the swine, and was scoffed at by the ignorant, his
reputation was torn by the dogs of envy and hate,
and he was treacherously killed by his enemies.
But although his physical body returned to the
elements out of which it was formed, his genius
still lives, and as the eyes of the world become
better opened to an understanding of spiritual
truths, he appears like a sun on the mental
horizon, whose light is destined to illuminate the
world of mind and to penetrate deep into the hearts
of the coming generation, to warm the soil out of
which the science of the coming century will grow."
Contents: The Life of Paracelsus; Explanations of
Terms Used by Paracelsus; Cosmology; Anthropology,
The Generation of Man; Pneumatology; Magic and
Sorcery; Medicine; Alchemy and Astrology;
Philosophy and Theosophy. 387 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

HARTMANN, FRANZ, Life of Jehoshua the Prophet of
Nazareth, An Occult Study and a Key to the Bible
Containing the History of an Initiate. "The only
object of the following pages is to aid in
dispelling the mists which for many centuries have
been gathering around the person of the supposed
founder of Christianity, and which have prevented
mankind from obtaining a clear view of the true
Redeemer, who is not to be found in history nor in
external forms, but who can only be found within
the interior temple of the soul by him in whom his
presence becomes manifest." Contents: True
History of Christ (An Allegory); Jehovah; Nazareth;
Egypt; The Mysterious Brotherhood; The Higher
Degrees; The Wisdom Religion; The Temptation; The
Sermon Upon the Mount; Doctrines of the Christ
Spirit; Herodias; Jerusalem; The Great
Renunciation; The Temple; The Hero; the Final
Initiation; The Church. 200 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

HARTMANN, FRANZ, Magic, White and Black, The
Science of Finite and Infinite Life Containing
Practical Hints for Students of Occultism. "Magic
means that divine art of exercise of spiritual
power by which the awakened spirit in man may
control the living elements." It was not my
object, in composing this book to write merely a
code of ethics,...but to assist the student in
studying the elements of which his own soul is
composed, and to learn to know his own psychical
organism." "In this Spirit of God in man rest all
of man's divine and magical powers. To call the
attention of the readers to the divine powers
existing within themselves, thus to lead them to a
knowledge of their own higher nature, to aid them
in entering a higher life and finally to state what
the greatest mystics of the East and West have
taught in regard to the nature and the development
of these powers, has been the aim of the Author."
292 pages, ISBN 1-56459-132-8

HARTMANN, FRANZ, Occult Science in Medicine,
Because of their profound occult knowledge, mystic
physicians have always treated both the cause
(physical) and symptoms (psychic) of diseases.
Contents: Introduction; The Constitution of Man;
The Four Pillars of Medicine; The Five Causes of
Disease; The Five Classes of Physicians; and The
Medicine of the Future. Valuable reading for
medical practitioners and anyone interested in
holistic healing. 100 pages, ISBN 1-56459-355-X

HARTMANN, FRANZ, Talking Image of Urur, "The
following tale has a certain historical aspect.
The events described therein or their equivalents
have actually taken place, and the characters of
the story are, so to say, composite photographs of
living people. This story was written with the
sole object of showing to what absurdities a merely
intellectual research after spiritual truths will
lead; or to express it in other words, that it is
foolish to attempt a scientific investigation of
the nature of the Holy Ghost, if one has not the
spirit of truth and holiness within one's own self.
The story represents the vain struggles of a soul
for light, and how at last the truth came to it
without any struggle. Thus in attempting to show
the difference between true spirituality and
sophistry, or between true religion and what is
most properly rejected as mysticism, spiritism and
metaphysical speculation, I believe that I am
rendering a service to the cause of the Truth. 307
pages, ISBN 1-56459-168-9

HARTMANN, FRANZ, The Principles of Astrological
Geomancy: The Art of Divining by Punctuation
According to Cornelius Agrippa and Others (1889),
Geomancy teaches the rules by which certain truths
are spiritually perceived by the soul and brought
within the understanding of the external mind by
the use of concentration and punctuation. Geomancy
has been used for centuries to enable the seeker
to obtain answers to all of life's questions, ie.,
life, death, health, wealth, romance, etc.
Contents: Introduction; Astrology; The Seven
Planets; Conjunctions; The Twelve Signs of the
Zodiac; The Symbols of Geomancy; Preparation for
the Practice of Geomancy; Instructions;
Astrological Geomancy; Signification of Geomantic
Symbols according to their Positions; Example;
Astronomical Geomancy; Example; Conclusion. 136
pages, ISBN 1-56459-397-5

HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL, Great Stone Face, This is an
easy to read story, suitable both for adults and
children, about the psychological and mystical
workings of the human mind. 50 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

All Ages and Countries, A massive study of secret
organizations which provides both historical and
ritualistic information on groups of all kinds:
occult, religious, political, anarchist, etc.
About one-third of volume two is dedicated to
Freemasonry, its rites and rituals, which it
examines in some detail. A pleasure to read and an
essential reference work, Highly recommended.
Embracing the Mysteries of Ancient India, China,
Japan, Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Greece, and
Scandinavia; The Cabalists, Early Christians,
Heretics, Assassins, Thugs, Templars, the Vehm and
Inquisition, Mystics, Rosicrucians, Illuminati,
Freemasons, Skopzi, Camorristi, Carbonari,
Nihilists and Other Sects. Partial Contents:
Ancient Mysteries; The Magi, Mithraics; Gnostics;
Essenes; Christian Initiations; The Apocalypse;
Ishmaelites; Lodge of Wisdom; The Assassins;
Druses; Dervishes; Egyptian Mysteries; Chinese and
Japanese Mysteries; Mexican and Peruvian Mysteries;
Druids; Scandinavian Mysteries; Emanationists; The
Cabbala; Sons of the Widow; Mystics; Alchymists;
Jacob Bohme; Emanuel Swedenborg; Martinism;
Rosicrucians; Asiatic Brethren; Heretics; Chivalry;
The Templars; Judiciary; The Holy Vehm;
Inquisition; Social Regeneration; Illuminati; The
German Union; French Workmen's Unions; German
Students; Anti-Social Societies; Thugs; Chauffeurs,
or Burners; Garduna; Camorra; Mala Vita; Mafia;
Beggars, Tramps, and Thieves; Jesuits; Skopzi. 760
pages, 1-56459-296-0

HEYDON, JOHN, The English Physician's Guide or a
Holy Guide (1662), "Leading the Way to know all
things, Past, Present and to Come, to Resolve all
manner of Questions, viz., of Pleasure, Long Life,
Health, Youth, Blessedness, Wisdom and Virtue and
Teaching the way to Change, Cure and Remedy all
Diseases in Young and Old fitted for easy
understanding, plain practice, use and benefit."
Contents: Miscellaneous letters; Preface (striking
similar to Bacon's New Atlantis); A Chemical
Dictionary or an explanation of the words and terms
of Art which are used in the Holy Guide; Of God,
Art, and Nature; The Holy Guide, Leading the Way to
Unite Art and Nature in which is made plain all
things Past, Present, and to Come; Of the Wonderful
Secrets of Numbers: Rosicrucian Prophecy,
Happiness, Unification of Art and Nature, Long
Life, of Nature and Health, Youth, Riches, Virtue,
Wisdom, Changing Bodies, Medicines, Preparation of
Gold; The Nature of Soul of Man; The Rosicrucian
way of Health; Witchcraft; The Way to Pleasure and
Happiness; The Rosy Cross Uncovered; The
Rosicrucian's Prayer; Index. To our knowledge,
this is the first ever reprint of this most
essential Rosicrucian work on Alchemy, Chemistry,
Magic, Regeneration, Kabbalism Numerology,
Prophecy, Astrology, and Spiritual development.
Unavailable for hundreds of years, this extremely
scarce and illuminating book can now be your guide
to the deepest Rosicrucian philosophy. In two
volumes. 870 pages, ISBN 1-56459-351-7

HIGGINS, GODFREY, Celtic Druids, or, An Attempt to
show, that The Druids were the Priests of Oriental
Colonies Who Emigrated from India; and were the
Introducers of the First or Cadmean System of
Letters, and the Builders of Stonehenge, of Carnac,
and of Other Cyclopean Works, in Asia and Europe.
Complete with many informative prints and maps.
Partial Contents: Necessity of Etymology;
Alphabets; Changes in Language; Druids acquainted
with Letters; Irish, Greek, and Hebrew Letters the
same; Hieroglyphics; Ciphering invented before
Letters; Virgil a Druid; Genesis; Persia, India,
and China, the Depositaries, not the Inventors of
Science; Who the Celt were; Affinity between the
Latin, Sanscrit, and Celtic; Term Barbarian;
Arrival of Phoenician Colonies in Ireland; Origin
of Irish Fables; Derivation of the word Britain;
Hero Gods; Derivation of the words: Albion, Druid,
Vates and Bards; Britain known to Aristotle; Road
to Britain lost, like that to America and
Australia; magnetic Needle; Ancient Oracles founded
by Celt; Druids probably Pythagoreans; Cross
common to Greeks, Egyptians, and Indians; Monograms
of Christ; Druids admitted the Creation of Matter;
Festivals removed by the precession of the
Equinoxes; Druid Festival of Christmas; Mother of
the Gods; Baal; Gods of India and Ireland the same;
Chaldees of the Jews; St. Patrick; A single Plain
Stone the Origin of Idolatry; Rocking-Stones or
Logan Stones; Circular Temples, Stonehenge and
Abury; Stonehenge not a Roman, Saxon, or Danish
Work; Ancient Superstitions respecting Numbers;
Observations on Hebrew Chronology; Hierarchy of the
Druids; Druids Assertors of their Country's
Liberty; Immortality of the Soul and
Metempsychosis; Druids had an excellent System of
Morals; Mistletoe and other Sacred Plants;
Institution of Priesthoods an Evil. 420 pages, ISBN

HIGGINS, GODFREY, ESQ., Anacalypsis, An Attempt to
Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis; or an
Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations and
Religions. "Godfrey Higgins was convinced that a
high civilization had flourished prior to all
historical records. He believed that there had
existed then a most ancient and universal religion
from which all later creeds and doctrines sprang."
His research lasted over 20 years. "He attempted
to establish the existence of a prehistoric
universal religion and to trace its development
into contemporary times. He believed this religion
possessed accurate knowledge of universal and
cosmic phenomena and held neither priesthood nor
institution as intermediary in man's communion with
the Divine." This highly sought after book is
extremely rare. Two volumes. Partial Contents:
Probable Origin of Numbers and Letters; Etymology
and its Use; Origin of the Adoration of the Bull,
Phallic and Vernal Festivals; Age of the World;
First God of the Ancients, The Sun, Metempsychosis,
Moral Evil, Buddha, Genesis; The Sun the first
object of Adoration of all Nations; Two Ancient
Ethiopias, Great Black Nation in Asia, Hindoos and
Egyptians similar; Ancient Persians, First Books of
Genesis, Disingenuous conduct in the Translators of
the Bible, Abraham acknowledged more than one God;
Jewish Trinity; Ancient Jewish Cabala, Sephiroths
and Emanations; Melchizedek, Zoroaster, Zendavesta,
All ancient Religions astrological; Character of
the Old Testament; Orphic and Mithraitic Trinity,
Mithra, Opinions of Herodotus, Porphyry, Strabo,
Julian, Times of Pythagoras and Zoroaster, The
Vedas describe the Persian Religion; The word OM;
The Christian Trinity, Its Origin, Philo's Trinity
of the Jews; Life of Cristna; Crucifixion of
Cristna, Immaculate Conception, from the History of
Pythagoras; Buddha the Sun in Taurus, as Cristna
was the Sun in Aries, Names and Meaning of the word
Buddha; Isaiah's Prophecy known  to the Egyptians
and the Celts of Gaul, Mystical meaning of the
Letter M, Oriental Astronomical Systems; Cross the
meaning of it, Monograms of Christ and Osiris, Lama
of Tibet, Indra crucified, Jesuits' Account of
Tibet; Hercules and Samson the same; Baal,
Etymology of the world Bal; Yajna or Passover;
Secret Doctrines, Bull-headed and Ram -headed Gods;
Disputed Chapters of Matthew and Luke; Flood of
Noah, Text of Genesis, Origin of the Delta of
Egypt; Adoration of the Virgin and Child; Ionians,
Argonauts, Linga and Yoni; The Lotus; The
Loadstone, Helen Athena; Ship of Egypt and Greece;
Aphrodite and Diana, Thales; Cassandra, Babylonian
Mythos, Constantine and Helena, Astrology; Rome,
Jewish Pentateuch; Judaism shown by Eusebius to be
older than Abraham, Hellenism; Mount of Solomon,
Mount of the Cabala, Mount Olympus; Religions of
Afghans and Rajpouts; Arabians of India; Jews hate
the Female Principle, Jews and Egyptians,
Observations on the Jews; Origin of the Sanscrit;
Amazons; Cyclopes, all Ancient History Fable or
AEnigma, Freemasons in Mundore; Serpent of Genesis;
Observations on Homer, the Iliad, and the AEneid;
Fish Avatar, Fish Acrostic; Obrvations on
Templars, Chair of St. Peter, Gospel of St.
Joachim, Masons; Freemasons of York and India. 1300
pages, ISBN 1-56459-273-1

HORNE, ALEXANDER, Theosophy and the Fourth
Dimension, "To understand the relation of human
consciousness to the universe it is necessary to
understand the scientific laws which govern the
universe. This book gives to the students a clear
explanation of them most recent discovery in regard
to those laws and shows its bearing on the study of
consciousness." Contents: Metaphysics; Occultism;
The Astral Plane; Mathematics. 110 pages, ISBN 1-

HORT, G.M, Dr. John Dee: Elizabethan Mystic and
Astrologer, A hard-to-find biography of the gifted
Rosicrucian, Dr. John Dee. 72 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

Famous Occultists, Biographical sketches on Dr.
John Dee, Franz Anton Mesmer, and Thomas Lake
Harris. 190 pages, ISBN 0-922802-86-6

INCOGNITO, MAGUS, Secret Doctrine of the
Rosicrucians Illustrated with the Secret
Rosicrucian Symbols, Illustrated With the Secret
Rosicrucian Symbols; Incognito, Magus; "The true
Rosicrucians have no formal organization, and are
held together only by the ties of common interest
in the occult and esoteric studies, and by the
common acceptance of certain fundamental principles
of belief and knowledge." Contents: Rosicrucians
and their Secret Doctrine; The Eternal Parent; The
Soul of the World; Universal Androgyne; One and the
Many; Universal Flame of Life; Planes of
Consiciousness; Three Higher Planes of
Consciousness; Sevenfold Soul of Man;
Metempsychosis; Soul's Progress; Aura and the Aruic
Colors; Seven Cosmic Principles. 256 pages, ISBN 1-

INMAN, THOMAS, Ancient Faiths and Modern (1876), A
Dissertation upon Worships, Legends and Divinities
in Central and Western Asia, Europe, and Elsewhere,
before the Christian Era Showing Their Relation to
Religious Customs as they now Exist. Partial
Contents: A Recapitulation; Prejudice of Perverted
Facts; Can Civilization Grow out of Barbarism;
Christianity and Buddhism; Priority of Buddhism to
Christianity; Estimation of the Bible; The Medo-
Persians and Parsees; Supernatural Generation;
Angels; Facts; Faith and Reason; Honest; Appendix;
Index. 550 pages, ISBN 1-56459-411-4

INMAN, THOMAS, Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian
Symbolism: with an Essay on Baal Worship, on the
Assyrian Sacred "Grove," and other Allied Symbols
(1915), Christians feel that they have a divine
monopoly on truth. They do not. This book
irrefutably shows how much of Christianity's
symbols are from far earlier "pagan" sources. This
book does not disparage Christianity but provides a
connecting link for what has been a continuous
source of symbolic knowledge handed down to us from
the ancients. Numerous illustrations. 190 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-408-4

JENNINGS, HARGRAVE, Childishness and Brutality of
the Time, Some Plain Truths in Plain Language
Supplemented by Sundry Discursive Essays and
Narratives, "I have for a certain number of years
concluded that our present age has become vastly
too swift for that which, by a contradictory
metaphor, may be called, 'safe-running.' There are
various reasons for this falling off. Principally
among these causes are love of show, love of money,
love of self. All these are good qualities in
moderation; but, exaggerated and forced to an
extreme they fail." Contents: The Newspapers, The
Generally False, affected and pretentious
literature of the present day, Life Assurance: Some
judicious warnings concerning the abuse of it,
Modern Advertising-Its emptiness-Its falseness, Our
Governing Classes, The Drama Generally, and the
Theatre, Before and behind the curtain at the
Opera, Law and Lawyers, Society, Silly men,
Conceited men, A droll story, A singular American.
340 pages, ISBN 1-56459-209-X

JENNINGS, HARGRAVE, Indian Religions or Results of
the Mysterious Buddhism, Concerning that also Which
is to be Understood in the Divinity of Fire.
Buddhism the foundation of all the religions of
India; Historical description of the religions of
India; Brahminism the human-marked child of
Buddhism; The religion of the Magi; Fire-Worship;
Search of the philosophers; Magnetism-The
Alchemists-The Philosopher's Stone; Man in relation
to day and night; Sleep-Dream conditions-Dream-
Life; Magnetic possible state of being; The Fire-
philosophy of vision; Templars as Christian
warriors, or as Atheists and Magicians-Secret and
forbidden studies pursued by them; Fire-
Celebration; True religion must be derived from the
correctly interpreted evidence of nature; History
of the Magi; The Rosicrucians; Modern science and
superstition. 270 pages, ISBN 1-56459-110-7

JENNINGS, HARGRAVE, Rosicrucians: Their Rites and
Mysteries, With chapters on the Ancient Fire and
Serpent-Worshippers, and Explanations of the Mystic
Symbols Represented in the Monuments and Talismans
of the Primeval Philosophers. Contents: Critics
of the Rosicrucians Criticized; Singular Adventure
in Staffordshire; Insufficiency of Worldly Objects;
The Hermetic Philosophers; An Historical Adventure;
The Hermetic Brethren; Mythic History of the Fleur-
De-Lis; Sacred Fire; Fire-Theolosophy of the
Persians; Ideas of the Rosicrucians as to the
Character of Fire; Monuments Raised to Fire-Worship
in all Countries; Druidical Stones and Their
Worship; Inquiry as to the Possibility of Miracle;
Can Evidence be Depended Upon?-Examination of
Hume's Reasoning; Footsteps of the Rosicrucians
Amidst Architectural Objects; The Round Towers of
Ireland; Prismatic Investiture of the Microcosm;
Cabalistic Interpretations by the Gnostics; Mystic
Christian Figures and Talismans; The "Rosy Cross"
in Indian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Medival
Monuments; Myth of the Scorpion, or the Snake, in
its Many Disguises; Ominous Character of the Colour
"White" to English Royalty; The Beliefs of the
Rosicrucians-Meaning of Lights and of Commemorative
Flambeaux in all Worship; The Great Pyramid;
History of the Tower or Steeple; Presence of the
Rosicrucians in Heathen and Christian Architecture;
Rosicrucians Amidst Ancient Mysteries and in the
Orders of Knighthood; Rosicrucianism in Strange
Symbols; Connection Between the Templars and
Gnosticism; Rosicrucian Origin of the Order of the
Garter; Rosicrucian Supposed Means of Magic Through
Signs, Signals, and Figures; Astro-Theosophical
System of the Rosicrucians-The Alchemic
Magisterium. 339 pages, ISBN 1-56459-118-2

KEATINGE, M.W., Great Didactic of Comenius,
"Setting forth The Whole Art of Teaching all Things
to all Men or A certain Inducement to found such
Schools in all the Parishes, Towns, and Villages of
every Christian Kingdom, that the entire Youth of
both Sexes, none being excepted, shall Quickly,
Pleasantly, & Thoroughly become learned in the
Sciences, pure in Morals, trained to Piety, and in
this manner instructed in all things necessary for
the present and for the future life, in which, with
respect to everything that is suggested, Its
Fundamental Principles are set forth from the
essential nature of the matter, Its Truth is proved
by examples from the several mechanical arts, Its
Order is clearly set forth in years, months, days,
and hours, and, finally, An Easy and Sure Method is
shown, by which it can be pleasantly brought into
existence." Is it any wonder that Comenius-who was
a Rosicrucian-is revered as the "Father of
Education?" 481 pages, ISBN 0-922802-80-7

KELPIUS, JOHANNES, Method of Prayer, Prayer
shouldn't be complicated-and it isn't as Kelpius
shows. Learn the mystical elements of prayer.
Wonderful reading from a Rosicrucian gifted with
spiritual insight and love for all humanity. 40
pages, ISBN 0-922802-17-3

Perfect Way; or the Finding of Christ, Revised and
Enlarged Edition. This is the most quoted book in
Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine. Lecture 1, "The
purpose of this book is to supply the existing need
of a perfect system of thought and life by one
founded in the nature of existence. This not a new
invention, but a recovery of the original system
which was the basis of all religions. Its recovery
due to the same means by which it was originally
received, namely, the Intuition, which represents
the knowledges acquired by the Soul in its past
existences. Lecture 2, The Soul; and the Substance
of Existence; Lecture 3, The Various Orders of
Spirits; and How to Discern them; Lecture 4, The
Atonement; Lecture 5, The Nature and Constitution
of the Ego; Lecture 6, The Fall; Lecture 7, The
Fall No. 2; Lecture 8, The Redemption; Lecture 9,
God as the Lord; or, The Divine Image; Concerning
the Interpretation of Scripture; Concerning the
Hereafter; On Prophesying; Concerning the Nature of
Sin; Concerning the Great Work and the share of
Christ Jesus Therein; The Time of the End; Higher
Alchemy; Revelation; The One Life; The Mysteries;
Hymn to the Planet-God; Hymn of Aphrodite; Hymn to
Hermes; Secret of Satan. 430 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

KINGSLAND, WILLIAM, An Anthology of Mysticism and
Mystical Philosophy, "The quotations given have not
been selected haphazard. There are some definite
and fundamental principles which they are intended
to illustrate. That which has emerged in my mind
has been a profound conviction that there are
certain principles which, in some form or another,
have obtained recognition by the wisest and the
best in all ages. These principles have been
formulated and re-formulated from age to age, in
divers manners: sometimes in myth and allegory,
sometimes as philosophy, sometimes as religion,
sometimes as science. I would go even further than
that and say I am profoundly convinced that there
has always existed a real Gnosis, a most profound
knowledge of the true nature of Man, and of his
relation to the world in which he lives and to the
greater Universe. But to attain to this knowledge
the individual must have special qualifications
which has been clearly indicated at various times,
and which some of the quotations herein given are
intended to set forth." Partial Contents: Absolute
Being; Adam; Nature and Method of Attainment;
Consciousness; Cause and Effect; Christ in You;
Contemplation; Cyclic Law; After-Death States;
Evolution; Eternity; Emanation; Free Will; Fate;
God and Godhead; Good and Evil; The Ancient Gnosis;
Heaven and Hell; Intellect; Intuition; Initiation;
The Infinite; Knowledge; Love; Logos or Word; Mind;
Matter and Substance; Materialism; Manifestation;
Mysticism and Mind; Myths; Nature; Personality;
Planetary Spheres; Reason; Reality; Religion;
Reincarnation; Self-Knowledge; The One Self; Soul,
Nature; Soul and Cosmos; Sin; Space; Time and
Space; Doctrine of the Trinity; Mystical Union; The
Mystical Virgin; Visions; Nature of Will in God and
Man; Wisdom in Man. 317 pages, 1-56459-298-7

KINGSLAND, WILLIAM, Christos: The Religion of the
Future, "What I have here endeavored to do, merely
in outline, is to show that certain modern beliefs,
dogmas, and creeds, which have been carried over
and have survived from a far less enlightened age
or period, can no longer be valid in the light of
our modern knowledge. But, further than that, I
shall hope to indicate that even in the remotest
past there was already a deeper knowledge, a real
Gnosis which we are in fact only now beginning to
recover. It is that ancient Gnosis which must be
the Religion of the Future; for, as I shall hope to
show to some extent, all our scientific discoveries
and our modern philosophical thinking tends to
confirmation and restatement of it." Contents:
Religions and Religion; The Concept of a Personal
God; Superstition and Supernaturalism; A Survey of
the Past; God of Christendom; Astronomy;
Constitution of Matter; Age of the Earth; Evolution
of Man; Spiritual Man; Fall of Man; The Ancient
Gnosis. 133 pages, 1-56459-297-9

KINGSLAND, WILLIAM, Gnosis or Ancient Wisdom in the
Christian Scriptures or the Wisdom in a Mystery,
This book is the last work of William Kingsland and
was completed shortly before his death. "In this
work Kingsland shows how the fundamental teachings
given to the world at the beginning of the
Christian ere were derived from the Gnosis or
Ancient Wisdom, but in time have become so
perverted that the modern interpretation of
Christianity represents merely their debased
survival." Contents: Religion and Religions; The
Bible; The Ancient Wisdom or Gnosis; The Genesis
Narrative; The New Testament Scriptures, The
Gospels; The New Testament Scriptures, Paul's
Epistles; Practical Religion; Bibliography. 230
pages, ISBN 1-56459-169-7

KINGSLAND, WILLIAM, Physics of the Secret Doctrine,
"Occult Physics are so closely connected with
Metaphysics that it is almost impossible to deal
with the one without the other. While, therefore,
we shall be compelled to present somewhat of the
Metaphysical basis upon which the whole of the
teachings rest, we shall at the same time endeavor
to subordinate this as much as possible to what is
more generally understood as Physics. All Physics,
however, all physical inquiry when pushed far
enough, must necessarily end in a metaphysical
region. Matter can have no ultimate explanation in
and by itself, or without its correlative, Mind or
Consciousness." Contents: Fundamental Principles;
Matter and Motion; Primordial Substance; The
Substantial Nature of Force; The dawn of Evolution;
The Cosmic Elements; The Evolution of Humanity and
the Evolution of the Elements; Physical Plane
Matter; The Sun and Solar System; Fohat,
Electricity, and Correlated Forces. 160 pages, ISBN

KINGSLAND, WILLIAM, The Esoteric Basis of
Christianity: or Theosophy and Christian Doctrine,
"That which is called the Christian Religion
existed among the ancients, and never did not
exist, from the beginning of the human race until
Christ came in the flesh, at which time the true
religion which already existed began to be called
Christianity."-St. Augustine. 240 pages, ISBN 1-

KNIGHT, RICHARD PAYNE, The Symbolical Language of
Ancient Art and Mythology (1892), Herein is found
the world's most illuminating penetration into
every aspect of the inner, mystical, meaning behind
ancient art forms and mythology. Over 75 chapters!
If you have ever wondered what spiritual wisdom was
purposely hidden in myth and art, this book will
completely satisfy your unquenchable thirst for
this knowledge. The ancient mystics understood the
cosmic forces of the universe and recorded it in
myth and art. This book reveals that knowledge.
Extremely important! It's all here! With 348
illustrations. Scarce! 460 pages, ISBN 1-56459-410-

KUHN, ALVIN BOYD, Easter: The Birthday of the
Gods, "For since by man came death, by man came
also the resurrection of the dead." Easter
celebrates an event that is yet to be, not an event
of the past. This is the best book we have
discovered that reveals the mystical significance
of Easter and how this process holds special
meaning for you. 64 pages, ISBN 1-56459-367-3

KUHN, ALVIN BOYD, India's True Voice, A Critique of
Oriental Philosophy. "The world is dangerously
divided between the two great sectors of East and
West. At the moment of writing the schism is
marked by a differentiation in the philosophies of
economics, government, politics and other elements.
It therefore becomes an enterprise charged with the
mightiest import for world life for ages in the
future, that the West should acquaint itself
familiarly with the message of India's True Voice."
Contents: This Evil World; The Imprisoned
Splendor; Heaven Woos Earth; Wedding in the Temple;
The Garden of the World; The Pattern in the Mount;
Maya and Lila; Veil of the Absolute; Mother of
Reality; Lens of the Mind; Real and the Actual;
Intellectual Love of God; Epiphany of Nature;
Eternal in the Flux; First That Which is Natural;
On the Brink of the Void; Truancy From Life's
School; Panorama of Reality; Flower of the
Intellect; Pilgrim in the Infinite; Image of
Supermind; Epithalamium. 319 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

KUHN, ALVIN BOYD, Lost Light: An Interpretation of
Ancient Scriptures, "With keys drawn from ancient
Egypt's wisdom it (The Lost Light) pierces through
the outer veil of Bible literalism and alleged
history and reconstructs the long-lost structure of
sublime arcane meaning." He "establishes the
epochal fact that the Christian religion can no
longer be considered a product of Judea in the
first century A.D., but is of remote Egyptian
origin." "The evidence amassed demonstrates beyond
cavil that the Bible is a reprint of old Egyptian
texts." Partial Contents: Wisdom Hidden in a
Mystery; Loosing the Seven Seals; The Descent to
Avernus; Colonists from Heaven; The Mummy in
Amenta; Dismemberment and Disfigurement; Earth,
Water, Air, Fire; Baptism at the Crossing; The Ark
and the Deluge; The Lake of Equipoise; Suns of
Intellect; At the East of Heaven. 619 pages, ISBN

KUHN, ALVIN BOYD, Prayer and Healing, "Behind the
universe with its multitude of suns and worlds and
underlying all the cosmic activities, guiding the
evolution of life itself, is a Power, Force or Mind
which is recognized as First Cause. This Supreme
Being is spoken of as God. Yet theology teaches
that if one will pray, entreat, solicit or beg to
this God vigorously enough and with sufficient
faith, He may be persuaded to grant one's requests,
irrespective of their merits. Dr. Kuhn makes it
clear that the assumption that prayers are heard
and answered by a Cosmic Divine Power is entirely
groundless and should be abandoned for a saner
hypothesis. He provides us a clue to such
hypothesis." 45 pages, ISBN 1-56459-327-4

KUHN, ALVIN BOYD, Sex As Symbol: The Ancient Light
in Modern Psychology, "The prominence of phallic
symbols in high ancient religious systems has never
before been understood, much less sanely expounded
and vindicated as something transcending gross
sensualism. It is not too much to assert that in
this work sex is given its truly lofty place and
rated at its exalted character for the first time
in religious literature. For not only is sex
revealed as the truest key-symbol of the supreme
significance of human life itself, but it is
brilliantly analyzed as to its place and function
in the individual human's program of evolution, his
sanity, balance, mental health and happiness. If
it is possible for one book to lift sex from low
and base regard to a veritable pinnacle of purity
and nobility in the light of its true character,
this book will do it." Partial Contents: Bright
Lexicon of Deity; Drama Bears Misshapen Offspring;
And God Spake Unto Moses; The God's Distribute
Divinity; Lost Data of Anthropology; Two
Subterranean Grottoes; In Pluto's Dark Realm; The
Two Mothers of the Christ; Immanuel's Lamp; Child
is Father of the Man; Language of Lingham and Yoni;
Phallicism Transfigured; Love and Hate; Love Looks
Beyond Death; Romance in the Trysting-Tent; Phoenix
Lives Again; Oil of Gladness; My Cup Runneth Over.
345 pages, ISBN 1-56459-179-4

KUHN, ALVIN BOYD, Shadow of the Third Century: A
Revaluation of Christianity, "To all those who know
that truth alone will free us from the tyranny of
indoctrinated pious obsessions this volume is
sincerely dedicated." "This book has been written
to tell the truth about a religion that has
produced such obviously irrational behavior. The
story needs telling all the more for the reason
that it has never been told in its bald straight
factual truth, and because heaven and earth have
been called upon to prevent its being known ever
since the third century. It is in the main truth
that has been suppressed, buried, its evidences
destroyed, its documents changed, with a story far
other than the true one substituted in its place.
The position taken is in no sense opposed to
religion per se; it only holds that religion
divorced from philosophy is inadequate to man's
highest needs and will prove a treacherous and
eventually dangerous guide in life." Partial
Contents: Primeval Christianity; The Shadow of the
Sphinx; When Vision Failed; The Veiled Light;
Wisdom in a Mystery; Milk for Babes; Hatred of
Philosophy; From Religion to Philosophy; To Faith
and Knowledge; The Great Ebb-Tide; Crumbs From the
Table of the Gods; Wisdom is Mute; The Myth-Ghosts
Walk Abroad; Paul Knows Not Jesus; Great Pan is
Dead; The Real Ghost of History; Dementia in
Excelsis; Prayer and Healing. 535 pages, ISBN 1-

KUHN, ALVIN BOYD, The Esoteric Structure of the
Alphabet, God built the universe on number-
Pythagoras. God built the universe on the letters
of the alphabet.-The Zohar. This book shows how
the alphabet contains a hidden mystical language.
Some underlining in text. 45 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

KUHN, ALVIN BOYD, The Root of all Religion, This is
an important work by one of the most gifted minds
ever to put mystical precepts to the pen. Here,
Kuhn explores the true nature of the one religion
and why it is important to understand its natural
and intended effects on humanity and why the
institutions that endeavor to corrupt its message
will inevitably fail. 33 pages, ISBN 1-56459-376-2

KUHN, ALVIN BOYD, Theosophy: A Modern Revival of
Ancient Wisdom, This work deals with the great
renaissance of ancient Oriental Esotericism in the
Western world in modern times. This book is an
attempt to present a unified picture of the
Theosophic movement in its larger aspects.
Contents: Theosophy, An Ancient Tradition; The
American Background of Theosophy; Helena P.
Blavatsky: Her Life and Psychic Career; From
Spiritualism to Theosophy; Isis Unveiled; The
Mahatmas and Their Letters; Storm, Wreck, and
Rebuilding; The Secret Doctrine; Evolution,
Rebirth, and Karma; Esoteric Wisdom and Physical
Science; Theosophy in Ethical Practice; Later
Theosophical History; Some Facts and Figures;
Bibliography. 381 pages, ISBN 1-56459-175-1

KUHN, ALVIN BOYD, Who is this King of Glory?, A
Critical Study of the Christos-Messiah Tradition.
"This book is the narrative of what happened back
in the third century of Christian history, when the
Christian movement passed over from the hands of
the Philosophers of the Greek world into those of
the unphilosophical and worldly minded Romans and
suffered the total extinction of its original light
of esoteric spiritual meaning, the historical
result of which was the sixteen centuries of the
Dark Ages. This book is the natural companion and
complement of The Lost Light." Contents: Faith
Weds Folly; Myth Truer than History; Truth Wears A
Mask; Wisdom Haunts the Countryside; Fancy's Fabric
Turns into History; Cannonized Romanticism; Throes
of a Bad Conscience; Sublime Myth Makes Grotesque
History; Faith's Odd Wonderland; Cosmic Majesty
with Local Items; Staggering Truth on Egypt's
Walls; The Shout of Paul's Silence; Robbing Paul to
Pay Peter; A Queen Dethroned; A Star-And Luna; An
Epochal Discovery; Truth Exorcises Demoniac
Obsessions; The Anointing of Man; Lost Cycles of
the Sun; Twelve Lamps of deity; Orion and His Dog;
Our Day-Star Rises. 500 pages, ISBN 1-56459-176-X

LAW, WILLIAM, Extracts From the Writings of William
Law, William Law was a kind and gentle soul who
clearly perceived the mystic oneness of all
existences. His writings should be read by any
mystic. "What is a good Book? A good Religious
Book is one full of such truths and Spiritual
information will lead us to see and know who, and
what and where we are; that God is our All, and
that all is misery but a heart and life devoted to
him. The best Book is undeniably that which will
turn to us that inward one, which, with noon day
clearness, shows us the strength of sin, the power
of every evil temper, the secret workings of our
hearts, the weakness of all our virtues; and to the
Teacher, whose instructions consist in an inward
birth of Divine Light and Goodness." 60 pages, ISBN

LEADBEATER, C.W., Christian Creed, Its Origin and
Signification. "There are many students who have
been, and indeed still are, earnest Christians; and
though their faith has gradually broadened out into
unorthodoxy, they have retained a strong affection
for the forms and ceremonials of the religion into
which they were born. It is a pleasure to them to
hear the recitation of the ancient prayers and
creeds. I have thought that it might be of
interest to such students to have some slight
account of the real meaning and origin of those
very remarkable basic formul of the Church which
are called the Creeds, so that when they hear them
or join in their recital the ideas brought into
their minds thereby may be the grander and nobler
ones originally connected with them, rather than
the misleading materialism of modern
misapprehension." Contents: Earlier Creeds; Their
Origin; Descent into Matter; Exposition of the
Creeds; Athanasian Creed. 172 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

LEADBEATER, C.W., Life After Death and How
Theosophy Unveils It, With an additional chapter on
"Thoughts Are Things," by Annie Besant. Chapters:
Is there any Certain Knowledge; The True Facts;
Purgatory; The Heaven-World; Many Mansions; Our
Friends in Heaven; Guardian Angels; Human Workers
in the Unseen; Helping the Dead. 73 pages, ISBN 1-

LEADBEATER, C.W., Starlight, Seven Addresses Given
for Love of the Star. "It is that change in the
hearts and souls of men which we who follow the
Star are seeking to effect, first within ourselves,
and then, so far as may be, in others also. A
change is sorely needed; a change from self-
seeking.. This transformation means for the
average man a prodigious effort, and naturally
before he undertakes it he wants to know why he
should make it, what will be gained by it, and what
are his chances of success." Contents: The Wisdom
of the Star; The Strength of the Star; The Freedom
of the Star; The Peace of the Star; The Joy of the
Star; The Lovingkindness of the Star; The Symbolism
of the Star. 104 pages, ISBN 1-56459-244-8

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Weird Stories, Contents: The Perfume of Egypt; The
Forsaken Temple; The Major's Promise; A Test of
Courage; An Astral Murder; A Triple Warning; The
Concealed Confession; Jagannath: A Tale of Hidden
India; The Baron's Room; and Saved by a Ghost. 270
pages, ISBN 1-56459-381-9

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Regnum, "This translation of a previously
unpublished work by the late Alphonse Louis
Constant, or, as he preferred to call himself,
Eliphaz Levi, is from the original manuscript which
is in the handwriting of Levi himself." Along with
Levi's explanation of the Tarot Trumps "the editor
has given a short description of each Tarot Trump
at the end of each chapter, and also a few notes on
the mystical meanings assigned to the Tarots by
Levi in his other works." This rare book is a must
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insight into the TAROT. 108 pages, ISBN 0-922802-

LEVI, ELIPHAS, Paradoxes of the Highest Science, In
which the most advanced truths of occultism are for
the first time revealed (in order to reconcile the
future developments of science and philosophy with
the eternal religion). Religion is magic,
sanctioned by authority; Liberty is obedience to
the Law; Love is the realization of the impossible;
Knowledge is the ignorance or negation of Evil;
Reason is God; The imagination realizes what it
invents; The Will accomplishes everything which it
does not desire. Synthetic Recapitulation, Magic-
Magism; The Unalterable Principles; and The Great
Secret. 172 pages, ISBN 1-56459-020-8

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Clear, and Precise Exposition of its Procedure,
Rites and Mysteries, Translation, preface and notes
by A.E. Waite. "Eliphas Levi was undoubtedly one of
the most distinguished of the Continental exponents
of occult science which the nineteenth century
produced, and his writings attain an important
position in the estimation of modern schools of
higher magic. The first part of the book explains
the principles and teaching underlying magical
operations," with chapters describing: the Pillars
of the Temple; Triangle of Solomon; Magical Virtues
of the Tetrad; Elementary Spirits of the Kabalah;
Power over Elements and Spirits; Fiery Sword; Seven
Angels and Seven Genii of the Planets; Magical
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Astrology; Charms and Philtres; talismans; Stone of
the Philosophers; Divination and Alchemy. The
second part deals with the actual ritual and
practice of Transcendent Magic and describes the
Principles of Magical Operation; Magical
Equilibrium; Triangle of Pantacles; Magical Trident
of Paracelsus; Manner of overcoming and subjecting
Elementary Spirits and Maleficent Genii; blazing
Pentagram; Ceremonies, Vestments, and Perfumes
proper to the seven days of the week; Ceremonial of
Initiates; Use of Pentacles; Necromancy;
Transmutations; Witchcraft and Spells; Book of
Hermes; Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana. 560
pages, ISBN 1-56459-404-1

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Astrology: With Numerous Emendations, Adapted to
the Improved State of the Science, Also a Grammar
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by Zadkiel. Contents: Life of William Lilly;
Epistle to the Student in Astrology; Introduction
to Astrology; Of the Planets; The Signs of the
Zodiac; Diagram of the Sun's Motion in the Zodiac;
Signs; Nature and Signification of the Twelve
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Egyptians; Contents: The Worship of the Sun and
the Dawn; First Glimpses of Egyptian Astronomy;
Astronomical Basis of the Egyptian Pantheon; Two
Horizons; Yearly Path of the sun-God; Probable Hor-
Shesu Worship; Methods of Determining the
Orientation of Temples; Earliest Solar Shrines in
Egypt; Other Similar Shrines Elsewhere; Solar
Temple of Amen-Ra at Karnak; Age of the Temple of
Amen-Ra at Karnak; Stars-Their Risings and
Settings; Egyptian Heavens-Zodiacs of Denderah;
Circumpolar Constellations: The Myth of Horus;
Temples Directed to the Stars; Further Inquiries
with Regard to the Stellar Temples; Building
Inscriptions; Star Temples at Karnak;
Personification of Stars-Temple of Isis at
Denderah; Temple of Hathor at Denderah; Star-Cults;
Egyptian Year and the Nile; Years of 360 and 365
Days; Vague and the Sirian Years; Sothic Cycle and
the Use made of it; Calendar and its Revision;
Fixed Year and Festival Calendars; Mythology of
Isis and Osiris; Temple-Stars; History of Sun-
Worship at Annu and Thebes; Early Temple and Great
Pyramid Builders; Cult of Northern as Opposed to
Southern Stars; Origin of Egyptian Astronomy-
Northern Schools; General Conclusions as to the
North and South Races; Egyptian and Babylonian
Ecliptic Constellations; Influence of Egypt Upon
Temple-Orientation in Greece. 432 pages, ISBN 1-

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book was spoken forth by the almighty and
everlasting God through a wise, judicious, true,
upright man,...and it teaches much precious
knowledge of divine truth and rightful Friends of
God may be recognized and likewise the unrightful
and false Free Spirits who are most harmful to Holy
Church. Here ends the Foreword; read this book!"
A brilliant book on German Mysticism. 240 pages,
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pages, ISBN 1-56459-035-6

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Unveiled; Being the Forbidden Knowledge of Ancient
Philosophers by that celebrated Student,
Philosopher, Chemist, Naturalist, Psychomist,
Astrologer, Alchemist, Metallurgist, Sorcerer,
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formulas for health, protection, power, victory,
medicines, etc. 210 pages, ISBN 1-56459-356-8

MASSEY, GERALD, A Book of the Beginnings Vols. I &
II, Containing an attempt to recover and
reconstitute the lost origins of the myths and
mysteries, types and symbols, religion and
language, with Egypt for the mouthpiece and Africa
as the birthplace. Vol. I, Egyptian origins in the
British Isles; Egypt; Comparative vocabulary of
English and Egyptian words; Hieroglyphics in
Britain; Egyptian origins in words; Egyptian water-
names; Egyptian names of personages; British
symbolical customs and Egyptian naming; Egyptian
deities in the British Isles; Egyptian place-names
and the record of the stones; Type-names of the
people. Vol. II; Comparative vocabulary of Hebrew
and Egyptian words; Hebrew cruxes with Egyptian
illustrations; Egyptian origins in the Hebrew
scriptures, religion, language, and letters; The
phenomenal origin of Jehovah-Elohim; Egyptian
origin of the Exodus; Moses and Joshua, or the two
Lion-Gods of Egypt; An Egyptian dynasty of Hebrew
deities identified from the monuments; The Egyptian
origin of the Jews traced from the monuments;
Comparative vocabulary of Akkado-Assyrian and
Egyptian words; Egyptian origins in the Akkado-
Assyrian language and mythology; Comparative
vocabulary of Maori and Egyptian words; African
origins of the Maori; Roots in Africa beyond Egypt.
Mr. Massey has collected together all the principal
facts known about Egypt, with a view to trace the
origin of mankind. Some portions of his theories
are undoubtedly correct, especially those which go
to prove that the Egyptians are the oldest known
historical race, that they are an African people of
a peculiar type, and by no means an Asiatic tribe
filtered through the Isthmus of Suez. Evidence of
their primitive development is to be found in their
physical type. The significance of this work was
not recognized in its own time over 100 years ago.
This book emphasizes the African origins of mankind
in Africa. This work could give new pride and
awareness in the staggering perspective of the
history of Black people. See also, The Natural
Genesis. 1187 pages, ISBN 1-56459-149-2

MASSEY, GERALD, Ancient Egypt the Light of the
World Vols. I & II, A work of reclamation and
restitution in twelve books. Vol. I; Sign-language
and mythology as primitive modes of representation;
Totemism, tattoo and fetishism as forms of sign-
language; Elemental and ancestral spirits, or the
gods and the glorified; Egyptian Book of the Dead
and the mysteries of Amenta; The sign-language of
astronomical mythology, The Primitive African
paradise, Egyptian wisdom, The Drowning of the
dragon; The sign-language of astronomical mythology
Part II, Horus of the double horizon, The making of
Amenta, The Irish Amenta, The mount of glory;
Egyptian wisdom and the Hebrew genesis; The
Egyptian wisdom in other Jewish writings. Vol. II;
The ark, the deluge, and the world's great year;
The exodus from Egypt and the desert of Amenta, The
seed of Ysiraal, The title of Pharaoh; Egyptian
wisdom in the revelation of John the Divine; The
Jesus-Legend traced in Egypt for ten thousand
years, Child-Horus, The Jesus-Legend in Rome, The
Egypto-Gnostic Jesus, Double Horus, or Jesus and
the Christ, The mysteries and miracles, Jesus in
the Mount, Sut and Horus as historic characters in
the Canonical Gospels, The group in Bethany, The
founders of the Kingdom, The Last Supper: the
Crucifixion and the Resurrection, The resurrection
from Amenta, The sayings of Jesus. Gerald Massey
was a celebrated poet and served as the model for
George Eliot's famous novel, Felix Holt the
Radical. 944 pages, ISBN 1-56459-150-6

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Partial Contents: Bible Spiritualism; Different
media; St. Paul's thorn; Scientific extinguishers;
Curiosity-mongers; Abnormal & normal; Spirits
cannot do our work; Spirit-communion; Intimations
of immortality; Life-origin always spiritual;
Carlyle on Swedenborg; Mind and matter; Living
spiritual world; Mind born of matter, not begotten
by it; Ideas of the Creator; Prof. Tyndall;
Incarnation of soul-not of souls; Fulfillment in
spiritualism; Evil often good in the making; New
view of the 'fall'; Dual origin of man; Natural and
spiritual evolution; Jesus Christ; Finite &
infinite; Holy Spirit; Belief in the other world;
Spirit of the living God; Anti-spiritual
Christianity; Spiritual revival; Spirit-world
realized; Day of the Lord at hand; Faith and
science; From "A Tale of Eternity and Other Poems"
by G. Massey. 130 pages, ISBN 1-56459-395-9

MASSEY, GERALD, Gerald Massey's Lectures, The
Historical (Jewish) Jesus and the Mythical
(Egyptian) Christ; Paul as a Gnostic Opponent, not
the Apostle of Historic Christianity; The Logia of
the Lord; or the Pre-Christian Sayings ascribed to
Jesus the Christ; Gnostic and Historic
Christianity; The Hebrew and other Creations
fundamentally explained; The Devil of Darkness; or
Evil in the Light of Evolution; Lumiolatry; Ancient
and Modern; Man in search of his Soul, during Fifty
Thousand Years, and how he found it; The Seven
Souls of Man, and their Culmination in the Christ;
and The Coming Religion. 287 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

MASSEY, GERALD, Natural Genesis Vols. I & II, or
the Second Part of a Book of the Beginnings,
Containing an Attempt to Recover and Reconstitute
the Lost Origines of the Myths and Mysteries, Types
and Symbols, Religion and Language, with Egypt for
the Mouthpiece and Africa as the Birthplace. Vol.
I, Physical Beginnings; Totemic Typology and
Customs; Origin of the Myth in a Twofold Phase of
Fact; Origin of Language in Gesture-Signs and
Involuntary Sounds; Darkness the first Adversary,
Deluder, or Devil, typified as the Serpent-Serpent
Wisdom-Origin of Elementaries; The Mount and Tree
as Feminine Types of the Birthplace-Tree as Giver
of Food and Drink-Unity of Cross and Circle-Various
Forms and Meanings of Cross; Mythology the Mirror
of Prehistoric Sociology-Sut, Horus, Mother
Trinity-Origins of the Triads Male and Female and
of the Trinity-Survival of the Mythical Types in
the Dogmas of the Final Religious Phase. Vol. II,
Astronomical Nature of Mythology-Sun God-Eden-
Culmination of the Kronian Creations in the
Mythical Nirvana; Gods as Intelligencers in Time-
True Gods-Keepers of the Covenant-The Fall-Doctrine
of the Gnosis-Christian Doctrine of Degradation;
Assyrian Deluge Legend-Lost Atlantis-Pyramids and
Towers; Modes of Identifying Time by Various
Seasons and Keeping them as Festivals; Pre-
Christian Christology. 1087 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

MCINTYRE, J. LEWIS, Giordano Bruno, "This volume
attempts to do justice to a philosopher who has
hardly received the consideration he deserves. He
is recognized by the more liberal-minded among
Italians as the greatest and most daring thinker
their country has produced. He has been recognized
as the prophet, if not as the actual founder, of
modern philosophy, and as one of the earliest
apostles of freedom of thought and of speech in
modern times." Part I of the book covers the life
of Bruno; Part II his philosophy. Sources of the
Philosophy; Foundations of Knowledge; Infinite
Universe-The Mirror of God; Nature and the Living
Worlds; The Last and the Least Things: Atoms and
Soul-Monads; Practical Philosophy of Bruno; Higher
Life; Positive Religions and the Religion of
Philosophy; Bruno in the History of Philosophy. 365
pages, ISBN 1-56459-141-7

MEAD, G.R.S., Apollonius of Tyana, The Philosopher-
reformer of the first century AD. "With the
exception of the Christ no more interesting
personage appears upon the stage of Western history
in those early years." 170 pages, ISBN 1-56459-131-

MEAD, G.R.S., Chaldaean Oracles Vols. 1 & 2,
Contents: Vol. I The Supreme Principle; The End of
Understanding; Mystic Union; The One Desirable; The
Divine Triad; God-nurturing Silence The Holy Fire;
Mind of Mind; The Monad and Dyad; Once Beyond and
Twice Beyond; The Great Mother; All Things are
Triple; The Mother-Depths; The AEon; The Utterance
o the Fire; Limit the Separator; The Emanation of
Ideas; The Bond of Love Divine; The seven
Firmaments; The True Sun; The Moon; The Elements;
The Shells of the Cosmic Egg; The Physiology of the
cosmic Body; The Globular Cosmos; Nature and
Necessity; The Principles and Rulers of the
Sensible World. Vol. II The Starters; The
Maintainers; The Enders; The Daimones; The Dogs;
The Human Soul; The Vehicles of Man; Soul-Slavery;
The Body; Nature; The Divine Spark; The Way of
Return; The Armour of Sounding Light; The Way
Above; Purification by Fire; The Angelic Powers of
Purification; The Sacred Fires; The Fruit of the
Fire Tree; The Pan of the Soul; The Mystery-
Cultus; The Mystic Marriage; Purifying Mysteries;
Fire-Gnosis; Manifestations of the Gods; Theurgic
Art; Royal Souls; Light-Spark; Unregenerate;
Perfecting of the Body; Reincarnation; Darkness;
Infernal Stairs; On Conduct; Gnosis of Piety. 190
pages, ISBN 1-56459-250-2

MEAD, G.R.S., Concerning H.P. Blavatsky, Stray
Thoughts on Theosophy. G.R.S. Mead's thoughts on
H.P.Blavatsky. Mead was Blavatsky's personal
secretary. Who else could be as qualified to give
candid insights into the character of H.P.B. 22
pages, ISBN 1-56459-252-9

MEAD, G.R.S., Did Jesus Live 100 B.C., An Enquiry
into the Talmud Jesus Stories, the Toldoth Jeschu,
and Some Curious Statements of Epiphanius-Being a
Contribution to the Study of Christian Origins.
Canonical Date of Jesus; Earliest External Evidence
to the Received Date; Genesis of the Talmud; Talmud
in History; In the Talmud's Outer Court; Earliest
External Evidence to the Talmud Jesus Stories;
Talmud 100 Years B.C. Story of Jesus; Talmud Mary
Stories; Talmud Ben Stada Jesus Stories; Talmud
Balaam Jesus Stories; Disciples and Followers of
Jesus in the Talmud; Toldoth Jeschu; Jewish Life of
Jesus; Traces of Early Toldoth Forms; 100 Years
B.C. Date in the Toldoth; On the Tracks of the
Earliest Christians; Concerning the "Book of
Elxai;" 100 Years B.C. Date in Epiphanius. 440
pages, ISBN 1-56459-130-1

MEAD, G. R. S., Doctrine of the Subtle Body in
Western Tradition, "The notion that the physical
body of man is as it wee the exteriorization of an
invisible subtle embodiment of the life of the mind
is a very ancient belief. It is however, the
prevailing habit of skeptical rationalism of the
present day to dismiss summarily all such beliefs
of antiquity as the baseless dreams of a
prescientific age, and to dump them all
indiscriminately into the midden of exploded
superstitions. Not only do the acute intellects
who upheld it in the past, dispose one to a
favorable consideration of their plea; but I am
persuaded that, the more deeply modern research
penetrates into the more recondite regions of
biology, psycho-physiology and psychology, the more
readily will reason be inclined to welcome the
notion as a fertile working hypothesis to co-
ordinate a considerable number of the mental, vital
and physical phenomena of human personality which
otherwise remain on our hands as a confused and
inexplicable conglomerate." Contents: The Spirit-
Body; The Radiant Body; The Resurrection-Body;
Epilogue. 109 pages, ISBN 1-56459-312-6

MEAD, G.R.S., Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, Some
short sketches among the Gnostics, mainly of the
first two centuries-a contribution to the study of
Christian Origins based on the most recently
discovered materials. "I have written so that the
man of one language only may read from the first to
the last page, without being forced to regret his
ignorance of other tongues; for I believe that the
subject is of profoundly human interest, and not
one of merely academical importance...my main
object has been to hand on what the earliest
Christian philosophers and teachers wrote and
thought. They seem to me to have written many
beautiful things, and I, for my part, have learned
through them to sense the work of the Great Master
in a totally new light." Contents: Prolegomena;
Some Rough Outlines of the Background of the
Gnosis; General And Gnostic Christianity; The
Gnosis According to Its Foes; Some Gnostic
Fragments Recovered from the Polemical Writings of
the Church Fathers; Some Traces of the Gnosis in
the Uncanonical Acts; The Gnosis According to Its
Friends; Bibliographies. 633 pages, ISBN 0-922802-

MEAD, G.R.S., Gnostic Crucifixion, The Vision of
the Cross; Comments. 83 pages, ISBN 1-56459-129-8

MEAD, G.R.S., Gnostic John the Baptizer: Selections
from the Mandan John-Book, Together with Studies
on John and Christian Origins, the Slavonic
Josephus' Account of John and Jesus, and John and
the Fourth Gospel Proem. Contents: Foreword; John
the Baptizer and Christian Origins; From the John-
Book of the Mandans; The Story of the Breach with
Judaism; Some Typical Extracts; The Slavonic
Josephus' Account of the Baptists and Jesus; The
Fourth Gospel Proem. This rare book gives the
Gnostic's perspective of John from the inner or
psychic story, the prophetical, and the imaginative
history of ideas. 137 pages, ISBN 1-56459-375-4

MEAD, G.R.S., Gospels and the Gospel, "This small
volume of short sketches is put forward with the
very modest purpose of roughly chronicling a moment
in the ever-changing fortunes of opinion occasioned
by the persistent inroads of scientific research
into the domain of theological traditions. The
chronicling is neither that of a scientist, nor of
a theologian, but of a friendly spectator, who, as
a devoted lover of both Science and Religion, has
no partisan interest to serve, and, as a believer
in the blessings of that true tolerance which
permits perfect liberty in all matters of opinion
and belief, has no desire to dictate to others what
their decision should be on any one of the many
controversial points touched upon." Contents: A
Glimpse at the History of the Evolution of Biblical
Criticism; The "Word of God" and the "Lower
Criticism"; The Nature of the Tradition of the
Gospel Autographs; Autobiographical Traces in the
Existing Documents; An Examination of the Earliest
Outer Evidence; The Present Position of the
Synoptical Problem; The Credibility of the
Synoptists; The Johannine Problem; Summary of the
Evidence from all Sources; The Life-Side of
Christianity; The Gospel of the Living Christ. 215
pages, ISBN 0-922802-78-5

MEAD, G.R.S., Hymn of Jesus, "The marvellous and
beautiful Hymn, which is the subject of this small
volume, is found in what are without doubt the
Leucian Acts of John." "This Hymn is no hymn, but
a mystery-ritual, and perhaps the earliest
Christian ritual of which we have any trace." This
beautiful Hymn was supposed to have been sung by
Jesus and His apostles before he was delivered to
the Jews. 76 pages, ISBN 1-56459-158-1

MEAD, G.R.S., Mithriac Ritual, Preamble; The
Ritual; Comments. 77 pages, ISBN 1-56459-117-4

MEAD, G.R.S., Mysteries of Mithra, Contents:
Preamble; Origins and Development; diffusion in the
Roman Empire; From the Texts; From the Monuments.
90 pages, ISBN 1-56459-249-9

MEAD, G.R.S., Pistis Sophia, A Gnostic Miscellany:
Being for the most part extracts from the books of
the Saviours, to which are added excerpts from a
cognate literature. This is one of our most
popular titles. It deserves a special place in
your library. 325 pages, ISBN 0-922802-87-4

MEAD, G.R.S., Quests Old and New, "All the studies
or sketches in this volume are illustrative of the
quest of reality, the search for truth, or the
restless striving of the human soul for the
satisfaction of its needs, spiritual or
philosophical, mystical or psychical. The subjects
are gleaned from the past and present, from east
and west; and all of them, each in their different
ways, seem to the writer to be of deep interest and
great importance, even though some are little known
and may appear on first acquaintance somewhat
strange." Contents: The Way of the Spirit in
Ancient China; The Doctrine of the True Man in
Ancient Chinese Mystical Philosophy; Spiritual
Reality in Progressive Buddhism; The Ideal Life in
Progressive Buddhism; Some Features of Buddhist
Psychology; The Doctrine of Reincarnation Ethically
Considered; Some Mystical Experiments on the
Frontiers of Early Christendom; The Meaning of
Gnosis in the Higher Forms of Hellenistic Religion;
'The Book of the Hidden Mysteries' by Hierotheos;
The Rising Psychic Tide; Vaihinger's Philosophy of
the 'As If'; Bergson's Intuitionism; Eucken's
Activism. 338 pages, ISBN 0-922802-79-3

MEAD, G.R.S., Some Mystical Adventures, Contents:
As Above, So Below; Heresy; The Elasticity of a
Permanent Body; The Immensities; Heirs of the Ages;
The Master; Initiation; A measure of What Wisdom
Means to Me; Adumbrations; The Heroic Life; On the
Track of Spirituality; Guesses at What to Expect;
On the Art of Symbolism; The Self Taught; On the
Way of the Path; Mystic Reality; The Deathless
Race; Mystic Cosmogony; Some Elementary
Speculations; On the Nature of the Quest. 303
pages, ISBN 1-56459-359-2

MEAD, G.R.S., The Hymn of the Robe of Glory, The
original text of this beautiful Gnostic poem is in
Syriac. The Hymn is poetic inspiration and deals
with high mysteries and experiences. Contents:
Preamble; The Hymn; Comments; The Pearl; Egypt; The
Parable of the Prodigal; The Dual Sonship; The Robe
of Glory; A Story of the Infancy; The Two Couriers;
The Allegorical Geography; Notes. 99 pages, ISBN 1-

MEAD, G.R.S., Thrice Greatest Hermes, Studies in
Hellenistic Theosophy and Gnosis Being a
Transaction of the Extant Sermons and Fragments of
the Trismegistic Literature with Prolegomena,
Commentaries, and Notes; All three volumes are
combined into one book. "These volumes might be
described as the preparation of materials to serve
for the historic, mythic, and mystic consideration
of the Origins of Christianity." "The serous
consideration of the matter contained in these
pages will, I hope, enable the attentive reader to
outline in his mind, however vaguely, some small
portion of the environment of infant Christianity,
and allow him to move a few steps round the cradle
of Christendom." Contents: Vol. 1: Remains of the
Trismegistic Literature; History of the Evolution
of Opinion; Thoth the Master of Wisdom; Popular
Theurgic Hermes-Cult in the Greek Magic Papyri;
Main Source of the Trismegistic Literature
According to Manetho High Priest of Egypt; An
Egyptian Prototype of the Main Features of the
Poemandres' Cosmogony; Myth of Man in the
Mysteries; Philo of Alexandria and the Hellenistic
Theology; Plutarch: Concerning the Mysteries of
Isis and Osiris; "Hermas" and "Hermes"; Concerning
the AEon-Doctrine; Seven Zones and their
Characteristics; Plato: Concerning Metempsychosis;
Vision of Er; Concerning the Crater or Cup;
Disciples of Thrice-Gretest Hermes. Vol. 2:
Poemandres, the Shepherd of Men; The General
Sermon; To Asclepius; The Sacred Sermon; The Cup or
Monad; Though Unmanifest God is Most Manifest; In
God Alone is Good and Elsewhere Nowhere; Greatest
Ill Among Men is Ignorance of God; That No One of
Existing Things Doth Perish, But Men in Error Speak
of Their Changes as Destructions and as Deaths; On
Thought and Sense; The Key; Mind Unto Hermes; About
the Common Mind; Secret Sermon on the Mountain; A
Letter to Asclepius; The Definitions of Asclepius
Unto King Ammon; Of Asclepius to the King; The
Encomium of Kings. Vol. 3: Excerpts and Fragments:
Excerpts by Stobus; Of Piety and True Philosophy;
Ineffability of God; Of Truth; God, Nature and the
Gods; Of Matter; Of Time; Energy and Feeling;
Justice; Providence and Fate; Of Soul; Power of
Choice; Of Isis to Horus; From "Aphrodite";
References and Fragments in the Fathers; Justin
Martyr; Athenagoras; Clement of Alexandria;
Tertullian; Cyprian; Arnobius; Lactantius;
Augustine; Cyril of Alexandria; Suidas; References
and Fragments in the Philosophers; Zosimus;
Jamblichus; Julian the Emperor; Fulgentius the
Mythographer. 864 pages, ISBN 1-56459-186-7

MEAD, G.R.S., Upanishads, (Volumes 1 & 2) "To those
who love the truth." "The Upanishads are ancient
treatises, written in Sanskrit, containing the
theosophy of the Vedas. They are often referred to
as rahasya, the 'mystery' or 'secret,' as being
formerly taught only to those who had gone through
a special preliminary training and given proof of
their fitness; they are also called shruti-shirah,
or the 'head of revelation,' as being the most
precious revelation handed down to the Aryan
inhabitants of India." 237 pages, ISBN 0-922802-77-

MEAD, G.R.S., Wedding Song of Wisdom, Contents:
Translations from the Greek, Catholicized Syriac
and the Later Armenian Version texts; Syrian
Wedding Festivities, Song of Songs; Sacred Marriage
in the Kabalah; In the Writings of Philo Judus; In
the New Testament; Wisdom; Sacred Marriage in
Christian Gnosticism; In the Trismegistic Gnosis;
In the Chaldan Oracles; In the Mithriac Mysteries;
The Seven; The Choir of the AEons. 107 pages, ISBN

MEAD, G.R.S., World Mystery, "And in this sacred
inquiry let us start with ourselves, where we find
a soul vehicled or involved in a body, the home of
innumerable 'lives,' vehicled again in
infinitesimal cells, each the body of a soul. And
yet the soul of man is not composed of these
'lives'; the consciousness of man is not simply the
product or sum of their consciousness, nor is his
intelligence a compound of their intelligence. The
Soul of man is one, a self-centered unit,
indestructible, imperishable, self-motive; it dies
not nor comes into being." Contents: The World-
Soul; The Soul-Vestures; The Web of Destiny; True
Self-Reliance. 200 pages, ISBN 0-922802-91-2

MELVILLE, HENRY, Veritas: Revelations of Mysteries
Biblical, Historical, and Social, by Means of the
Median and Persian Laws (1874), There is a
universal alphabet to a universal celestial
language. This is a fascinating study of the
Astro-Masonic significance of the universe. "The
foundation of all religions had but one and the
same origin and that origin was heavenly or
celestial." Contents: Astronomy and Masonry;
Median and Persian Laws; The Triple Tau; Masonic
Ceremonies; Ancient Dates and Celestial Points;
Celestial Cycles; The Birth of Moses; The Creation;
The Deluge; The Birth and Death of Christ;
Celestial Cities; Terrestrial  Fable Celestially
Interpreted; Modern History; The Revelation of St.
John. Scarce! 160 pages, ISBN 1-56459-396-7

(EDITOR),, Rituals of the First Four Grades:
Societatis Rosicrucian Rebpub\ Confoed\ America\,
Between 1881-1883 the Supreme Magus of the American
Masonic Rosicrucian Society (the predecessor of the
SRICF) issued four 'supplementary' rituals to its
Colleges. Between 1939-1942 Voorhis republished
three of them in issues Nos. 1-8 of his Rosicrucian
bulletin, 'The Rose Petal.' We have reprinted
Voorhis' material in facsimile and also located a
manuscript copy of the only ritual he omitted,
which we have typeset. This book includes,
therefore, the complete set of Rosicrucian rituals:
Zelator, Theoricus, Practicus and Philosophus.
This book will be especially interesting to
students of the Hermetic philosophy and to members
of such traditions as the G\D\ (RR et AC), OTO,
AMORC, BOTA, the Martinists, etc., and to
esoterically inclined Freemasons. 34 pages, ISBN 1-

MORLEY, HENRY, The Life of Henry Cornelius Agrippa:
Doctor and Knight, Commonly known as a Magician
(1856), Certainly one of the most sought after and
prized works on Agrippa, this book gives a
narration of his life and the spirit of his
writings. "I wish to show how the man really lived
and what the man wrote." Contents: First
Impressions; Treats of a Band of Young
Conspirators; The Plot and its Issue; How Agrippa,
Besieged, Vanished; Cornelius a Doctor of Divinity;
Woman the Better Half of Man; Three Books of Magic,
an Account of the Principles of Magic; On the
Practice of Magic; What is contained in the Second
Book of Occult Science; On the Third and Last Book
of Occult Science; Two Monks; Agrippa in London;
Service with the Council of Pisa; Doctor and Knight
at Arms; Beggary. 342 pages, ISBN 1-56459-388-6

MUIR, M.M. PATTISON, Story of Alchemy, A solid
overview and valuable aid for anyone endeavoring to
unravel the complex history of alchemy. 208 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-019-4

NORRIS, HENRY HADLEY, Principles of the Jesuits,
Developed in a Collection of Extracts from their
Own Authors to which are Prefixed a Brief Account
of the Origin of the Order and a Sketch of its
Institute. Murder, deceit, intrigue, political
chicanery, bribery, and any other means are all
totally accepted, used, and openly practiced by the
Jesuits. This book exposes them for what they are
and what they do-all in the name of God! Discover
for yourself the noxious influence of the spiritual
tyranny and deception that has plagued the world
for centuries and has caused the torture,
imprisonment, and murders of countless people. Read
about their unscrupulous means in their own words!
300 pages, 1-56459-292-8

OLCOTT, HENRY S., Golden Rules of Buddhism,
Compiled from the Bana Books. "Orientalists and
other impartial persons admit that no religion in
the world contains a more sublime system of moral
rules than Buddhism. Many a Buddhist has been
'converted', or otherwise brought to despise his
ancestral religion, from ignorance of its merits."
Contents: Merits and Demerits; Passions;
Associates and Friends; Parents, Teachers, and
Friends; Research Recommended; The Moral Law
Inexorable; Adeptship a Fact; The True Buddhist
Priest. 17 pages, ISBN 1-56459-256-1

OLCOTT, HENRY S., Theosophy: Religion and Occult
Science (1885), Contents: Theosophy or
Materialism-Which?; England's Welcome; Theosophical
Society and its Aims; Common Foundation of all
Religions; Theosophy: The Scientific Basis of
Religion; Theosophy: Its Friends and Enemies;
Occult Sciences; Spiritualism and Theosophy; India:
Past, Present and Future; Civilization that India
Needs; Spirit of the Zoroastrian Religion; Life of
Buddha and its Lessons. 384 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

PANCOAST, S., M.D., Kabbala: Or True Science of
Light, An Introduction to the Philosophy and
Theosophy of the Ancient Sages together with a
chapter on Light in the Vegetable Kingdom; "This
little volume, devoted to the True Science of
Light, especially in its relations to life and
health, and its applicability as a remedy in
disease, is affectionately and respectfully
dedicated by the author." S. Pancoast was a
physician to H.P. Blavatsky. Contents: Ancient
Ideas of Light and Heat; True Science of Light-
Truths and Theories-What we Know, and What we
Believe; Light Manifested in Atmospheric
Electricity and in Terrestrial Magnetism; Material
Forms and Vital Dynamics; Human Organism and its
Vital Dynamics; Centres and Original Source of
Vital Dynamics within the Human Organism, and the
Great Actual Source; How to Assist Nature in
Banishing Disease from the Human Organism; Light
and its Rays Nature's Own and Only Remedies for
Disease-How to apply Light to the Human Organism;
Light in the Vegetable Kingdom; Light the Sole
Source of Life-Light the Developer of Material
Forms-Forms Developed Solely to Manifest Life-Light
Nature's Means of Preserving Life-Hence, Light
Nature's Means of Banishing Disease by Restoring
the Equilibrium that Constitutes Health. 312 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-167-0

PAPUS (DR. GERARD ENCAUSSE), Reincarnation, Papus,
the famous French esoterist, is also the author of
the widely read book Tarot of the Bohemians.
Contents: Reincarnation, Definition; Reincarnation
of the Astral Principles; Reincarnation of the
Spiritual Principle; Love in the Astral World; The
Return to Matter; The Mysteries of Birth; Abnormal
Reincarnations; Social Life and Reincarnation; The
Language of the Spirits; The Messengers of the
Father; Reincarnation and Religions; Transmigration
of Souls; Krishnaism and Buddhism; Human
Reincarnation; Reincarnation and Hebrew Esoterism.
132 pages, ISBN 0-922802-10-6

the Supreme Mysteries of Nature; of the Spirits of
Planets; Secrets of Alchemy; Occult Philosophy;
Signs of the Zodiack, Magical Cure of Diseases; and
Celestial Medicines; Partial Contents: Of Simple
Fire; Multiplicity of Fire; The Metals of the
Planets; Spirit of the Sun; Spirit of the Sun,
Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn; Of Tinctures
how they are made; Conjunction of Male & Female; To
make the Furnace; To place the Fire; The Red
Colour; Of Consecrations; Of Ceremonies Magical; Of
Conjurations; Supernatural Diseases must have
Supernatural Cures; Visions and Dreams; Dreams
natural and Supernatural; Of Imagination; Of Hidden
Treasure; The Abuse of Magick; Preservatives
against Witchcraft; Manner of helping persons
bewitched; Of the mystery of the twelve Signs;
Celestial Medicines. 160 pages, ISBN 1-56459-171-9

PARSONS, ALBERT ROSS, Parsifal: The Finding of
Christ Through Art or Richard Wagner as Theologian,
The author asserted that the spirit of Christianity
and of Music alike was love and hence drew the
conclusion that their essential spirit was the same
and that music dispelling external things, brought
the soul of man into direct and powerful communion
with God. 113 pages, ISBN 1-56459-368-1

PENNY, A.J., Studies in Jacob Boehme, This book is
acknowledged to be the definitive source work on
Boehme and very essential for understanding his
writings. Contents: Who was Jacob Boehme; Jacob
Boehme's Writings; Why are Jacob Boehme's Writings
Not Studied? Boehme and Swedenborg; Power of
Imagination; Experiences in Open Vision; Emanations
of the World-Soul; Communicating Spirits; World-
Soul; Doctrine of vicarious Suffering; Deity
Anterior to Creation; On Influx; Who are Our
Spiritual Enemies? Natural Objects Existent; Second
Advent; Uses of Pain and Evil; Martensen's "Jacob
Boehme"; Duration of Evil; Reincarnation; Ready-
Made Clothes; Eternal Bodies; Buried Treasures;
Creation by the Word; Imagination and Fantasy;
Alchymistical Philosophers; Boehme and the "Secret
Doctrine"; Atmospheres; Jesus and the Christ;
Unconscious Creation; Spiritual Evolution;
Illusions in Life's Trance; Form; The Advantages of
Christianity; Boehme and Rama Prasad; Planetary
Influence; Resurrection Bodies; The Image. 503
pages,  1-56459-290-1

PERCIVAL, MILTON O., William Blake's Circle of
Destiny, "The Circle of Destiny is not a study in
sources, but a work of interpretation. Its
conclusions have been derived almost exclusively
from the text of Blake's prophetic writings and
from his paintings and drawings. Sources and
analogues have been introduced only to support the
interpretation and to show that Blake's myth is not
the fantasy of a solitary dreamer, but the
culmination of a long tradition. As comprehension
grew it became increasingly apparent that Blake had
pondered the basic philosophical problems more
deeply than had been supposed. One might hope,
therefore, that the myth was not, as it had seemed,
chaotic and arbitrary, but a visionary presentation
of a systematic body of thought." Contents: The
Characters; The Setting; Definite and Bound;
Contraries: Spectre and Emanation; Sex Symbolism;
God and Man; Astrological Symbolism; The Fall;
Alchemical Symbolism; The Return (Regeneration);
Seven Eyes; Nature (the Vegetable Glass);
Conclusion. 340 pages, ISBN 1-56459-315-0

PETRUS OF FERRARA BONUS, New Pearl of Great Price,
A Treatise Concerning the Treasure and Most
Precious Stone of the Philosophers. Or the Method
and procedure of this Divine Art; With Observations
Drawn from the Works of Arnoldus, Raymondus,
Rhasis, Albertus, and Michael Scotus, First
Published by Janus Lacinius, the Calabrian, with a
Copious Index. Epigrams of Pierius Roseus and
Hippolytus Fantolius Delphicus; The Greeting of
Janus Lacinius, the Calabrian Minorite Friar;
Nuncupatory Discourse; Form and Method of
Perfecting Base Metals, by Janus Lacinius; The New
Pearl of Great Price; The Epistle of Bonus;
Extracts made by Lacinius from the Works of
Arnoldus De Villa Nova; Epitome of the Work of
Raymondus Lullius; Extracts from the Light of
Lights by Rhasis; Extracts from Albertus Magnus, S.
Thomas, and other Sages; Curious Investigation
Concerning the Nature of the Sun and Moon, from
Michael Scotus. 441 pages, ISBN 1-56459-142-5

PFEIFFER, FRANZ, Works of Meister Eckhart, The most
complete collection of Eckhart's writings: Sermons
and Collations; Tractates; Sayings; Liber
Positionum; In Collationbus; The Book of
Benedictus; Bibliography. 730 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

PHILALETHES, EIRENAEUS, Collectanea Chemica, Being
a collection of alchemical works. Contents: The
Secret of the Immortal Liquor called Alkahest;
Aurum Potabile; The Admirable Efficacy of the True
Oil of Sulphur Vive; The Stone of the Philosophers;
The Bosom Book of Sire George Ripley, The
Preparation of the Sophic Mercury. Highly
recommended. 160 pages, ISBN 0-922802-81-5

Confession of the Fraternity of R:C:, Commonly of
the Rosie Cross with A Preface Annexed thereto, and
a Short Declaration of their Physical Work.
Originally printed in London in 1652, this is the
foundation of all Rosicrucian writings describing
their aims, methods, and work. Essential! 190
pages, ISBN 1-56459-257-X

PIKE, ALBERT, Irano-Aryan Faith and Doctrine as
Contained in the Zend-Avesta, "He (Pike) knew that
the Proto-Aryans and the Indo-Aryans were our
physical, linguistic and philosophical ancestors;
and he knew that the monotheistic Irano-Aryans were
our religious, religio-philosophical and spiritual
ancestors; and with his transcendent genius he
places before our mental vision the habitat,
migrations and early pre-historic history of these
our ancestors." 700 pages, ISBN 1-56459-181-6

PIKE, ALBERT, Lectures of the Arya, "Pike knew that
our language, philosophy, religions, are traceable
to the Aryans, Indo and Irano, and he has presented
to our view, through the Lectures, the emigration
and last division of the race, their country,
character and manners, their language, their
deities, and legends." "Of the work, Pike himself
said: 'Oldest literary monuments and records of
human thought in the world and as the source and
origin of the great philosophical doctrines of the
world, but also, and far more, because they make
known to us a sublime theosophy and purely
philosophic faith believed in and understood by men
of our own blood and lineage at a very remote
period when they dwelt near the cradle of the
race." 340 pages, ISBN 1-56459-182-4

POTT, MRS. HENRY, Francis Bacon and His Secret
Society, An Attempt to Collect and Unite the Lost
Links of a Long and Strong Chain. Some Doubts
Connected With His Personal History, and Actual
Works and Aims; A Mystery Surrounds His Private
Life and Character; An Outline of His Life and
Aims; Playwright and Poet-Philosopher; Deficiencies
of Learning in the Times of Elizabeth and James I;
The Rosicrucians: Their Rules, Aims, and Method of
Working; Vital Spirits of Nature; Masonry; Paper-
Marks Used Until the Time of Sir Nicholas Bacon;
Paper-Marks in and After the Time of Francis Bacon.
421 pages, ISBN 1-56459-111-5

PRIESTLY, JOSEPH, Disquisitions Relating to Matter
and Spirit (1777), Partial Contents: Of the Nature
and Essential Properties of Matter; Of
Impenetrability; Of the Seat of the Sentient
Principle in Man; Advantages attending the System
of Materialism; Considerations more immediately
relating to Immaterial Substances, and especially
to the Connection of the Soul and Body; Of the
Presence of the Soul with the Body; Of the Vehicle
of the Soul; Objections to the System of
Materialism considered; Of the Principles of Human
Nature according to the Scriptures; Of the Divine
Essence according to the Scriptures; Of the
Arguments of the Being and Perfections of God;
Observations on Personal Identity; A View of the
different Opinions that have been held concerning
the Divine Essence; Opinions of the Heathens and
Jews; Opinions of the Christian Fathers to the
sixth Century; State of Opinions from the Sixth
Century to the Time of Descartes; Opinions from the
Time of Descartes to present; Brief History of
Opinions concerning the State of the Dead; Of the
Indian or the proper Oriental Philosophy; Religion
of the ancient Persians and Chaldeans; Introduction
of the Oriental Philosophy into Greece; Mixture of
the Oriental and Greek Philosophy with
Christianity; Influence of the Philosophical system
on the Christian doctrine concerning the Person of
Christ; General Arguments against the Preexistence
of Christ; Opinions that have been held concerning
Matter, and their influence with respect to
Christianity. 356 pages, ISBN 1-56459-314-2

PRYSE, JAMES M., The Apocalypse Unsealed, Being an
esoteric interpretation of the initiation of St.
John. Tired of trite religious dogma? Read this
inspiring book. Contents: The Key of the Gnosis;
The Path of Power; The Riddles of Revelation; The
Drama of Self-conquest. Very rare and illuminating
book on esoteric initiation. The religious
fundamentalists corrupted (as usual) the esoteric
interpretation of the Apocalypse. Let this book
help you to live in peace, enlightenment, and
happiness-not fear. 232 pages, ISBN 1-56459-336-3

PRYSE, JAMES M., The Magical Message According to
Ioannes (St. John), Commonly called the Gospel
according to St. John. Are you ready for the
esoteric message of the Gospel never before so
clearly revealed? Contents: The Seen and the
Unseen; The Four Evangels; The Drama of the Soul;
Explanatory Note; The Magical Message according to
Ioannes; The Prodigal Son; The Birth from Above;
Index. St. John the mystic, calls to you. Listen
to this inspiring message of faith, hope, love, and
mystical achievement. Are you ready for it? pages,
ISBN 1-56459-337-1

PRYSE, JAMES MORGAN, The Adorers of Dionysos
(Bakchai), Translated from the Greek of Euripides
with an Original Interpretation of the Myth of
Kadmos. The Bakchai were the followers of Bakchos,
also named Dionysos, the God of Seership and
reputed founder of the sacred Mysteries. Those who
were initiated in these Mysteries were called
Bakchoi, since the initiate was said to become one
with his God. Illustrated by J. Augustus Knapp.
166 pages, ISBN 1-56459-413-0

RALEIGH, A.S., Hermetic  Fundamentals Revealed,
"Showing in perfect sequence the stages of
unfoldment through which the soul passes to reach
Illumination." Contents: The Physical Body; the
Astral Body; The Mental Body; The Aura; Dynamics;
Telepathy; Akashic Records; Clairvoyance;
Clairaudience; Psychometry; Clariolfactiousnsess;
Clairgustience; Clairo-Dynamics. 127 pages, ISBN 1-

RALEIGH, A.S., Science of Alchemy, "We herewith
present to our Students the following Treatise on
The Science of Alchemy. It is written to serve two
purposes: first, it gives the Text of the Sermon
of Mind to Hermes on the Nature of the All and
Good, and contains the Official Esoteric Commentary
of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Atlantis; in the
second place, it will be found to be the Official
Text Book of the Brotherhood, for students of the
Science of Alchemy. These Lessons will be found to
unfold the fundamental principles of the Science of
Alchemy, and of the nature of Eternal Life in a way
that will be most easily understood by the
student." Contents: The All and Good; God and
AEon; The AEon Lore; AEonoy; The Unity of Life; The
One Maker of All; The Divine Workman; Life and
Death; The Master's Word; AEonian Life. 172 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-007-0

RALEIGH, A.S., Speculative Art of Alchemy,
Contents: The Essential Nature of Mind; Mind as
Physician andas Judge; Mind and Fate; Mind's Fate;
Action and Passion; Voice and Speech; Cosmic
Alchemy; Change and Sensation; The Conception and
Contemplation of God; God and Matter. 191 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-006-2

READ, JOHN, Alchemist in Life, Literature, and Art,
"As is now shown more concisely in this book,
mythology and religion, astrology and magic,
mysticism and science, literature and art, and many
another ingredient-including even music-have
contributed to the rise and development of alchemy,
and hence of chemistry, the most romantic and
picturesque of all the manifold fields of science.
The alchemist is first considered realistically in
relation to his working background of alchemy, with
its intriguing theories and conceptions, its vast
literature, and its wealth of cryptic expression
and pictorial symbolism." Contents: Alchemy and
Alchemists: Nature and Origin of Alchemy,
Alchemical Theory, Some Alchemical Tenets,
Operations of the Great Work, Alchemical Expression
and Symbolism, Types of Alchemists; The Alchemist
in Literature: An Alchemist among the Canterbury
Pilgrims, An Alchemist in Jacobean London, An
Alchemist tells of Himself; The Alchemist in Art:
Durer's "Melencolia", Weiditz, Brueghel, Stradanus,
de Bry, The Mystical Alchemist in Art, Teniers, van
Ostade, Steen, Bega, Wijick, Other Dutch Painters,
A Spanish Alchemical Painting, Later Alchemical
Paintings, Wright of Derby. 120 pages, ISBN 1-

READ, JOHN, Prelude to Chemistry, Contents: An
Outline of Alchemy; The Literature of Alchemy; The
Philosopher's Stone; The Golden Tripod; The Mighty
King; A Musical Alchemist; The Gardens of Hermes.
"It's aim is to offer a bird's-eye view of
chemistry's precursor, alchemy, followed by closer
glimpses of certain fields of that richly coloured
panorama of the ages." 328 pages, ISBN 1-56459-015-

READ, JOHN, Through Alchemy to Chemistry, Contents:
Beginnings; The Emergence of Alchemy; The
Philosopher's Stone; Alchemical Crypticism and
Symbolism; Strands in the Alchemical Web; The
Diversity of Alchemists; The Parting of the Ways;
The Swan Song of Alchemy; The Development of Modern
Chemistry; The Rise of Organic Chemistry. 206
pages, ISBN 1-56459-013-5

READ, R., Secrets of Art & Nature, Reveals the
Mysterious Secrets of God, Nature, Man, and Angels;
Sun, Moon, Stars; Fire, Earth, Air, Water; Man and
his Passions, Reason, and Memory; Life and Death,
Remedies for Diseases, Old Age, Eating, Drinking,
Venery, Sleep, Exercises, and Beautifying the body;
Earthly Creatures; Plants, Metals, Glass, Jewels;
Houses, Gardens, Cloth and Clothing; Hail, Rain,
Snow, Thunder, Lightning, and Tempests; Grammar,
Rhetoric, Poetry, Speaking or Writing; Sciences as
Natural Magic, Metaphysics, Mathematics, Geometry,
Arithmetic, Music and Astrology, Politics as Peace
and War; Mechanical performed by Millers, Smith,
Bakers, Cooks, Painters and Apothecaries; Sports,
Delights, and Recreation. 350 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

REDGROVE, H. STANLEY, Alchemy Ancient and Modern,
Being a brief account of the alchemistic doctrines,
and their relations, to mysticism on the one hand,
and to recent discoveries in the physical science
on the other hand; together with some particulars
regarding the lives and teachings of the most noted
alchemists. The meaning of alchemy; The theory of
physical alchemy; The alchemists before and after
Paracelsus; The outcome of alchemy; The age of
modern chemistry; Modern alchemy. 141 pages, ISBN

REED, EDWIN, Francis Bacon Our Shakespeare,
Coincidences; The Early Authorship of Shake-Speare;
The Late Authorship of Shake-Speare; The Place of
the Shake-Speare Dramas in Bacon's System of
Philosophy; The Classical Element in the Plays;
Johnson's Masque, "Time Vindicated;" Bacon's Poetic
Gifts; Origin of the Pseudonym Shake-Speare. 250
pages, ISBN 1-56459-136-0

REGARDIE, ISRAEL, Philosopher's Stone, A modern
comparative approach to alchemy from the
psychological and magical points of view. "Alchemy
is philosophy; it is the philosophy, the seeking
out of the Sophia in the mind." Contents: The
Golden Treatise of Hermes; Commentary; The Magnetic
Theory; Six Keys of Eudoxus; Magical View; Coelum
Terrae by Thomas Vaughan. 204 pages, 1-56459-282-0

RIPLEY, Compound of Alchemy, Discover what this
famous alchemist has to teach about the elusive
compound of alchemy. 90 pages, ISBN 1-56459-077-1

ROGERS, L. W., Occultism in the Shakespeare Plays
(1909), Read this little gem and discover how
Francis Bacon, the author of the Shakespeare plays
and head of the Rosicrucian Order, used the plays
to portray eternal, mystical principles for
initiates. 30 pages, ISBN 1-56459-401-7

ROLT, C.E., Dionysius the Areopagite; The Divine
Names; and The Mystical Theology , Dionysius was
St. Paul's Athenian convert. Here is neo-Platonism
at its best! Chapters: About Dionysius; His
Leading Ideas; The Nature of the Godhead in Itself;
Its Relation to Creation; The Problem of Evil;
Contemplation; Dionysius and Modern Philosophy; The
Psychology of Contemplation; The Scriptural Basis
of His Doctrines; Conclusion; Bibliography. 225
pages, ISBN 0-922802-97-1

RULANDUS, MARTINUS, Lexicon of Alchemy, "Containing
a full and plain explanation of all obscure words,
hermetic subjects, and arcane phrases of
Paracelsus." "I wish to come forward with help,
that they may not only seek more diligently into
the writings of the Hermetists, but that they may
understand them better, and that in this manner the
divine Art of Alchemy may be more successfully
taken in hand." 466 pages, ISBN 0-922802-92-3

SAINT-GERMAIN, COMTE DE, Practical Astrology: A
Simple Method of Casting Horoscopes, The Language
of the Stars, Easily Comprehended, Fully
illustrated. Contents: What is Astrology? Planets
and the Zodiac; Signs of the Zodiac; Four Typical
Temperaments; Planets; Symbols of Planets; Twelve
Solar Houses; Thirty-six Decans; Zodiacal Calendar;
Aspects; Cyclic Tables of the Years; Yearly
Horoscopes ; Meanings of the Planets in the Solar
Houses; Casting a Horoscope; Table of the Major
Arcanes; Table of Starting points Fatidic Circles;
Major Arcanes; Minor Arcanes. A very scarce
reprint from a Master of Occult Sciences! 260
pages, ISBN 1-56459-371-1

SHARPE, SAMUEL, Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian
Christianity, With Their Influence on the Opinions
of Modern Christendom. "When Christians shall at
length acknowledge that many of those doctrines,
which together now make up orthodoxy, or the
religion of the majority, as distinguished from the
simple religion which Jesus taught and practised;
when they shall acknowledge that many of them are
so many sad and lamentable errors; then, and not
till then, will they seek to know their origin, and
enquire from which of the several branches of
Paganism they sprung. They will then see that most
of the so-called Christian doctrines, that have no
place in the New Testament, reached Europe from
Egypt, through Alexandria." Contents: Religion of
Upper Egypt; Religion of Lower Egypt; Religion
Under the Persian Conquerors; Religion Under the
Ptolemies; Religion Under the Romans; Christianity
Under the Roman Emperors; Christianity Under the
Byzantine Emperors. 120 pages, ISBN 1-56459-198-0

SINNETT, A.P., Super-Physical Science, Contents:
Humbanity and the Divine Hierarchy; The Growth of
Humanity; Life Between Lives; The Solar System; The
sirian Cosmos; Form, Life and Consciousness; The
Path of Initiation; The Human Aura; The Ethers;
Elementals and Devas; The Future of the Century;
The Brotherhood of Sacrfice; The Super-Physical
Aspect of Sex; The Animal Kingdom. 240 pages, ISBN

SMEDLEY, WILLIAM T., Mystery of Francis Bacon,
Contents: Sources of Information; Stock from which
Bacon Came; Francis Bacon, 1560-1572; At Cambridge;
Early Compositions; Bacon's "Temporis Partus
Maximus"; Bacon's First Allegorical Romance; Bacon
in France, 1576-1579; Bacon's Suit on His Return to
England, 1580; "Rare and Unaccustomed Suit";
Bacon's Second Visit to the Continent and After; Is
it probable that Bacon left Manuscripts Hidden
Away?; How the Elizabethan Literature was Produced;
Clue to the Mystery of Bacon's Life; Burghley and
Bacon; 1623 Folio Edition of Shakespeare's Plays;
Authorized Version of the Bible, 1611; How Bacon
Marked Books with the Publication of Which He was
Connected; Bacon and Emblemata; Shakespeare's
Sonnets; Bacon's Library; Two German Opinions on
Shakespeare and Bacon; Testimony of Bacon's
Contemporaries; Missing Fourth Part of "The Great
Instauration"; The Philosophy of Bacon. 200 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-135-2

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Cooper-Oakley; At Wurzburg and Ostende, Constance
Wachtmeister; A Word from Mr. Sinnett, A.P.
Sinnett; A Memory of Madame Blavatsky, Charles
Johnston; Yours till Death and after, H.P.B.,
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Last Two Years, G.R.S. Mead; What She Is To Me,
Herbert Burrows; Teacher and Friend, Walter R. Old;
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Opinion of a Hindu about H.P.B, Rai B. K. Laheri;
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Enghien, William Q. Judge; In Memoriam, Arch.
Keightley; H.P. Blavatsky and Her Mission, Franz
Hartmann; Reminiscences of Madame Blavatsky, Alice
Gordon; Madame Blavatsky and her Work, Francesca
Arundale; Seeing Little; Perceiving Much, Alexander
Fullerton; Madame Blavatsky at a Distance, J.
Campbell Ver Planck; What She Taught Us, William
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Rites and Traditions of the Nile, The ancient
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and Ministry, Partial Contents: On Nature: Man, not
outward Nature, the witness of Divinity; Marriage-
Man is God's book; Heaven taken by violence; man
the mirror of God's wonders; The Universe in pain;
Cause of Nature's groans; Birth of matter;
Hypothesis of Jacob Bohme; Inhabitancy of Planets;
Final Causes; Repose of Nature, the Soul, and the
Word should come from Man; On Man: What is Spirit?
man's origin; The Magism of God; Man, the
continuation or recommencement of God; Door of
Light and love in Man; How to attain God's Action;
The Fall; Human institutions derive from above;
Blood of clean animals; The Exodus; Law of
Sacrifices; Three degrees of abominations; Mosaic
law preparatory to spiritual law; Man delivered
from prison of his blood; The Eucharist; Progress
of individual man towards Canaan; The perfecting of
our faculties hereafter requires sacrifice of all
here; God's love and Man's insensibility; The work
of the man of faith reacts on the whole tree of
Man; On the Word: The Word sustains all things;
The Words requires an apprenticeship; The true
Cross; The substance of men's words; Power of the
enemy during night; Duties, responsibilities, and
misdirection of literary men; Religious literature;
Gradations in Adam's fall; Demonstration of God and
the soul; The sublime is God, and all that connects
us with Him; Ministers of the Word withholding the
key of knowledge; Desire, the principle of
movement; Three degrees of the Word; Progressive
names, states, and processes; Who should teach the
deep things of God; Eternity in a point of time.
512 pages, ISBN 1-56459-299-5

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Rose Cross." This illuminating Rosicrucian
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and others who knew the DIVINE SOURCE. Contents:
Vol. 1 The Dawn of Divine Conception; The Mother of
Mystery; The Land of Light, Egypt Her Mysteries
that were Heaven born; It is in the Mystical We
have the True, Ancient Way of recording scientific
Facts; Dualities, The Two Truths of all Life,
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interpreted, The Four Sacred Stars, Symbolism and
Mysticism; The Tree, Its Origin in the Garden of
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Christianity, Zoroaster and John of Patmos,
Gnostics, Horus the Egyptian Messiah; Celestial
Waters, Deluges and their ancient Traditions,
Constellation of the Dragon, Pyramid, Deluge and
Dragon, Mysticism of the Ark, Titans, Giants, Tower
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Hebrew Language-Seven, Ten, and Twelve, The Hek-
Shus, Hebrews, Sut, the Black God, Temple and
Shrine at Luxor, Exodus, Doctrine of the Coming
One, The Jew and the Sign Capricorn, Jewish Serpent
Worship, Lost Tribes, Atlantis, The Pentateuch,
Jehovah, Elohim; Heavenly Measures, Poles of Heaven
and Earth, Pole Star, Meru, The North Pole,
Precession of the Equinoxes, The Two Polar Motions,
The Labyrinth, Primal Seven, The Seven Great Stars;
Messengers of the Eternal, Angels or Time Cycles,
Prophecies, Keepers of Time, The Dog, Phoenix,
Great Pyramid, Myths of the Birth of Time, Ancient
Astrologers, Doctrine of the Merkabah, The Angels;
The Keeper of the Supernal Treasures of Knowledge
and Wisdom, The Constellation Draco, Gnosis, Way of
the Serpent. Vol. 2 "As it is in the Heavens so
will it be on Earth" Transcendent Forces,
Astrology, Gospel of the Stars giving Man Knowledge
of the Mysteries and leading his Thoughts into
Cognizance of Divinity, The Profoundest Science
ever given to Man, Our Bible Astrological, Saturn
or Satan, Conjunction of Neptune and Saturn in
1917; The Eye of the Gods, The Sun, The Spiritual
Sun, Indian Legends, Creating the Zodiac, The Tau
Cross, The Ankh Cross, Assignation of Planets,
Fragments of Astrology; Light that Shineth in the
Darkness, The Moon, Birth and Death, Waxing and
Waning, The Mystical Moon of Nature, Origin of the
Trinity, Yom Kipour, Numbers applying to Birth, The
Mystic Basket, Astrology; The Bridge, Saturn, Sut
or Saturn the first Celestial Hero, Golden Age of
Mythology, Our Age of the Golden Calf, The Sevens;
The Counselor, Jupiter, Father of Heaven and of
Earth, Jupiter and the Egg, The Bow of Seb, The
Rainbow, The Nimbus, Symbol of Jupiter; The Bowman
of the Gods, Mars, The Heaven Bringer, Star-god,
Symbols, Shepherd of the Heavenly Flock, Twin Lions
of Egypt, Judean Imagery, Pleiades, God of War,
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Venus, Dedicated with the Moon to the Great Mother,
Mother Nature, Her Traditions under various
Goddesses, Maya, The Letter M, The Month of May,
Artemis, Ishtar, The Ship of Life or the Ship of
the North, Candlemas Day, Isis, Notre Dame
Cathedral, Veil of Isis, Osiris, Hathor, Eve,
Venus, Lucifer, Origins of the Great Mother; The
Herald of Light, Mercury, The Divine Scribe,
Messenger of the Gods, The Shepherd, The Revealer
of Secret Wisdom, Designer of the Tat Cross,
Swastica, Fire Cross of India, Statues of Mercury,
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short and clear account of the alchemists, their
ways of thought and their contribution to man's
achievement." Contents: The Ideas of the
Alchemists; The Origin of Alchemical Practice; The
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Theological Sermons, With a sketch of his life and
an astronomical introduction. This book is a
collection of sermons delivered by the Rev. Robert
Taylor. Everywhere he lectured he challenged the
clergy to debate him. He was arrested for
blasphemy and a persecution began. A Quaker banker
took this opportunity to press a debt, and threw
the orator into prison. It was there that he wrote
the Diegesis and Syntagma. Contents: Star of
Bethlehem; John the Baptist; Raising the Devil!;
The Temple; Unjust Judge; Virgo Paritura; St.
Peter; Judas Iscariot Vindicated; St. Thomas; St.
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Christianity, Never Yet Before or Elsewhere so
Fully and Faithfully set Forth; "I very
respectfully dedicate the Diegesis, the employment
of my many solitary hours in an unjust
imprisonment, incurred in the most glorious cause
that ever called virtue to act, or fortitude to
suffer." Partial Contents: Identity of Jesus
Christ of Nazareth; Christian and Pagan Creeds;
State of the Heathen World; State of the Jews;
State of Philosophy; Admissions of Christian
writers; Of the Essenes or Therapeuts; Christian
scriptures, doctrines, discipline and
ecclesiastical polity; Of Philo and his testimony;
References to the monkish or Theapeutan doctrines
to be traced in the New Testament; On the claims of
the scriptures of the New Testament to be
considered as genuine and authentic; Canons of
criticism; Of the four gospels in general,
Confession of the forgery of the gospels, by
Faustus; Of the origin of our three first canonical
gospels; Of St. John's gospel in particular; The
monks of Egypt; Resemblances of the Pagan and
Christian theology; AEsculapius an Jesus Christ,
the same figment of imagination; Hercules and Jesus
Christ; Adonis; Mystical sacrifice of the
Phoenicians, A draft of the whole Christian system;
Chrishna, of the Brahmins, the original Jesus
Christ; Sign of the Cross entirely Pagan;
Tauribolia; Baptism; Eleusianian Mysteries;
Pythagoras; Archbishop Tillotson's confession of
the identity of Christianity and Paganism;
Resemblance of Pagan and Christian forms of
worship; Charges brought against Christianity by
its early adversaries; Arguments of Martyrdom;
Apostolic Fathers; Fathers of the Third Century,
Fourth Century; Testimony of Heretics. 440 pages,
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Against the Assaults of the Christian Instruction
Society; "Prisoner in Oakham Jail for the
conscientious maintenance of the truths contained
in that Manifesto." "Thou hast in this Pamphlet
all the sufficient evidence, that can be adduced
for any piece of history a thousand years old, or
to prove an error of a thousand years standing,
that such a person as Jesus Christ never existed;
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be nothing more than a personification of the
principle of reason, of goodness, or that
principle, be it what it may, which may most
benefit mankind in the passage through life." 191
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"The knowledge of the Gods is Virtue, Wisdom, and
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"I rejoice in the opportunity which is now afforded
me of printing this translation of the extracts
from a lost work of Julian against the Christians;
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the ancient Latin Platonists. He is not to be
classed among the chief of the disciples of Plato,
yet he will always maintain a very distinguished
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eloquence. The most important parts of the
Metamorphosis, I feel, are the fable of Cupid and
Psyche, and the eleventh book, in which Apuleius
gives an account of his being initiated in the
mysteries of Isis and Osiris. I call these the
most important parts, because in the former, it
appears to me, the very ancient dogma of the pre-
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Plato's "crowning achievement of art and
philosophy." "The idea that runs through the
Republic is that the individual presents almost the
same features and qualties as society, on a smaller
scale, and in his argument Plato first considers
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Republic as a work of art, its philosophical and
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present disordered condition of social and
speculative ideas." 309 pages, ISBN 1-56459-024-0

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some of the greatest arcana of the Grecian theology
are unfolded. "The Emperor Julian, the author of
the two following Orations, is well known in the
character of a Sovereign and an Apostate which he
once sustained, but very few are acquainted with
him in the characters of a Theologist and
Philosopher, which he displays through the whole of
his works, in a manner by no means contemptible or
weak." "Julian, however, appears to have possessed
as much of the philosophical genius as could
possibly be the portion of an Emperor of Rome, and
was doubtless as much superior to any other
Emperor, either prior or posterior to him, as the
philosophy and theology which he zealously
professed transcend all others in dignity and
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Destiny (1872), This book is mentioned in several
of Manly P. Hall's works, most notably Secret
Teachings of All Ages. "The origin and destiny of
man are subjects which, though inseparably
connected with each other, are usually treated of
as distinct. In ancient times this was not the
case. Theology was based upon such science as
existed at that time, and Science and Theology were
consequently in harmony with each other. This
harmony has long ceased to exist." Partial
Contents: State of Judaea; Masoretic Points;
Explanation of the secret meaning of: the first
chapter of Genesis, the second chapter, the third
chapter; New Testament; Critical examination of the
Gospel according to Matthew; Mythical elements in
the first copies of Mark's gospel; Original
disciples of John the Baptist; Gospels which are no
longer in existence; Worship of nature; Sun the
king of heaven; Tuscan cosmogony; Life of Osiris
and Typhon; End of the World; Active and Passive
forces of nature; Nature the first deity; Origin of
man according to the ancients; Hindu & Hebrew
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psychic healing. He died at the hands of the Holy
Roman Inquisition. Although much has been written
against Cagliostro, Trowbridge, through his
meticulous researching, comes up with an all
together different picture. "The object of this
book is not so much an attempt to vindicate
Cagliostro as to correct and revise, if possible,
what I believe to be a false judgment of history."
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lords of fortune, despisers of the world, whose
life is holiness in holiness, knowledge in
knowledge, and whose work consists in the relieving
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Astronomy; Contents: Biographical Preface; The
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Astronomy. 220 pages, ISBN 1-56459-166-2

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Alchemists and Mystics;; Symbolism of the Rose and
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Eighteenth Century; Ritual and Masonic Period; Rosy
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approached, the Kabalah is of importance: it
connects with literatures which are greater than
itself and with pregnant issues of history. It is
part of the history of philosophy, and as such it
once entered into the thought of Europe. It is
responsible, broadly speaking, for all that strange
tissue of symbolism and ceremonial which made up
the magic of the Middle Ages; at a later period it
sought to transform alchemy; it tinctured many of
those conventional practices and beliefs which we
term superstition generically, and the guise in
which we know them is therefore chiefly a
Kabalistic guise." Contents: Post-Christian
Literature of the Jews; Doctrinal Content of the
Kabalah; Source and Authority of the Kabalah;
Written Word of Kabalism First, Second and Third
Period; Some Christian Students of the Kabalah,
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body of literature, entire and unabridged,
attributed to Paracelsus, and treating directly of
alchemy, and the transcendental doctrines and
physics of the Magnum Opus; (b) The whole
Paracelsian literature of the Great Elixir and the
Universal Medicine; (c) So much of the Hermetic
philosophy and cosmogony of Paracelsus as has been
judged necessary to illustrate his alchemical
teachings; (d) One important treatise illustrating
the application by Paracelsus of metallic and
mineral substances to the treatment of diseases;
(e) An exhaustive collection of alchemical
references scattered through the chirurgical works
of Paracelsus." Contents: Coelum Philosophorum;
Book Concerning the Tincture of the Philosophers;
Gradations of Metals; Treasure of Treasures for
Alchemists; Concerning the Transmutations of Metals
and of Cements; Aurora of the Philosophers;
Concerning the Spirits of the Planets; Economy of
Minerals; Composition of Metals; Concerning the
Nature of: Generation of Natural Things; Growth of
Natural Things; Preservation of Natural Things;
Life of Natural Things; Death of Natural Things;
Resuscitation of Natural Things; Transmutation of
Natural Objects; Separation of Natural Things.
Paracelsic Method of Extracting Mercury from all
the Metals; Sulphur of the Metals; Crocus of the
Metals, or the Tincture; Philosophy of Theophrastus
Concerning the Generations of the Elements of:
Air; Fire; Earth; Water, with its Fruits. Book
about Minerals; Concerning Salt and Substances
Comprehended Under Salt; Concerning Sulphur; The
Mercuries of the Metals; De Transmutationibus
Metallorum; The Vatican Manuscript of Paracelsus;
Manual of Paracelsus. 800 pages, ISBN 0-922802-1-81

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Hermetic Museum Restored, And
Enlarged Containing Twenty-two Most Celebrated
Chemical Tracts. Contents: The Golden Tract;
Golden Age Restored; Sophic Hydrolith; A
Demonstration of Nature; A Short Tract; Only True
Way; Glory of the World; A Tract of Great Price; A
Very Brief Tract; Book of Lambspring; Golden
Tripod; Chemical Treatise of Thomas Norton;
Testament of Cremer; New Chemical Light; New
Chemical Light, Second Part; An Open Entrance to
the Closed Palace of the King; A Subtle Allegory
Concerning the Secrets of Alchemy; Three Treatises
of Philalethes I; Three Treatises of Philalethes
II; Three Treatises of Philalethes III; John
Frederick Helvetius' Golden Calf; All-Wise
Doorkeeper. 700 pages, 1-56459-284-7

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Holy Grail: The Galahad
Quest in the Arthurian Literature, "The Holy Grail
is central to the Arthurian literature. The
lighthearted journeys for women and adventure build
up to the journeys of the soul. It becomes clear
that these earlier journeys were also not really
what they seemed to be, not really journeys on
horseback and clothed in armor, but journeys of the
spirit." Contents: The Holy Vessel and its
Literature; Holy Grail in its Manifestation and
Removal; The Conte Del Graal; Cycle of Robert De
Borron; Vulgate Cycle of the Holy Grail; Other and
Later Texts of the Grail Legend; German Cycle of
the Holy Grail; Welsh and English Texts; Critical
Aparatus in Respect of the Grail Cycles: Celtic
Hypothesis; Further Critical Apparatus: The
Schools, the Churches, and the Sects; Further
Critical Apparatus: The Ritual Hypothesis; Secret
of the Holy Grail; Bibliography of the Holy Grail.
630 pages, ISBN 1-56459-345-2

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Lamps of Western Mysticism,
Contents: Essays on the Life of the Soul in God.
A collection of thirty-two Essays in Three Parts.
Lamps of Quest: The Path of Reality: An Ex-parte
Statement; Oblation and Service; Consecrations of
Life and Thought; The Higher Understanding; The
Sense of the Infinite; Life and Doctrine; A Study
in Contrast; The Higher Aspect; Spiritism and the
Mystic Quest; Official Churches and Spiritism; The
Path of the Mysteries. Lamps of Life: Of Crowned
Masters; The Dionysian Heritage; The Everlasting
Gospel; The Message of Eckehart; Ruysbroeck's
Journey in the Divine Distance; A bride of Christ;
Voices from Carmel; Post-Reformation Mystics;
Molinos and the Quietists; Later Witnesses to the
Life of Life; In the Shadow of Revolution; A Modern
Daughter of Desire;. Lamps on Heights: Mystical
Realization; Faith and Vision; The Path of
Contemplation; The World to Come and the World of
the Holy One; Grounds of Unity in Grace and Nature;
The Poet's Glass of Vision; A Study in Christian
Pantheism; The Grades of Love; The Inward Holy of
Holies. 334 pages, ISBN 0-922802-88-2

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Magical Writings of Thomas
Vaughan (Eugenius Philalethes), A Verbatim Reprint
of His First Four treatises; Anthroposophia
Theomagica; Anima Magica Abscondita; Magia Adamica;
and the True Coelum Terrae. "The Magical Writings
of Thomas Vaughan constitute an explanatory
prolegomena not only to the general history of
practical transcendentalism, and to the philosophy
of transcendental art, from the standpoint of a
Christian initiate, but they are special directed
to the interpretation of alchemical symbolism; they
claim to provide the intelligent reader with a
substantially fresh revelation of that mysterious
First Matter of the Magnum Opus. Thomas Vaughan
enlarges the theoretical scope of alchemical
processes, and delineates the spiritual evolution
of humanity." 194 pages, ISBN 1-56459-241-3

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Occult Sciences: A
Compendium of Transcendental Doctrine and
Experiment, Embracing an Account of Magical
Practices; or Secret Sciences in Connection with
Magic; of the Professors of Magical Arts; and of
Modern Spiritualism, Mesmerism and Theosophy. "The
subject of occultism has been very fully dealt with
during recent years by various students of
eminence. It has remained for the results of their
studies to be condensed into a portable volume,
which shall conduct the inquirer into the vestibule
of each branch of 'the occult sciences,' and place
within his reach the proper means of prosecuting
his researches further in any desired direction."
Contents: Magical Practices; White Magic: The
Evocation of Angels; White Magic Evocation of
Spirits; Black Magic; Necromancy; Secret Sciences
in Connection with Magic; Alchemy; Elixir of Life;
Crystallomancy; Composition of Talismans;
Divination; Divining Rod; Astrology; Kabbalism; ;
Professors of Magical Art; Mystics; Rosicrucians;
Freemasons; Modern Phenomena; Mesmerism; Modern
Spiritualism; Theosophy. 300 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Raymund Lully, Illuminated
Doctor, Alchemist and Christian Mystic; "There are
few names in mediaeval literature and in the
history of its philosophical thought, around which
has gathered a more curious woof of legend confused
with fact than the name of Raymund Lully."
Contents: A Problem of Personality; The
Illuminated Doctor of Majorca; The Universal
Science; The Hermetic Doctor; An Historical
Research; The Science of Alchemy; The Mystical
Doctor. 75 pages, ISBN 1-56459-164-6

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Secret Doctrine in Israel, A
Study of the Zohar and its Connections. Contents:
Early Students of Kabalism; Hidden Church of
Israel; Majesty of God in Kabalism; Doctrine of
Cosmology; Myth of the Earthly Paradise; Serpent,
Son of the Morning, and Fall of the Angels; Fall of
Man; Legend of the Deluge; Covenant with Abraham;
Of Moses, the Master of the Law; Temples in
Jerusalem; Coming of Messiah; Soul in Kabalism
Doctrine Concerning Sheol; Concerning Resurrection;
Mystery of Shekinah; Mystery of Sex; Occult
Sciences; Developments of Later Kabalism; Alleged
Christian Elements; Conclusion on Jewish Theosophy.
350 pages, ISBN 1-56459-403-3

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Secret Tradition in Alchemy,
Contains its development and records; with
intimations of the mystical experience which
underlies Hermetic Symbolism. Chapters on Alchemy
and supernatural life; Modern views on the Hermetic
Mystery; Further speculations on philosophical
gold; Ancient hermetic books and the way of the
soul therein; Alchemy in China; The testimony of
Byzantine alchemy; Arabian and Syriac Alchemy; The
early Latin literature; The later chain of Hermes;
The myth of Flamel; The chariot of Basil Valentine;
Paracelsus; Denys Zachaire and others; Famous
English philosophers; Alchemy and exploitation; The
new light of alchemy; The reformation and German
alchemy; Thomas Vaughan; The cosmopolite; John
Frederick Helvetius; An alchemist of Mitylene; The
Mystic side of Alchemy; Animal magnetism; and
Kabalistic alchemy. 413 pages, ISBN 0-922802-83-1

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Shadows of Life and Thought,
A Retrospective Review in the Form of Memoirs.
Contents: The Holy Catholic Church; Paths in the
Land of Faerie and Paths in Verse; Of By-ways,
Purlieus and the Joys of These; Of Arms and the
Knight in Chivalry; The Finding of a World in
Verse; Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World;
The Way of the Soul in Magic; Coming of Theodora;
Hermetic Mysteries; Agia in Explored Doctrine and
the Rosy Cross; Frater Avallaunius; Of Marriages
Made on Earth; A Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn;
A Corner in Alchemy; The Second Birth of a London
Publisher; A Decade of City Life; The Craft of
Masonry and the Rites Beyond; Strange Houses of
Sleep; The Holy Grail and the Secret Tradition in
Freemasonry; Great Symbols of the Tarot; Collected
Poems; Psychical Research and the Mystic Path; A
Second Epoch of the Golden Dawn; The Middle Way;
The Vision and the Union; Theologia Exotica; Some
Great Awakenings. 288 pages, ISBN 1-56459-242-1

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, St. Martin: The French
Mystic, Contents: The Great Day of Saint-Martin;
Early Life of the Mystic; The Search After Truth; A
Doctrine of Correspondences; The Man of Desire;
Later Life and Writings; Modern Martinism. 78
pages, ISBN 0-922802-93-9

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, The Mysteries of Magic: A
Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi, Contents:
Life of Alphonse Louis Constant; Notes on the
Mysteries of Magic as expounded in the Occult
Philosophy of Eliphas Levi; Threshold of Magical
Science; Doctrines of Occult Force; Written
Tradition of Magic; Doctrine of Spiritual Essences,
or Kabbalistic Pneumatics; Ceremonial Magic;
Science of the Prophets; Science of Hermes; Key of
Magical Phenomena; Key of Modern Phenomena;
Religion of Magic; Great Practical Secrets;
Thaumaturgical experiences of Eliphas Levi;
Embodying the Spirit of the Author's Philosophy;
Three Credos of Eliphas Levi: Creed of the Magus;
Catholic and Magical Symbol; Philosophical Credo.
540 pages, ISBN 1-56459-374-6

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, The Way of Divine Union
(1905), Being a Doctrine of Experience in the Life
of Sanctity, Considered on the Faith of its
Testimonies and Interpreted after a New Manner.
"The design of this study, which takes all
Christian Mysticism as its province, is to restate
the philosophy of life and mind from a mystical
point of departure in the light of existing needs,
and to indicate that the Way of Divine Life and
Union is a way which can be followed and its end
attained in this present age of the world. This
volume may be regarded as the crown and summary of
the author's life-long studies and personal
experience in the paths of mysticism." Contents:
Title of the Quest; Concerning Ineffable
Experience; Extent and Limits of Attainment in
Christian Mysticism of the Latin Schools;
Derivations and Reflections of the Mystical Term in
Post-Reformation Schools; Concerning Union and
identity; Analogies and Distinctions of Attainment
in Records of Eastern Mysticism; Path in Christian
Mysticism; Symbolism of the Christ-Life in the
Soul; Symbolism of the Mystical Marriage; Of Soul
and Spirit in Man; Mystical Experiment Considered
in the Light of Consciousness; Reordination of Life
and Mind; Mystical State in the World;
Sacramentalism of our Inward Nature; Of Saving
Grace in the Churches; Way of Attainment. 360
pages, ISBN 1-56459-389-4

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Three Famous Alchemists,
Contents: Biographical sketches on Raymund Lully:
A Problem of Personality; The Illuminated Doctor of
Majorca; The Universal Science; The Hermetic
Doctor; An Historical Research; The Science of
Alchemy; The Mystical Doctor-Cornelius Agrippa:
The Agrippa of Legend; The Youthful Magician; "The
Occult Philosophy"; Astrology and the Mystery of
Numbers; Storm and Stress; Agrippa's Character; In
the Depths; The Vanity of Arts and Sciences;
Mysticism and the Reformation; Agrippa as
Alchemist; Last Days; What Magic Owes to Agrippa-
and Theophrastus Paracelsus: Early Life and
Travels; Wanderings and Death; As Above, So Below;
Doctrine of Signatures; Necromancy; Origin of
Diseases; Magic; Alchemy; Astrology; Comparison
with Other Mystics; A Christian Occultist. 186
pages, ISBN 0-922820-84-X

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Three Famous Mystics,
Biographical sketches on Saint-Martin, Jacob
Boehme, Swedenborg. 192 pages, ISBN 0-922802-85-8

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Turba Philosophorum, Called
also The Book of Truth in the Art and the Third
Pythagorical Synod (reprint of a 1914 edition).
"The Turba Philosophorum is indisputably the most
ancient extant treatise on Alchemy in the Latin
tongue." This text is in English. 211 pages, ISBN

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Works of Thomas Vaughan,
Contents: Anthroposophia Theomagica: A Discourse
of the Nature of Man and His State After Death;
Anima Magica Abscondita: A Discourse of the
Universal Spirit of Nature; Magia Adamica: The
Antiquity of Magic; Coelum Terr: The Magician's
Heavenly Chaos, Unfolding a Doctrine Concerning the
Terrestrial Heaven; Lumen de Lumine: A New Magical
Light; Aula Lucis: The House of Light; The
Fraternity of the Rosy Cross; Euphrates: The Waters
of the East; Appendices; Bibliography. 500 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-009-7

Secrets of the Adepts or of the Use of Lully's
Spirit of Wine (1694), A Practical Work with very
great Study Collected out of the Ancient as well as
Modern Fathers of Adept philosophy reconciled
together by comparing them one with another
otherwise disagreeing and in the newest method so
aptly digested, that even young practitioners may
be able to discern the counter fit or sophistical
preparation of Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral,
whether for Medicines or Metals, from True; and to
avoid Vagabond Impostors and Imaginary Processes
together with the Ruin of Estates. When this book
was first published, Rosicrucian lodges immediately
bought up all copies. Why? Because the book told
too much! Now it can be yours in this first ever
reprint. The book has been underlined in some
place. 430 pages, ISBN 1-56459-353-3

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Spiritual Hermeneutics of Astrology and Holy Writ
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Man and on the Art of Ruling Them By the Law of
Grace (1649), With a Prefatory Essay on the True
Method of Interpreting Holy Scripture. Reprinted
from the original of 1649. Wherein is set forth
what Astrology and the light of Nature is. What
influence the Stars naturally have on Man, and how
the same may be diverted and avoided. Very scarce
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WEINFURTER, KAREL, Man's Highest Purpose, An
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symbolism. Contains the famous Rosicrucian
allegory: PARABOLA. 254 pages, ISBN 0-922802-11-4

WESTCOTT, W. WYNN, Numbers: Their Occult Power and
Mystic Virtues, Contents: Pythagoras, His Tenets
and His Followers; Pythagorean Views on Numbers;
Kabalistic View on Numbers; Properties of the
Numbers According to the Bible, the Talmuds, the
Pythagoreans, the Romans, Chaldeans, Egyptians,
Hindoos, Medival Magicians, Hermetic Students and
the Rosicrucians: Monad, Dyad, Triad, Three and a
Half, Tetrad, Pentad, Hexad, Heptad, Ogdoad,
Ennead, Decad, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen; Some
Hindoo Uses of Numbers; Other Higher Numbers;
Numbers of the Apocalypse. 127 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

WESTCOTT, WILLIAM WYNN, An Introduction to the
Study of the Kabalah, With Eight Diagrams.
Contents: The Kabalah; The Practical Kabalah; The
Dogmatic Kabalah. 66 pages, ISBN 1-56459-261-8

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I Hermetic Arcanum of Penes Nos Unda Tagi, with a
preface and notes by Sapere Aude, Fra. R.R. et A.C.
Vol. II The Pymander of Hermes, with a preface by
the editor. Vol. III A Short Enquiry Concerning
the Hermetic Art by A Lover of Philalethes, Preface
by Non Omnis Moriar, An Introduction to Alchemy and
Notes by S.S.D.D. Vol. IV AEsch Mezareph or
Purifying Fire, A Chymico-Kabalistic Treatise
Collected rom the Kabala Denudata or Knorr Von
Rosenroth. Translated by a Lover of Philalethes,
1714, Preface, notes and explanations by Sapere
Aude. Vol. V Somnium Scipionis, Translated into
English with an Essay "The Vision of Scipio
Considered as a Fragment of the Mysteries" by L.O.,
The golden Verses of Pythagoras, by A.E.A., The
Symbols of Pythagoras, by S.A. Vol. VI The
Chaldan Oracles of Zoroaster, edited and revised
by Sapere Aude, with an introduction by L.O. Vol.
VII Euphrates or the Waters of the East by Eugenius
Philalethes 1655, with a commentary by S.S.D.D. 500
pages, ISBN 1-56459-260-X

WESTCOTT, WILLIAM WYNN, Sepher Yetzirah, The Book
of Formation and the 32 Paths of Wisdom. Contents:
The Sepher Yetzirah; Sephiroth, Numbers, Letters;
The Twenty-two Letters; The Triad; The Heptad;
Supplement; The Dodecad; Conclusion; The Thirty-two
Paths of Wisdom; Notes to the Sepher Yetzirah,
Notes to the Thirty-two Paths. 43 pages, ISBN 1-

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Documented Record of the Foundations of the
Christian Religion. Contents: Pagan Frauds-
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Forgery Mill; The Triumph of Christianity; Index.
465 pages, ISBN 1-56459-225-1

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the Fables and Mythology of the Bible and the
Fallacies of Theology. Contents: The Menace of
Religious Intolerance; Genesis of Christianity; A
Sketch of Hebrew Scriptures; The Patriarchs and the
Covenants of Yahveh; Wonders of the Exodus; Forty
Years in the Wilderness; The Ten Commandments and
the Law; Conquest of the Promised Land; Hebrew-
Heathen Religion, Sex Worship and Idols; Pagan God-
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Israel; Holy Priests and Prophets of Yahveh; Bible
Theology and Modern Truth; The Prophecies of Jesus
Christ; The Inspired Harmony of the Gospels; More
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Revelations of the Hereafter; Cesset Superstitio!
And Then? 500 pages, ISBN 1-56459-226-X

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Metaphysical Study. "Casually introduced to the
notice of the writer (Whitby), at an age when his
mind must have been peculiarly susceptible to their
significance, the Enneads of Plotinus took such a
grip upon his imagination that for many months they
seemed to have translated him bodily to the shining
sphere of supersensual experience." Contents:
Life of Plotinus; Ancient and Modern Methods;
Neoplationism; Matter; The Universe; Individuality;
The Problem of Evil; Providence and the Individual;
Demons and the Demonic Faculty; Concerning Love and
the Emotions; Substance or Corporeal Essence; Time
and Eternity; Doctrine of the Soul; Individuality;
Incarnation or Descension; The World-Soul as Basis
of Movement; Intelligence, and the Intelligible
World; Primal Categories or Elements of the Notion;
Universal Number; Number and Unity; Time and Space
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Universal Differentiation; Intelligence and the
One; The Cause of Beauty; The One; Potential Import
of the Doctrine of Unity; 131 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

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Whyte gives a brief account of the life and
writings of Behmen. An excellent primer for the
student of Jacob Behmen. Contents:
Autobiographic; The Aurora; Persecution of Behmen
by Gregory Richter; Behmen's Depth; His Style; The
Three Principles; The Threefold Life of Man; The
Fourth Questions; A Treatise of the Incarnation of
the Son of God; Signatura Rerum; The Way to Christ;
A Treatise of the Four Complexions; His Apologies;
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God; Sin; Love; His Death. 86 pages, ISBN 1-56459-

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Bacon was Shakespeare, and that he was the
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book proves this. Contents: John Heydon; The
Prophecy of Paracelsus; The Tempest; Venus and
Adonis; Freemasonry; Hermetic and Masonic Origins
in the Plays; The Winter's Tale; Bacon and
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312 pages, ISBN 1-56459-338-X

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Literature, "Know thyself. Nothing too much. Give
a pledge, or give security, and trouble is at
hand." In this one book are all the important
writings about the Delphic Maxims from their first
appearance in literature until the present time.
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Translation of a Lost and Forgotten Language
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Analysis of Symbolism and Disguise; The Raven;
Lion; Ring; The Philosopher's Stone; Stones;
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Chariots of the Gods; Dogs; Hindu Vedic. 224 pages,
ISBN 1-56459-416-5
